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i got my first code review for my racket code - "I looked in more detail at your IB API Racket code over the weekend. It is such an elegant implementation. I've seen many in different languages but this has to be the most simple I've ever seen. Kudos to you and the power of the Racket language constructs / libraries. " :D
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Trace is not in the Dr. Racket program I'm using. I installed the latest version, can anyone help me?
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@greghendershott the lang I'm using is #simply-scheme. I'm trying to do the exercises in the "Simply Scheme" book.. I'll try setting it to. #racket/trace
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Hi, I'm working through the HTDP book and have a question about exercise 43 in chapter 3.6.
Throughout that chapter, your designing an example world program that will move a car on a canvas. One of the exercises then is to modify the existing solution, in which the world state represents the margin between the car's edge and either the left or right the screen edge, in such a way that it uses a time-based data definition. Now would the following qualifiy as using a time-based data definition: https://paste.debian.net/plainh
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