okay, I got a collaborative terminal session with racket repl accessible via Firefox using https://github.com/yudai/gotty + tmux
with `raco install readline-gpl` I can type in unicode and emoji and see it
s/`raco`/`raco pkg`
next I need to figure out how to share it with the open internet without risking my computer being overtaken by random strangers :)
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setthemfree[m]: easy way? SSH port forwarding to your machine, and secure your SSH with fail2ban
more complicated way, put it behind a simple VPN
wild_buffalo: Yeah, I think I will use ssh port forwarding, but since it will be in browser, I'll do maybe http auth with nginx in front of it
setthemfree[m]: cool
personally I like the VPN route, and I put all my personal services behind the VPN so my devices can access it but the general internet can't
but since your goal is to be collaborative I don't think it would be a good fit since it would be quite annoying to get everyone you wish to collaborate with on your VPN
yeah, I can't count on anything more than a browser on the other side at the moment
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I never really got the point of VPN when you have SSH set up
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ssh doesn't give you access to inside web servers, for one thing.
it does if you use ssh -D
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That requires a SOCKS proxy on the inside, which I suspect few organizations have.
I use it all the time on my home server and I never set up anything special; I think openssh sets it up by default out of the box
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Ah, that may be.
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That's good. I don't know of any ssh servers inside our cloud, though (the ones in AWS are obviously outside).
ssh is wonderfully versatile with a lot fewer moving parts than a VPN client
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* jcowan
Win10 now comes with a VPN client, so all people need is a config files which can be emailed.
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