I've brought it in with (include "keycodes.scm") and I have a symbol; I want to know if the symbol is one of the ones defined in that file
I guess it doesn't have to be in the current module; I could load keycodes.scm as its own module as long as I don't have to add any racket-specific forms to the file indicating to export all key-* definitions
can you do this with a macro at expansion time? that will work (see `identifier-binding`). but at runtime there's no notion of "current module"
(it's based on user input but it's not an arbitrary string; just a single keycode from (send event get-key-code))
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I could also open keycodes.scm and reduce over its list of forms to build up a hash-map but that's a lot more work than a 4-line function
anyway if anyone gives me crap about this I'll be like "I asked on IRC and they said eval was OK" thanks yall =D
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With racket can I create a custom s-exp based #lang that doesn't contain expose any of the racket primitives, but that still lets you use regular racket in the same source file for defining macros? Basically I want to have my own runtime language but want to use racket as my compile time language
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dataangel: yes, just provide `racket` `for-syntax`
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anyone know why my handle-key callback on a canvas% will trigger for ctrl and shift but not super or alt?
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I'm writing a transparent struct out to a file with `write'; when I read it back with `read' I get a vector instead of a struct; what am I doing wrong?
hm; I guess I can vector->list it and apply the cdr to the struct constructor function? seems like I must be misunderstanding something tho