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from a racket style perspective, should procedures that mutate data structures always have a ! suffix?
I notice that the racket/gui interfaces don't use ! for methods that mutate
e.g. list-control<%>'s clear method isn't clear!
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lavaflow: i think that's the case for everything outside of object oriented racket
i wonder if the racket oop users and devs assume objects will always have mutable state as a convention
i've honestly never seen racket classes used in a functional immutable fashion, but i haven't been keeping as up to date with new racket packages of late =)
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yeah, I've not really done any oop stuff with racket except for using racket/gui, and I'm not sure if that represents typical oop code in racket or not.
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When I hit C-r to run my code in DrRacket, the cursor jumps down to the repl. is there a setting to keep it where it is?
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lavaflow: winny: OO is used a lot less in general outside the gui
makes sense
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Does anyone know how Racket implements copying parameters when a new thread is created? In Chicken, all parameters are stored in a hidden vector (the parameter object closes over an index into this vector with a finalizer that clears the vector entry), and create-thread just copies the vector.
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> In addition to the state that is shared among all threads, each thread has its own private state that is accessed through thread cells. A thread cell is similar to a normal mutable object, but a change to the value inside a thread cell is seen only when extracting a value from that cell in the same thread
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Quite so. But if 50 parameters are reachable from the parent thread, are there 50 thread cells in the child thread?
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