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hello, is it possible to redefine stuff in racket without restarting the whole application? for example adjusting player's speed while the game is running
this sort of thing is possible in clojure and cl
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I'm a newbie to racket, but I think that the standard answer to that question is that the 'top-level is hopeless' ^^
sarna - are you trying to call set! ?
evdubs: no, for example I'd like to recompile a `define` with a new player speed
and ideally now the player would have the new speed without me reopening the game window
From what I understood from a video called "A Guiler's year of Racket", that's probably not possible in Racket, but I might be wrong
aw heck
I'd like to make a game and I'm weighing my options rn
and I don't really want to do this `close game -> recompile -> open game -> go to level five -> check if my change was good or not` dance
evdubs: you can't redefine stuff in the standard modules, right?
sarna, probably not without stop / edit / compile / launch loops
but i don't know how far the top level rabbit hole goes
evdubs: that sounds reasonable, I never had to redefine code that wasn't mine (yet)
my question is can I mkdir in my home folder and use"raco pkg update --no-setup --catalog https://pkgs.racket-lang.org <PKG>" to clone the drracket to that folder?
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mingy, looks like that should work - what happens when you do that?
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also, mingy, does racket 7.6 help your chinese input issue?
yes,it is
but my friend ask me to find the bug by myself..and I don't how to begining.
In my experience using c ++, I know that the code will be compiled into assembly language, and then I can debug it with the pdb or something , and I have know that the rtk code will be compiled into bytecode, but I don't know how to debug
sorry,not"compiled into assembly language".
is it possible to just ignore that this was a bug and not do any debugging?
dr racket and emacs both let you run programs, insert breakpoints, and evaluate expressions while a program is paused
debugging a program like dr racket, when you don't have much experience debugging racket programs and probably have little familiarity with dr racket will probably be very time consuming and difficult
thanks for reply!.emmm first question:"and use the "raco install" to download the package from net, so I can't just download the drracket source folder and compile it ,right?"
and ,"I can't just download the source and us some command tool to make in to execuatble I cannot specify a path to my download folder,right"
Sorry I just want to confirm.,I know this is a meaningless thing..
i think it's recommended to use the paco pkg update approach to clone (download) the repository
maybe you can also manually download it or git clone it and link to it somehow
raco pkg update*
evdubs: this approach doesn't work with the gui library :( when I redefine the module, the window doesn't update
sarna, do you have some way to refresh the window's contents?
thanks.I will look the "raco pkg update" keyword on google and learn how to use it
evdubs: dunno, I don't know racket :) I'll try some googling
mingy, are you on windows?
yes,windows 10 2004
mingy, i think i had some trouble in the past trying to build racket packages in windows but maybe you'll have more success
it's been a lot easier for me on linux
for what it's worth
do you mean "build racket"?
`(send frame refresh)` doesn't work, that's a bummer
sarna, with gui components, i think you can just call set-element (like set-label) to update values
maybe that can be workable?
evdubs: oh, that works fine
that could actually be good enough for me, while at the same time saving me from cl's cache invalidation issues ("I swear I recompiled this.. why is it using the old version again")
thank you :)
good luck
if you find yourself in some workflow, maybe it'll be nice to post to racket-users to share your experience
i think this sort of thing drives people to use other language environments that are seen as being more friendly with respect to live codeing
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yeah, interactivity is a big part of the lisp experience ™️ for me
mingy, yes. mflatt will be the best person to work with
sarna: unfortunately, I haven't found *any* Scheme (or Racket) that comes even close to what CL does :-/
of course, high interactivity leads to its own problems
ecraven: I experimented with MIT/GNU scheme, but it's really buggy and less interactive than CL
ecraven: it's nice when it works. when it doesn't, I hate it
same with everything in programming tbh :D
sarna: hm.. I haven't found it to be buggy, it used to be my main Scheme. but it is the most CL-like of all the Schemes I tried
for example, it's the only one I found where you can "enter" a package and redefine things
ecraven: really? sometimes after resuming after a restart it continued to eat up 100% of cpu for me.. maybe it was a geiser issue
not sure, that happens to me sometimes, but not often.. but good point, that would nicely fit the category "buggy" ;)
at least it's reproducible ;)
Do you mind if I send a lot of stuff.(nine line)
2. The things it relies on in Racket are pretty basic/stable, AFAIK.
3. Mostly it is "only" a "wrapper" around dynamic-reqrequire, as the README says. But things you'd rather not everyone write form scratch over and over.
4. If you hit a bug I bet Tony would fix it, or, someone else like me might volunteer to help. Or you might be able to, in those 117 lines, asking here or on mailing list.
5. fin :)
Some of the best Racket packages haven't been updated in years because they're focused well, and Racket hasn't broken them.
Like you my eyebrows would at least raise if I saw "5 years", and it's not all rainbows and unicorns in Racket land. But.
If the package is well-focused and a good author like Tony, it's not unrealistic it's not crazy that it might be fine.
greghendershott: tried it out, it doesn’t really work.. I tried their website example - I could only update the “configurable text” bit, nothing else
and the “last reload” section wasn’t updated on reloads
I really want to like racket, I really do - CL is old and ugly.. but in racket I just keep running into walls :/
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MustardCheese: A non-macro answer would be to do (define num-val (delay (long-operation num)) at the start of the function, and (force num-delay) where needed within a normal cond.
But as for the macro.
IIUC your grammar is each clause can be a let or a normal cond clause.
And so you might want some syntax-class that expresses that?
delay/force looks like a good solution
as for the syntax class, is there something that allows me to merge two syntax classes?
Yeah I didn't know if you wanted to solve that problem per se, or, it was an example for learning how to write such a macro
One syntax class can have multiple patterns, see that link, I think it's relevant
That way I could define a 'cond' pattern, a 'let-cond' pattern and a third pattern which could be either of those
Well I thought you'd have a `cond-clause` syntax class, with one pattern for each of the two
But, I haven't really thought it through, since the let clause means you need to nest an entire other cond in that
I don't really know the answer, just pointing to some pieces that may or may not help
It might also be simpler to write this, at least version 1, where it expands directly into nested `if`s, like plain `cond` would? At least that's a tactic to keep in mind.
Also what you describe tickles my memory, like I think someone has already written this, or I've seen it discussed. If you wanted to google and "peek at the answer" :)
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Uhm so yes this is more of a 'figuring out syntax/parse' more than anything serious, although I will use the macro once it works properly.
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Is it not possible to use syntax/parse syntax patterns (such as ~or*, ~alt) within 'pattern' closures (such as (pattern (a:expr b:string)))?
MustardCheese: Sure. But also, successive `pattern`s are effectively "or"/"alt": Try each until one matches. Just like in "plain" syntax-parse (or syntax-case or syntax-rules) patterns.
Anyway I played with this a bit. I think if you write a simple `my-cond` that expands to nested `if`s, that takes a couple syntax-parse clauses. Don't even need syntax classes, really.
And once that's working, you can add a third clause for the "let" feature.
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At least I have a quick/dirty thing, where that was true.
I can either share my bad code, or not, if you'd rather work at it yourself.
Caveat: I go weeks or months where I don't write any non-super-trivial Racket macros, so I'm always rusty, and not always up to speed on the latest/best ways to do things. :)
I deliberately tried to delegate as much work to cond as possible as I know the original implementation will be much better than anything I made
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In spite of that, I'd be happy to re-implement it for the time being just for the sake of a working prototype
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Oops I meant to use "...+" a.k.a. one or more in that first pattern, not "...".
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Did you?
Ah of course, to force usage of the #:else pattern
Yes I was just about to type that. :)
You could do it differently of course.
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I just consider that an unfortunate feature of real `cond`, so I'd want to fix that in one I wrote.
But just my opinion. You could add a clause that matches (_) and emits #'(void) I guess.
So the nesting means I think it's possibly tricky to write one that expands into `cond` if you try to "handle the whole thing at once".
I think maybe have your cond expand into nested real `cond`s, would help?
And then it's features like `=>` or whatever should work fine.
* its features
Not sure if I explained that well? I just meant it's probably too tricky to make your single cond expand into one single real cond, so don't even try.
At least that's my hand-wavy intuition/guess.
The original one I posted in that pastebin link works the way you just described - it creates a cond, stuffs every expression into there until it hits a pattern that starts with either 'let' or 'let*'.
It then appends an 'else' clause to the current cond, adds the let and then starts a new cond
It continues until it runs out of usages of 'let', dumping the rest of the exprs at the end of the most nested cond
You're not locked into `let`; it can be any form, including any match binding form.
sarna: for gui development, you may have to explicitly invoke update functions of some kind when things change -- if you do something like this (new button% [label e]) and then you re-load the definition of `e`, nothing will change in the button
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samth: I couldn’t find them! adding new stuff and updating labels works just fine, but removing/updating doesn’t :(
(I tried updating, I couldn’t find anything for removing)
sarna: can't you update to the empty label?
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samth: not sure what you mean by that
sarna: if you're trying to change the label of a button, you need to call `set-label`. if you want to remove the label, I think you'd call set-label with the empty string.
samth: ah, I see. how do I remove a button from a window for example?
I couldn’t find a function for that
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sarna: I think you want `delete-child`
samth: oh sweet. that would totally work
seems like I was approaching this from a wrong angle
I’ll try again tomorrow. thanks :)
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