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Hey, I wanted to learn some Lisp variant and a nice scripting language for use in C++ projects, Racket seems to be both and judging by reference pages it might even be better than PowerShell for the latter
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Is there a way for a _fast_ access to C arrays/structs? A quick benchmarking of fxvector-ref versus array-ref or _uint32/64 shows huge difference in favor of fxvector-ref. The same for flvector-ref versus array of _double.
Funnily enough - the safe versions of fx/flvector procedures are way faster than ffi/unsafe...
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why does if in typed racket not seem to follow typing rules
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is there a shortcut for "Step" in the DrRacket debugger?
does anyone else find debugging in drracket a bit of a pain?
maybe i'm doing it wrong
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bitmapper: which typing rules?
i guess it does
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i'm just not expecting to be able to pass a non bool to if as the condition
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bitmapper: that's how racket works generally
samth: what do you mean
bitmapper: racket's if works with arbitrary values
(if 3 4 5) => 4
i get that, but why does it work in typed racket?
(if 3 4 5) and (if 3 "a" 4) both work
why shouldn't it work in typed racket?
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because i'd think the case argument to if would be typed as bool
that would be different from what you can do in racket though, and there's no particular reason to do that
but doesn't so then what's the return type of an if
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* so then what's the return type of an if
it's the union of the types of the then and the else branches
makes sense
i think i've been writing too much agda
bitmapper: you're not fooling anyone, 5 lines a day isn't much :)
i wrote at LEAST 20 lines ok
big man on campus
:'( not yet
my sibling writes agda
and, uh
i cannot read a line of it
just turned 18 so i'm not in university yet
speaking of which
i don't think i'll be able to
my grades in high school were really bad
where in the world are you?
when i say "really bad" i mean "i should have failed" bad
nisstyre might know
i don't know, i'm yer southern neighbor
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samth: sorry for showing hazel agda by the way
bitmapper: (that's what my sibling works on, heh)
oh, neat
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Is it possible to remove/disable that “trailing whitespace” thing in the repl?
greghendershott: Perhaps you know about a way to do that?
Fernando-Basso[m: (setq show-trailing-whitespace nil), for example in a racket-repl-mode-hook.
Or, since I think it is nil by default, change some hook you have that is doing (set show-trailing-whitespace t).
show-trailing-whitespace is buffer-local, so it can be on or off for different buffers.
I usually disable it for magit-mode.
I enable it in prog-mode-hook, in my personal config, which enables it for racket-mode.
But racket-repl-mode is not derived from prog-mode.
In my personal config I don't seem to disable it for racket-repl-mode. I think it's just off by default and I leave it off by default.
So I think probably you have something that enables it, and, you just want to stop doing that?
Or leave that thing, and explicitly disable it for racket-repl-mode.
Up to you, not sure about your config.
I have editorconfig.
greghendershott: Thanks a lot.
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