i tried a few variations of defining the helper macro "for syntax" as well, and various permutatios of "(require (for-meta ..." but none of them bore fruit...
help would be much appreciated :)
i think the issue has something to do with the helper macro being used inside the cond expression, since when i tried a similar example without the cond, it worked. yet, rewriting a clause for use inside a cond is what i'm trying to do
also works without the ':expr' i added to your mac-helper macro
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casaca: thank you for the attempt! Unfortunately, I need the `cond` to be in the main `mac` macro whose purpose is to rewrite itself to an overarching cond expression with clauses, while the `mac-helper` macro is intended to rewrite the individual clauses
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countvajhula, no problem, and good luck! post your result when you figure it out. i'd like to see how one can yank a cond clouse in
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biggest racket gotcha for today --- how do i test deps locally so i don't have to wait for CI rebuilds :)
casaca: you got it
winny: try raco setup with `--check-pkg-deps --unused-pkg-deps`
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hmm maybe i don't understand how to stucture multi packages
thanks by the way, i'll be using that. i had first written a dockerfile to simply try installing in a clean environment, but will try out those flags once it is able to discover the deps list
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Oh, thanks to the timezone shifts, I'll probably manage to see all the talks I want to see. Awesome!
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Hi all. Have anybody used Lisp/Scheme for static webpage generation? I would be interested in how it was done
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o/ aaaaaa
There is scribble/html, pollen, or frog
I'm using pollen at selimcan.org
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and also scribble/html on a personal site
+ a makefile which runs `racket foo.rkt > foo.html` on every #lang scribble/html file
There was also another static website generator in racket I've forgotten the name of
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thanks for suggestions
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selimcan: do you have an comparison of the learning curve for pollen and frog?
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I haven't used frog to be able to tell
the website mentioned is meant to be book-like, and at some point I'm likely to need to convert it into a book, so pollen was a good fit
only good experiences with it
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* dzoe
finally arrived at RacketCon :)
"arrived" that is ...
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countvajhula: Remember that evaluation is inside out, but macro expansion is outside in.
So first, ignore your "mac" and just try exercising "mac-helper" directly: `(cond (mac-helper (positive? 5) 'hi))`.
That gives the same error.
Because the expansion of `cond` happens first.
And it sees that as `(cond [predicate expr0 expr1])`
In other words it is trying to use `mac-helper` as an expression.
The error is the same as if you try to use `mac-helper` all by itself.
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greghendershott: I see.. in that case, is it impossible to pre-expand something before an outer macro sees it?
could it possibly be done at an earlier "phase" in the expansion?
in desperation I did try some guess-and-check with "require for-meta" and whatnot that I scarcely understood. but did not know it was expanded "outside in"... that might help when I get back in the ring :)
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rudybot: later tell countvajhula Something like `#'(cond [(mac-p p) (mac-c c)])`. Or, you can splice in the pieces from a list of syntax using `...` or `#,@`.
greghendershott: I asked `MemoServ' to forward the message to countvajhula.
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