Dunno how strong it is under meta programing. But I think it will NOT support runtime metaprogramming.
awesome name
And this is a feature I wanna remove from ruby also.
After your lib/app was booted, I'd like to all a Kernel.remove_metaprogramming!
*all => call
gotta go focus on work, ttyl
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solnic: np, same here.
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solnic: I think it got it. Ruby allows you to define a whole universe inside a while condition. Parts of that universe are now getting scanned for lvar reads till an lvar boundary.
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solnic: If the lvar was NOT defined in the parens of the nodes of the while, and first defined in the body, the body gets emitted before the while => while guard style.
solnic: And I think it got it correct. Also the tracing wich lvars exist at a given point in the AST.
solnic: No I'll have to wire it togetter and fuzz with /**/*.rb :D
it's good for unparser to handle the rubygems corpus. people could literally run a gem's specs to get a baseline, then compare it against the specs of parsed/unparsed ruby code
round trip testing will help parser and unparser improve
dkubb: If the specs pass with the original code, and the AST parsed from tune generated code matches the AST from the original code we could skip this.
you can't unfortunately.. rubocop basically ignores the includes/excludes directives unless they were read from a .rubocop.yml in the root
I suppose it could be fixed in rubocop, but I didn't want to get side tracked
so lets add a ticket to rubocop
IMHO its under active developent, we'll get it in.
dkubb: BTW I learned lot about ruby internals when writing that lvar tracker.
dkubb: Its actually not easy :D
I just wish "no" was said more often during language design ;)
c = readbyte while c
I wonder if there's a correlation between "hard to parse for computers" and "hard to parse for humans"
def some_io_routing
c = readbyte while c
does that initialize "c" automatcally after the first while loop?
like it would run readbyte first, set c, and then test "while c"
I think is this: There is a correlation between "hard to parse correctly with compusers by human written software, and "hard to parse for humans".
dkubb: no
acutally its:
def some_io_routing
c = readbyte while c != 0xff
oh I see
because c is an lvar, it gets assigned to nil
so c starts off as nil, which satisfied the conditional, then it does the readbye, then the while test again
I think I may have written something like that before
but can it not just be written as: c = nil; while c != 0xff; c = readbyte; end
Detecting the need for this is very hard.
I would be more likely to want to try using until there and state the conditional in the positive
I need to now: c is read from condition && c got FIRST assigned by body
and that FIRST is a big problem. I need to scan the parent tree with lexical rules for assignments of c
that can be from block args, def args or traditional assinments.
oh interesting
All from the emitter of while
And I'll emit as postcondition
it could be a global var, class var or ivar
To make sure parse(source) == parse(generate(parse(source))) can acutally work
no it cant.
global vars and ivars are explicit prefixed with @ and %
there is no ambiguity here.
well, I know in this specific exmaple
Its all about the "first use of lvar introduces an lvar, and changes the behavior from private method send to lvar read"
but I was talking about $c = readbyte while $c != 0xff
This will not a problem for unparsing.
Can safely be emitted as; while $c != 0xff; $c = readbyte; end
The only reason to emit body before condition is to make sure parser will turn the method call "c" into an lvar read.
If there would be a "force to read as lvar even if its undefined so return nil" expression in ruby we could also emit this as: while force_read_as_lvar_with_default_nil(c); c = readbyte; end
As we have a "force to read as ivar or gvar" via the $ / @ prefixes it is not a problem.
There is a force to read as lvar, eighter emitting body before while, or doing that c = nil beforehand.
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If you look at the rbx bytecode you'll see that assign to nil.
But my job is to produce source that will get turned into a specific ast, hence I must correctly detect that situration.
BTW I have a dkubb.fsck request once I push the code :D
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mbj: would a stopgap be to do c ||= nil before the expression?
dkubb: I'd have to emit it before ALL expressions that can be written as postconditions.
dkubb: while is just the start, need to support this for ALL controll flow that is possible as "guard claus" style.
dkubb: I'm very close to wire the lvar scope scanner. Once this works all of the control flow emitters will get a #postcodintion? (private) to decide between emit_normal and emit_postcondition
dkubb: And yes, it would work.
but it would make most of mutants output close to unreadable.
dkubb: And +1 good idea ;)
I was more thinking about getting something working and then optimizing it. I agree it's not the ideal case at all. I would like for the unparsed code to be as close to the original semantics as possible
dkubb: It would break mutant.
dkubb: Actually it wount.
dkubb: I'd love to discover this thing more early :D
dkubb: But for now I'm very close to commit the optimized version.