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hey avdi :))
Has anyone tried to simulate GitHub's Organisations ACL using DM?
theCrab: hi!
avdi: long time, hows the world around you?
theCrab: who are you IRL?
avdi: I am theCrab. I roll around in mud and bite barefooted muddy explorers when they come close to my nest. I protect the rubies under water storages :))
Clearly, you are the hero Gotham deserves.
I'm not yet convinced that theCrab isn't a bot.
jfredett: The dark underground passages of Gotham you mean? Have you been there?
CraigBuchek: sending mrs. botylicious to spy on you ;)
avdi: No messing. I bought some of your literary awesomeness a while back. We haven't met but i wrote you a while back. On Github and everywhere else, I am theCrab. My mom calls me Jak mostly and Jakson when she is pissed off.
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theCrab: did you try in the data mapper channel?
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xybre: i did. Doesn't seam like anyone's in there
xybre: any hints?
theCrab: What are you trying to do?
xybre: I have Organisation, User, Repository/Vehicle, Team. An Org has many teams. A team hbtm users, A team has different permissions. A User can be a collaborator on another users repo
xybre: I think there is a github repo that is similar to GitHub. I'll search for it. It might offer a clue
ACL and such are a set of Hard Problems.
I have very simple permissions. Similar to GitHub clone, push_pull, destroy. Just three.
Read, Write, Execute are only three. But then they are per user and per group. </unix>
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Anyway, if you jsut want to do it anyway, you'll need a join table for UserStuff and OrgStuff that sets permissions for each per "Stuff" (Repo or whatever).
xybre: yes. If you get a collaborator on your repo, they can push,pull. If they are in a team, they can have execute. One is higher than the other. Inherited as you go up