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<exbinary> dkubb: hi dan, do you have a min. for a yardstick/devtools question if you're around?
<dkubb> exbinary: sure
<mbj> exbinary: welcome
<exbinary> thanks! i'm seeing a disconnect between yardstick and devtools
<dkubb> what kind of disconnect? is it not running for you?
<exbinary> gimme a sec to pull up the code, sorry
<dkubb> from what I've seen YARD's parser is alright at parsing ruby, but it's not perfect
<dkubb> I kinda wish it were based on whitequark's parser
<mbj> dkubb: I think it would be easy to convert YARD to parser.
<dkubb> mbj: parser allows you to reference the comments before a method or block of code, right?
<mbj> dkubb: parser has a buildin abbility to match comments with nodes.
<dkubb> nice
<mbj> dkubb: You get an array of comments, and you can find the associated nodes quite easily.
<dkubb> I think YARD uses ripper
<mbj> rippers API is far more ugly than parsers is.
<mbj> Tried to use ripper for mutant once. And stopped early.
<exbinary> dkubb: yardstick.rake does `Devtools.project.yardstick.options` to get read the options configured for a specific project.
<exbinary> then passes them off to yardstick. But the way Config::Yardstick is populating the options, it leaves nils for anything not provided by the user
<exbinary> these nils seem to trip up yardstick's defaults
<exbinary> yardstick it uses options.fetch (in lib/yardstick/config.rb) which doesn't take nils into account.
<exbinary> end result being, in my project with a minimal devtools setup, yardstick does nothing because the 'path' options is never set
<exbinary> mbj: (thanks for the welcome :)
<exbinary> dkubb: not sure if any of that made sense, but basically, unless i'm mistaken, i don't think the yardstick rake tasks work with devtools out of the box right now
<mbj> dkubb: Mhh this is all about normalizing the AST in a specific way:
<mbj> dkubb: I expect we could port it to whitequark/parser.
<mbj> dkubb: They seem to do all this stuff to be able to access comments.
<mbj> dkubb: They have tons of specs for their public behavor.
<mbj> dkubb: I'd bet porting it to whitequarks parser would be easy and reduce lots of loc. Also accurancy will probably be better.
<exbinary> dkubb: easiest fix would be to change Devtools::Config::Yardstick#options to simply return a copy of the options loaded from Yaml (`raw`)
<exbinary> dkubb: that way only the configurations present in the config file would be present in the hash (no nils)
<mbj> exbinary, dkubb Have to run, cu
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<exbinary> dkubb: but it could also be handled in Yardstick::Config#defaults= too, i guess
<dkubb> exbinary: sorry, got called away for a sec
<exbinary> dkubb: no worries
<dkubb> exbinary: in general, I like it when code hands the method what it is documented to accept, I don't think the method should have to do lots of assertions or coercions, unless it's part of the documented interface. I have the code proceed as if it got what it expects
<dkubb> exbinary: so in this specific case, I think it's the rake task that needs to pass in an empty Hash when there is no configuration available
<dkubb> exbinary: did you want to make a PR to devtools with this fix? I'm curious how many projects this'll expose yardstick difficiencies in :)
<exbinary> dkubb: sure, that makes sense. it's not just the case of an empty hash though - the problem exists with any one config option that isn't listed in the yaml config
<exbinary> dkubb: yeah, i was worried about the ripple effect
<exbinary> dkubb: so if the rake task takes on the responsibility, it would have to go through each option and clean it up.
<exbinary> dkubb: out of curiosity, why not just return a hash from Devtools::Config::Yardstick#options that only has keys for options that were specified?
<exbinary> dkubb: is it important for the hash to list all the available options, even if they are nil?
<exbinary> dkubb: i meant 'even the ones that are nil'?
<dkubb> exbinary: I think it'll probably be fine to skip ones that are not set
<dkubb> tbh, not sure why fetch with nil is used there anyway
<dkubb> I normally would just do raw[name] in that case
<dkubb> the end result would be the same
<dkubb> in this specific case, I think it could become: hash[name] = raw.fetch(name) if raw.key?(name)
<dkubb> I wouldn't worry too much about the ripple effect. any gem that uses devtools should have valid YARD docs, and if they don't I'd want to know about it
<exbinary> dkubb: ok. i'm happy to send in a PR if you like. which direction do you want to go? fix it in devtools or yardstick?
<exbinary> dkubb: in devtools is a small fix, imo
<exbinary> s/small/smaller
<exbinary> dkubb: in yardstick, i think it'd have to be something like the following for each option `@threshold = options.key?(:threshold) ? options[:threshold] : 100`
<exbinary> dkubb: in devtools, i guess i could just change #options to return `raw` (the hash from YAML.load_file)
<exbinary> dkubb: oh, sorry - i missed your msg at 20:01. that makes sense. ignore the rest.
<exbinary> dkubb: i'll send in a PR. and thanks for all the amazing work. can't wait for ROM to takeoff.
<dkubb> exbinary: thanks!
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<dkubb> good morning
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<mbj> dkubb: hi
<mbj> dkubb: Crystal looks really interesting. Through I dont like the development process.
<dkubb> mbj: what about it?
<mbj> dkubb: They are adding API like hell, and dont test it very well. But this could be the chicken egg problem.
<mbj> dkubb: If I'd build a language implementation I'd focus on beeing able to run each component (regardless how "core" it is) in a sandbox.
<mbj> dkubb: That sandbox could be a namespace or whatever.
<mbj> dkubb: So I can test the component.
<mbj> dkubb: A statement like "Hashes are used inside the compiler so we know if something breaks", while changing hash internals is IMHO not a good sign.
<mbj> Could all be off the chicken-egg problem impls have.
<dkubb> yeah, even mutant had that
<dkubb> s/had/has/
<mbj> What I like about chrystal: ruby syntax
<mbj> And strong types.
<dkubb> type inference?
<mbj> Yeah
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<mbj> global type inference. Through I'd just use local / class wide type inference.
<mbj> I'd probably specify all arguments once my design is done.
<mbj> Hence I'd love to try an automagically port of some ROM stuff to crystal.
<mbj> The type hints in the YARD docs should be enough to seed it.
<mbj> dkubb: BTW I'm really missing guard-{flay,flog,reek,rubocop}
<mbj> Breaking CI really often these days.
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<mbj> Mostly because my current client killed my "run metrics before push" automatism.
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<jgaskins> good mornin, dkubb
<mbj> jgaskins: hi
<jgaskins> mbj: howdy :-)
<dkubb> jgaskins: good morning
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<mbj> snusnu: hi
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<snusnu> hey mbj
<mbj> snusnu: hi
<mbj> moving home, back in minutes.
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<mbj> snusnu: I just released anima-0.2.0 with the #to_h change.
<mbj> snusnu: The .attributes_hash is GONE.
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<mbj> snusnu: For that reason I bumped minor version. (In my mindset 0.x.y versions have semver characteristica shifted right).
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<dkubb> mbj: I follow the same convention (re: with semver for 0.x.y versions meaning that interface changes require a minor bump)
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<mbj> dkubb: Lets document it somewhere.
<mbj> dkubb: If you follow x.y.z prior to 1.0 you run into "major explosion" version numbers.
<mbj> If I see a lib at 15.2.1 I'm worried.
<mbj> dkubb: BTW anima crashes 2.1.0
<dkubb> ruby 2.1.0?
<mbj> jo
<dkubb> if i followed semver in a pre 1.0 release I'd probably have 50.x
<mbj> heh
<mbj> yeah
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<dkubb> mbj: I hit some really weird behaviour in ragel. in one case, ragel wouldn't execute an action when the action is triggered after reading the last character in the stream
<dkubb> mbj: I found on the mailing lists, they said to append a null character to the stream after eof so that ragel can advance to it and the exit transition can fire
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<dkubb> mbj: I've started writing integration tests for all the explicit scanner and parser behaviour, and then I plan to expand SELECT parsing to get everything.. I'm still moving things around a lot, so it doesn't make sense to unit test it all though
<dkubb> plus I don't have a strong understanding of the best way to organize things
<dkubb> I keep moving things back and forth between the scanner and parser, trying to decide how best to divide the work
<mbj> dkubb: For such domains I try to find a "branch covering corpus" of inputs. Not focusing of the Class level public API.
<mbj> dkubb: I plan to fully mutation cover all emitters in unparser via Unparser.unparse
<mbj> NOT theactually Unparser::Emitter public API.
<dkubb> I think of SQL::Generator::Emitter as if it were a private class
<mbj> Yeah
<dkubb> I wish I could make such a thing easily in ruby
<mbj> We should create a convention.
<dkubb> YARD has a @private convention for documenting private classes
<mbj> I'd love mutant would be pointed to the public API of these private classes somehow.
<dkubb> mutant could use YARD for hints
<dkubb> it could skip over @api private methods too
<mbj> I think the "kill expressions" I'm talking about for a such long time will be the perfect solution.
<mbj> Because the @api private is to less. You need to be pointed to Unparser.unparse
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<mbj> @mutcov tag maybe :D
<dkubb> @see Unparser.parse
<dkubb> you can have a method reference another method, which says "my interface is like this other method"
<mbj> mhh
<mbj> actually a really good idea.
<mbj> I think I'll NOT use the YARD API and roll out my own tag scanner.
<mbj> Less runtime dependencies and only "one parse".
<mbj> No need to parse once via whitequark/parser and an additional time via ripper.
<mbj> dkubb: gonna sleep. Have fun!
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