xybre: anima/adamantium use pure ruby APIs. This should NEVER segfault the interpreter.
But 2.1 has all the cool stuff :(
If so its an MRI bug.
I really wish ruby-core had a better approach for testing
xybre: it's a bug in MRI, fixed in head
just use 2.0 or 1.9
or rbx or jruby
it's easy to add cool features when you don't test them :P
Yeah, thats true
if they just ran ruby against rubyspec and the rubygems corpus, they'd find so many bugs before release
dkubb: I'd be totally okay if the'd only use rubyspec.
dkubb: ZING
mbj: yeah, you think rubyspec covers most of the cases?
I guess by definition it should
Wait.. they don't?
dkubb: Its quite verbose. But I dont think they'd cover the adamantium/anima spec.
Then... how do they test?
xybre: AFAIK rubyspec is not part of their test setup per default.
xybre: ding ding ding
xybre: There are some devs that run it locally.
xybre: I think they just use their own test suite
Sadly ruby is a language defined by implementation. Not definition.
Why would anything ever be released without fucking testing??
xybre: my thoughts exactly
Also, speaking of which, mbj, you know that Anima classes are not frozen, right?
what's crazy too is we always test our stuff against ruby-head too, and the problem didn't manifest earlier, so I'd assume the segfault is caused by code that was snuck in at the last minute
xybre: you can use anima without adamantium.
xybre: Than the instances dont get frozen.
mbj: right, but I'm running the code in your readme, and getting different results.
xybre: I typically only use Anima together with Adamantium.
Thats one of the thigns I'm fixing.
xybre: that #frozen? yeah, its wrong.
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k, its fixed in my version
xybre: PR it pls!
mbj: PR in
xybre: and merged! Thx!
mbj: How do you use it with Adamantium?
xybre: class Foo; include Anima.new(:baz), Adamantium; end
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xybre: Foo.new(:baz).frozen? # true
xybre: Foo.new(:bar => :baz).frozen? # true
xybre: sorry ;)
Hmm makes sense
mbj: "shouldn't" it be include Adamantium, Anima.new(:bla) ?
I released a new adamantium last night, which I think you saw, but I also released a new axiom-types
solnic: ^^^
dkubb: I didn't, thanks! what about new axiom-* stuff?
I'm working through them
ah that's great
once I get the Gemfile's clear of git references I'll drop gems
it's probably time for some axiom releases
I'd like to finish rom-mapper + morpher and continue on rom-session + UoW
very cool. once I drop some axiom gems I'm going to go back to sql
I wil also probably come up with an axiom-abstract-adapter
I tweaked rom-relation yesterday to work with do-adapter and figured it's a good moment to establish the required interface
yeah, the adapter interface from axiom-memory-adapter is probably the best reference
Random idea: Would it make sense to take a big API dump, maybe one of those awful XML responses and use axiom to query it? I heard someone was doing it with CSVs.
dkubb: I'm not sure yet
xybre: it coulde be done
there are things in memory adapter that are not needed elsewhere, like keeping @schema with built relation gateways
for DO we just need an adapter to return the wrapped relation
nothing else is required
xybre: depending on how large the xml file is, you'd probably want to use a sax based parser so that you can scan the text and match in chunks, rather than building up a huge DOM and matching that
and having []= for that feels weird
it's also a bit ambigious, like when you look at "[]=" method you can't really tell what it does except that it assigns something under some key, in case of the adapter it actually builds a gateway so a different method name would be more descriptive
dkubb: I assumed it'd already be loaded into memory by like Nokogiri or as a hash or other complex set of objects already.
how many twitter accounts do you have?! :-)
jgaskins_: One for each of my double lives ;)
solnic: hmm, that wasn't the exact design I was going for
solnic: I think we need a few more adapters before we can generalize it. maybe mbj should write the abstract adapter since he's written more than even I have
jgaskins_: I tend to compartmentalize most things. The problem comes in becauase I've always hung out on Freenode and IRC in general as xybre, so when I get into dev discussions it inevitably links people back to my dev compartment. If I was less lazy, I'd have a seperate connection using my "acook" handle to lessen the confusion.
there's a bit of drift between the memory and do adapters that we need to resolve too
dkubb: To push down stuff to the adapter I currently Imagine an AST based rewriter.
ok, I will just do stuff inside rom itself
dkubb: So we dont need to build an RA tree with a "consuming adapter gateway"
dkubb: thats a nice idea, but IMHO its just easier to do this via ASTs describing the RA tree.
dkubb: I'm not 100% sure if its possible, just showing an idea.
I have no idea what "an AST based rewriter" means
solnic: Currently RA trees and how such an RA tree gets ops pushed down is defined on how the gateway adapter relations "consume" Operations.
solnic: So the whole query must be build on the adapters base relation.
solnic: In the current design.
solnic: I'd love if we'd not have this restriction.
solnic: This restriction could also turn out to be a good feature.
solnic: I'm just mentioning an tree of RA operations repesented in AST style could also be used to push down operations through an adapter.
solnic: Without the need of an adpater specific base relation while building the RA - tree.
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mbj: sorry I was on a long call
mbj: I'm not really sure if I understand but that's OK. I'm gonna just focus on my short-term goals
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mbj: I'm pretty sure whatever it is that we're gonna release as version 1.0 will quickly become 2.0 and then 3.0 so let's just start with something; it feels like we're trying to build a perfect thing right from the start - ain't gonna work like that
so, I'm gonna just continue working on stuff using what we already have (we have quite a lot)
solnic: I dont like a major version race.
solnic: Not something spiky
solnic: And 1.0 I'd like to release should be solid.
mbj: 1.0 is stable interface
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mbj: treating 1.0 as some kind of a holy version is really bad
I'm fine with releasing 1.0 if I'm happy with the public API
also, define "solid"
because for me something that's useful and has a stable interface == solid and ready for 1.0
mbj: lemme put it this way - if it's possible to build an app using ROM and we're happy with the interface then it's ready for a 1.0 release. otherwise you will work endlessly on it
solnic: solid == Nice public API
solnic: And not broken.
solnic: And nice public API does not create "ugly internals".
mbj: not broken? O_o
that's kind obvious we don't want to release broken libraries
not sure if there's a strong connection between nice public API and quality of internals
anyhow, gotta run
oh one more thing - I don't think we can get things 100% right from the start, we will need at least 2 major versions to achieve something "solid" as you said
there are many more factors here; we may hit issues we haven't thought about
running now, ttyl
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Some types of nice public APIs do result in ugly internals, or least some interesting metaprogramming, but other than that, nothing dictates what your code looks like. You know, except the Socket interface, which is just damn ugly..
xybre: yeah I can have a fantastic public interface with really crappy internals
and I can have fantastic internals with a really crappy public interface :)
Since I tend to design UI down, sometimes I'll realize that the nice API I had in mind will mean some heavy lifting on the backend.
I think UI always drives the rest of implementation
for instance in rails starting with basic UI and high-level acceptance tests is nice
it's a great starting point
Speaking of heavy lifting on the backend, have you guys noticed things getting simpler using a lot of the functional-style in Ruby? I've always thought the functional style was generally noisy/messier from a coders standpoint, and I wonder how the GC handles all those immutable objects.
I see tools like Anima, IceNince, and Adamantium, or is it just dkubb that is into that (since I think they're all his)?
xybre: I avoid mutating things too these days
I haven't done it on a larger scale yet
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I should look through my code and see how often objects in memory actually are mutated. I bet not often, which is actually kind of interesting, I hadn't thought about it before.
I try to design objects in a way that mutation is not needed
I also avoid ||= idiom
How do you avoid the ||= idion?
it's way nicer when all you need to do in order to know how an object looks like is to look at its constructor
Sometime things take a while to compute.
Even with value objects.
CraigBuchek: that's the trick, if something is not always needed, then why is it there in the first place?
For instance, if you've got a geograhic location object, you might store x and y, but want to get polar coordinates instead.
And that conversion might be costly.
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yeah there are many valid cases where it makes sense to use it
I said I avoid which doesn't mean I never do that
Yeah I do lazy evaluation/memoization a lot. I don't like heavy lifting being done in the constructor.
it's one of those things in ruby that was used too often
so I avoid it
OK, I think you're just saying try to make value objects, which gets rid of a lot of the need for ||=. but not all.
I've wondered what Ruby would look like if we could default objects/classes to immutable and methods as pure.
Then the language iteslf could memoize for you when appropriate.
whole axiom is built like that (or at least 99.9% of it)
so if you wonder how it looks like, look there
all methods have no side-effects, there's no mutation in-place, any change to an object results in a new instance with the new state etc
this actually makes working with axiom really freaking awesome
Yeah, I like that style.
I know as I tried to use ARel which is mutable all over the palce
place even
funny, "palce" means "fingers" in Polish :D
anyhow, I love this style
I'm a little worried it's gonna be a bit slow on a larger scale but we will see
Yeah, that's why I wish the language defaulted to immutable in order to encourage that style.
we'll see :)
one thing I know for sure is that this style of programming is just better
ok gotta go get some sleep. good night!
Good night. Good to see you here.
CraigBuchek: oh thanks! <3
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