solnic: ping me if you want to know about the motivation behind that
snusnu: ping
so, it seems to me that since wrap/group can never be pushed down to SQL databases, doing those ops in (preregistered) relations hurts their composability
so my plan is to define my relations without wrap/group ops applied, and let morpher do those ops when mapping to porors
solnic: ^^
so you ended up with how it's like in ROM now
well not really, the way i see it
yes you did
you wrap/group later
which is how it works in ROM
but rom performs wrap/group as RA ops
i don't wanna do that
s/RA ops/axiom ops
axiom does that for you in memory
you just duplicated functionality
exactly, but it cannot push down restrictions applied after that
yes you can
so i cannot compose 2 relations with wraps applied, and THEN restrict it
I'm pretty sure it should just work
nope it does not
if you compose things using gateways it should work
people.join(accounts).wrap(:account, [:id, :login]).restrict(login: "snusnu") DOES NOT push the restriction down to the datastore
nope dude, it does not
test it
shit really?
yeah man lemme test it
but first
obviously you can perform that restrict before the wrap, but as i said, this hurts composability
btw, alf has the same "problem"
it's really about SQL stores not being able to handle wrap/group
I can see how you could push it down in some cases
yes you can, axiom-optimizer needs a few rules
JSON stuff in postgress for example
but it will never be able to handle all cases
not sure if that's the right place to do it
it's SQL-specific optimization
so the generator should optimize it, no?
lemme explain
please do, I'll be back in literally 10 minutes
axiom-optimizer can detect cases where it's safe to push wrap/group ops further to the leaves of the tree (ideally, they'll *always* be leaves)
but it cannot *always* do it
because (at least in pure RA) you can restrict on a wrapped attribute
mbj: if you have a few minutes, i'd be glad to talk to you about wrap/group in morpher (group in particular)
solnic: btw, you may have noticed that the wrap op i pushed to morpher allows to do renaming as well
solnic: re axiom-optimizer, the way i see it, is that it's probably always safe to level up wrap/group ops if at least no restriction on the wrapped/grouped attribute happens *after* the wrap/group .. in general, you can probably say that if no operation involving the (T,R)VA is applied after wrap/group, it's safe to level it up
solnic: also, with postgres JSON type, we could push it down i guess, the axiom-optimizer rules are simply for rewriting the RA tree so that these ops are applied *last*, because if they are, everything else can be pushed down to the datastore (well, at least ops that can be pushed down in the first case)
to elaborate a bit more on my reasoning, i'm planning to be able to register (context aware, i.e. parameterized) relations in some sort of schema object, and be able to use those relations when composing others
therefore, as soon as one of these registered relations has a wrap/group applied to it, every other op coming after these (e.g. a restrict) cannot be pushed down to the datastore anymore, leaving us with very inefficient queries
to avoid that, i've decided to never apply wrap/group in my schema relations, but instead let my mapper handle it
since my mapper is based on morpher, i've pushed support for that to morpher
I suspect ROM could levarage that addition too
my mappers (if they need wrap/group) will now initially see a *relation* (not a tuple anymore) and perform the ops on that
i'm pretty sure it could
I still don't understand why you want to have that pure axiom schema ;)
lemme just say i wanna try how it feels … i wanna shift focus away from objects, closer to relations .. i want to have some viewpoint concept like bernard does
you can have the same thing with relation already wrapped with gateways
gateways *are* relations
dude, i know :) i have working code for that already
unless you're drifting towards a different concept, ie no gateways and using something else
the only different concept i'm drifting to is trying to expose fully composable relations, and only access those in my read views
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how does it differ from rom schema?
when i actors = accounts.join(people).restrict(login: login).sort .. i want to do that *ONCE* in my schema, and after that, only do stuff like employment = company.join(actors('snusnu'))
the way i see it, rom schema defines base relations and maybe a few virtual ones, but apart from that, relies on "ad-hoc" queries in (read) actions
i want all those relations, that give me data i need in views, preregistered, with a name, to be able to access (and compose) them
dude, it's up to you to register whatever you want
dude, try to register a context aware relation in rom-schema
one that accepts parameters (e.g. for restrict)
a join is mostly no use
you need to restrict almost always
if you want further restrictions you need to call restrict on the registered one
how otherwise you could do that?
i don't want to do those restrictions in "client code" (ad-hoc queries) .. but already register these context aware relations in a schema
much like bernard does with his concept of viewpoints
you have a relation that accepts params
and it knows those are just to restrict
but you don't call any of ra ops
you call...what do you call? just refer to the relation and pass in params?
a current spike i have locally defines the relation in a parameterless block, but wraps this block in another block accepting the params (so that they get bound when accessing the schema slot) .. in order to produce the actual query, i need to do stuff like schema[:actors].call(account_id).to_a
that way of doing it can definitely be enhanced ...
yeah i *really* wanna try an app written like this
btw, in the pastie above, you still see the wrap in the relation, this is going to go away once morpher has full support and i added it to my mapper
solnic: once can think of this as somewhat related to named scopes in other orms, but fully composable
scopes are methods on relation objects
those are scopes on their own
"views" is a better term
i agree
it's a bit overloaded with (web) app views, but yeah
the official RA term(s) seem to be virtual or derived relations
but those aren't parameterized
is there a name for parameterized views?
not that i know, bernard introduced the concept of viewpoints, which basically are little schema slices, consisting of only the relations/views that are necessary to construct an (app) view
i really like that
it seems that his viewpoints can declare which other viewpoints they depend on
so you basically have a place where all views that you need to construct a viewpoint, are available
he also does trickery (like #method_added) were he allows to declare those parameterized views as ordinary ruby methods
what about naming?
i don't know if i want to go this far, at least not before trying to use it differently
:sorted_active_users sucks
well, it sucks, but at least partly because you (we) are not used to it so far
how about having a tree
and access via method calls
sounds better IMO
would look like scopes
yeah, that's like bernard does it
i'm not even sure if i wanna expose methods on objects tho
because then you just shift the naming difficulties to naming the classes
hmm ok, users.active.sorted is different from what bernard does at least
i wanna see how far i can go with registering relations in a (global) schema for now
it's just a matter of defining accessor methods on those viewpoint objects
sugar can always be sprinkled on top after
ok sure that's a good start
I've got an ast question /cc mbj
there's just one difference i haven't yet thought deeply about (re wrap/group in morpher)
snusnu: have you ever had a case where you'd like to merge 2 ast nodes?
and that's the fact that for this to work, morphers (aka mappers) must operate on a relation instead of a tuple
snusnu: I mean s(:fields, s(:id, 'name')).merge(s(:fields, s(:id, 'title')) => s(:fields, s(:id, 'name'), s(:id, 'title'))
this is need for collapsing multiple selects into a single one with inner join
I've got it done locally using ad-hoc code but now I'm thinking about encapsulating this logic in a reusable class
i would do that in a preprocessing step
because essentially you're rewriting the ast, no?
what's the difference between processing and preprocessing?
you register a preprocessor for, say, natural join, that receives the node, and then you construct another node out of that info
I take axiom ast and turn it into sql ast
take the morpher example for wrap/group .. the (user facing) sexp is: s(:wrap, :name, [:attr_1, :attr_2])
ah so preprocessing would translate axiom ast to sql ast and that would be processed to optimized sql ast with one select and inner join
the internal/rewritten sexp is: s(:_wrap, s(:static, :name), s(:static, [:attr_1, :attr_2]))
yeah solnic
yeah I thought about doing it like that
a preprocessor receives a sexp, and it turns it into another sexp
I thought I could skip that part but it is not realy feasible
i'm pretty sure it'll be needed
you can cargo cult (!) the preprocessor architecture from morpher
yeah because you want to construct individual nodes to see what fields, where clauses, order by clauses etc are there
I already cargo culted (!) emitters
yeah, preprocessing is always handy when you want to support a simpler sexp that can be rewritten to something more complex (potentially using other primitives, as in the case of morpher)
couldn't work with built-in processor for too long :(
yeah, morpher's a nice codebase for stealing ast processing code
I will try this approach with 2-step processing
solnic: got a minute to think about potential implications when (sometimes) feeding mappers with relations as compared to tuples?
why would you want to do that?
with dm-mapper, it was like that anyway .. with morpher, i actually see no real problem, still, i'm far from saying that i'm aware of all implications
because of #group
it cannot work on a tuple
rom mappers support wrap and group
w/o knowing about relations
lol because axiom does it
yes and?
i'm talking about wrap/group in morpher
for morpher to be able to perform a group, it must receive a relation as input
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(just as axiom obviously receives one)
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mbj: any thoughts on group in morpher? (particularly about the fact that it most operate on a relation as input)
snusnu: I think it's working around the problem
it should be handled by axiom
i know man, but unless we get postgres json support (very soon), i have to workaround it, if i want to continue on my path
I will think about it later, I need to focus on work now
isn't it just a matter of moving restrictions to coresponding relations?
solnic, snusnu: Morpher and axiom are IMO orthogonal to each other. I expect concepts from each make sens for the other.
should be doable in the sql processing
snusnu: I do not have the time to review it in depth now. Sorry.
that could handle a lot of cases, but not all of them (probably enough in practice tho)
solnic: ^^
solnic: ping me once you have more time again
there are a few other factors that come into play when deciding what does the wrap/group, axiom or morpher
snusnu: I think on the longterm it makes sense to have those node in both libs.
snusnu: axiom is great for relational structured data.
snusnu: morpher fills the gap, meaning: you can turn arbitrarily structured data (from API, POST, request params) etc into a well defined structure, that must not but can: be a relation.
snusnu: Also it allows to turn relation tuples into domain objects and vice versa.
snusnu: So it makes sense we have two libs that share *some* power. But IMO we should reduce the amount of duplication.
snusnu: I expect that it should be possible to port some of the nice morper internals (AST compiler, preprocessor) to axiom.
mbj: i can totally imagine wrap/group being useful outside of a relational context
mbj: but for now, really, i only think of it as a workaround because of the pushdown problem
snusnu: Also I expect we should externalize all that nifty AST helpers, named children, emitter registry & lookup, emitter boilerplate.
pease yes
snusnu: I have duplicates of them in: morpher, mutant, unparser, sql, axiom-ast, aql (soon).
please go ahead and exract it then :)
yeah I kinda started doing that in axiom-sql-generator
under Axiom::AST
solnic: Do you have a good name?
ast-processor :P
ASTUtils (namespace), ast-utils (gem)
or astutils (gem)
ast-util sounds good
it is that after all
solnic: i think we could solve 95% of real life cases if we were to encode a few RA tree rewrites in axiom-optimizer, that level up wrap/group ops when possible
but we have a name clash with AST::Processor
Meh, I want to have more time here. Seems I have the chance to bring us forward significantly in lets say: a day of concentration.
snusnu: I will get to optimizer...at some point ;)
Sorry for me being absent, but I'm BUSY.
mbj: you are not absent lol you are just chatting with us
solnic: i think it might always be possible if no ops further down the tree involve the (T,R)VA
solnic: its very easy to join a channel and say stuff like: "Do that", "Do this", "thats correct this way" etc.
solnic: Thats not my fav style of contribution.
solnic: I want to prove my claims.
mbj: fwiw, i somewhat think that #group isn't really nice to be done with morpher in a relational context … at least it'd need special casing in Relation#each based on the presence of a group op in the injected mapper
mbj: unfortunately, i still think it'd best be done in morpher, given the current axiom pushdown constraints
i'm going to look at axiom-optimizer now tho, to see if i have ideas on how to perform a few simple optimizations that level up wrap/group when possible
snusnu: Just remember axiom also has an implicit ast.
snusnu: The #class attribute of a relation is the type
snusnu: And the exposed attributes are the children.
snusnu: Because axiom has an unexplicit AST transforming is a bit more unnatural. We'll gonna fix this ;)
i know, but i have NO IDEA how to implement the optimizations, i don't even know the rules
like when can i optimize, and how
snusnu: If you have a "pure" AST, where the nodes are most primitive, most optimizations happen on a per node level.
snusnu: So you just look at the current node and match specific children characteristica.
i just have a feeling that i need to walk the tree until i find the deepest wrap/group, and then walk back to the leaves, and if no op (like restrict) involves the (T,R)VA, the wrap/group op can be moved closer to the leaves
see, i don't even know the characteristica
snusnu: What I told above has bubble sort characteristica, but it *works*.
snusnu: For the first stages I'd just rerun the optimizer as long there are still changes to the AST.
it does that by default from what i can tell
snusnu: Later we can optimize the optimizer to do it more efficiently.
damnit i'm not sure if i should tackle this right now ...
the thing is, i'm pretty sure that with the proper set of optimizations, the pushdown problem would not be one in 95+% of practical queries
snusnu: You can also write a "your domain specific optimizer".
snusnu: That only does the lift/push-down of group/ungroup.
that amounts to the same thing
potentially even more work
snusnu: no
snusnu: 99% of the nodes would be handled by a generic catch-all noop optimizer.
snusnu: Only if you see a wrap-unwrap in children you take action.
it should be reasonably easy to find out how i'd get axiom-optimizer to only work on those ops too
from then on, it's the same work
but without the boilerplate around everything
snusnu: how about you start by porting the optimizer to use ast? :D
yeah. I was talking about a ast based axiom.
solnic: do you have axiom-relation <=> axiom-ast already?
solnic: i have no time for that now sorry
i need to closely work on features i *use*, otherwise i can't justify time spent
I could target all that stuff that blocks you guys here. Just because I'm used to do such transforms I could make it happen pretty fast.
man, don't always say that ;)
do it
I'll hope I can do an OSS cycle. Yesterday did not worked out. Sorry.
snusnu: close to zero OSS time, thats my problem.
i know dude, that's why i'm saying don't say that
mbj: currently I'm focusing on one way relation => ast
but I will get <=> eventually
it's easy stuff
solnic: hint: its easier to do it for both sides directly.
solnic: Because you do not have to redo your one way in case you find you lost information.
solnic: +1 to what mbj said here
solnic: you'll run into it. Just as you run into the need for the emitter based ast transforms, with children naming etc ;)
I like running into things
solnic: I'm very happy it turned out to be useful for you.
I can't maintain such a big context in my head
so, I focus on understanding how SQL can be done
once I see it
solnic: yeah, I do not want to stop you running into it. I only want to incept my solution idea for the "after you ran into it". Just like I did with the "use the same stuff I have in morpher" ;)
I'll move to turning ast into relations
well ok I'll try to do both ways
that will add some extra time though
k, transitive properties reduce the amount of unit specs to write.
See unparser.
solnic: one could argue that once your mind is occupied with the code to generate sql from a relation, it's right on the spot where the other way happens as well … not such a big context shift
(that's my experience, when spiking axiom-schema)
I guess you're right
I just have a gigantic list of ruby snippets, that allow to cover all branches of unparsers code.
btw I think it's better to test sql-generator using actual SQL strings
Thats my unit test, with the next versions of mutant I do not have to specify anything else. Hopefully.
there's a risk matching ast nodes will get out of sync
meaning sql-generator tests are passing
solnic: depends.
but sql generation is broken
sql strings are just an representation of sql-ast.
solnic: You are aware dan build an sql parser and sql emitter in his sql gem?
my point is that you can change something in sql gem and we won't see it
I use it
I merged it in in the rom's fork
solnic: I think its the trust your dependencies rule.
so it's master now :P
solnic: I'd only spec against the intermediate representation that reaches the sql gem.
I think I'll end up with a shared spec that will have a looooooon list of sql queries
and test against that in both places
solnic: That could be named as property based testing.
I keep jumping between sql and sql-generator
to make sure the nodes are correct in my test examples
kinda annoying
I'm not 100% sure at this point, but I expect property based testing (as used in haskell) can reduce some of the boring unit tests we write these day.
I suspect it won't be an issue after I remember all of that
solnic: It goes pretty fast.
we'll see
solnic: I remember the structure of all ruby AST nodes now, after finishing unparser ;)
sure man
I need to go guys
solnic: And learning another language is basically learning the AST now.
I never liked Haskell in my earier tries, but now I can read .hs sources, see the AST it produces and I'm happy.
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Actually I think stuff like precedence is tought people the wrong way. "foo gets executed before bar because operator has more precedence etc" - statements you see in typical university courses is plain misleadning.
IMO they should always show an AST to illustrate it.
because the execution order depends on the AST and the way the bytecode-emitter (interpreter) walks through it.
imagine a hamster laughing, that was that
sorry, I'm being silly, it's a stressful Monday for me to be honest ;)
no worries man
what I wanted to say is - thanks for sharing
I'm going to browse through the sources
looks like Entity is kinda like Mapper in ROM
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yeah, the code was always available in the subway repo, but i figured it's time to split it out as it really has NOTHING to do with the rest of subway, i just started spiking in there ..
yeah the entity part is what i use for parameter sanitization and for db reads
I'll incorporate those ideas into ROM soon
I got very busy with AST etc
so ROM is kinda on-hold
well, all the work you do is for rom's benefit, so i wouldn't call it on hold
yeah I know
that's why I do it
it's gonna take a while before things I work on can be merged into axiom mainline (which assumes Dan would be interested in merging those changes in)
I'm not sure what to do in the meantime
maybe rom-axiom or something
would be a solution for now
sure why not
snusnu: I gotta say this stuff is getting more and more exciting
it's funny but I'm still fighting with my AR-infected mind
yeah, same here, even tho i'd say i'm still fighting (to some extent) with my DM1 infected mind
because really, there's no diff
details details
and btw, i think/hope that rom and ramom will be able to feed off each other
i like to think about ramom as the more experimental playground
a place where, sorry to say that, i don't have to discuss everything if you know what i mean ;)
snusnu: we all know what you mean ;)
i'm also perfectly happy if at some point the need for ramom goes away and i can switch to rom proper .. for the time being tho, i'm gonna keep on pushing ramom towards my needs
snusnu: I'm hoping for a merger :)
NOT like merb+rails though LOL
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snusnu: ideas I really like are relation "views" and entity builder
I'm definitely supporting those concepts and it will be included in ROM
I'm 100% sure ROM will have the same features eventually
I'll add them once I'm done with basic SQL generator working
by saying basic I mean that entire ROM suite passes on axiom-do-adapter
this will be enough for me
and I will mark it as good enough to move on
nice, i will further experiment with adding FK constraints to my schema … the way i see it now, those are the last remaining pieces so that mappers can automatically be created
at least the mappers i use
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the reasoning behind it is as follows: i have a "natural join optimized" database schema, i.e. i have db columns like accounts.account_id, account_email, etc … i always prefix the column name with the singularized table name
the only exceptions from this prefixing, are FKs
they don't get prefixed, so that by default, my schema is natural joinable
now if my schema knows the FK constraints, it can apply the necessary renaming ops for my mappers
that one is covered in rom
you can rename stuff to be 'naturally joinable'
so, naturally, it works
if you want to keep non-prefixed ids you can rename them on the mapping side of things
i can do that as well (renaming in mappers), and i can infer the names for all but the foreign keys already
I'm trying to make it possible to have ROM usable with "legacy" schemas
my requirements are "special" in the sense that, before anything, i want to map to my app's schema
my goal is to eventually be able to not define mappers at all
i want them to be completely inferred
but without relying on RA ops available on mappers
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snusnu: I'm not sure why you're so anti-ra-ops on mappers
I think a convenient interface available in mapper is a nice thing to have
regardless if you're using it or not in most of the cases
I see ROM using this interface under the hood to set up mappers
remember I still want to keep dynamic quering
even though I feel like upfront relation schema / mapping setup is a better thing to do
my stuff would also support dynamic querying
how would mapper API look like then?
re ra ops on mappers, i somehow don't really believe (anymore) in the idea that everything is a wrapper on top of relation (api)
i have usecases for my mappers, which are COMPLETELY orthogonal to any relation based stuff
rom mappers are not wrappers on top of relation
they are a separate thing
also, a relation actually already describes how a mapper would need to look like
rom relations use mappers
so it should be possible to infer a mapper, solely based on any relation header
not really
partially, yes
but not in 100%
gimme a counterexample
currently in rom you can do :rename => :foo in schema and in mapper map :bar, :from => :foo
I like that flexibility btw
yeah, i support that on the mapper too already, my schema currently is a bit different (there's no base relation construction api for now, as i infer base relations from DataMapper::Model.descendants)
also, i have no need to rename in the schema, because i control the db anyway
I want the system to be built internally in a way that allows you to jump into to the console and easily do stuff too
if it's built in a way that requires heavy DSL-based setup up front, then I consider this as a mistake
having all the schema definitions, mapper inferring etc is great, but all those individual objects should also expose a convenient API if you want to use something standalone
of course
so I don't understand what's wrong in having an interface on the mapper layer that allows you to compose/reconfigure mappers :)
there's probably nothing wrong with it, but i'm pretty sure it can be done differently too :)
I really like the fact it's defined on the mappers, not somewhere else
less objects to deal with
like i said, given a relation header, i should be able to construct mappers on the fly .. obviously, i have a Relation object that gets a mapper injected, so i can do that too
I mean, you can always build a morpher sexp yourself :D
my current mappers were developed solely for the purpose of sanitzing input parameters .. they have nothing to do with RA, but as it happens, they seem to be enough to still handle that usecase, so why start duplicating all the RA ops on mappers now
when i have other ideas how to do it
what are those ideas?
it's all good too, we can test both approaches
well, the idea is to take a relation header, and generate an appropriate morpher by reflecting on the header
you know that ROM mapper is now a DSL on top of morpher, right?
nothing more than that
and you know that ramom mapper also is .. and has been before rom-mapper, right?
and you know that ROM takes a relation header and builds a mapper based on that, right?
I think we're talking about the same thing
with different approaches
not really, you're just stuck on those RA-like methods on mappers
I may rename them to avoid confusion
that'd only increase confusion imo
also, fwiw, i'm not constructing mappers on the fly, with every applied RA op, but i just take the "finished" relation, and construct one mapper on top of that info
well, i'm planning to do that to be honest ;)
so my system will just care about relations (no mappers involved) .. the schema will be defined with relations only … and as an optional step, be able to generate mappers too
it's the same in ROM
it's really, exactly, the same
building things on the fly happens when you're doing adhoc queries
i don't think so altho i'd love to be proven wrong … iirc rom when two relations are joined, their respective mappers are joined too
if you define things in the schema mappers will be generated once
and that also happens if you define the relation in the schema, no?
I didn't get that far ;)
if you join two rom relations, under the hood (in ROM::Relation) the 2 mappers involved are joined too
the way i imagine it, that doesn't happen
it doesn't hurt IMHO
I *like* the composability that was introduced with both composable mappers and relations
i'm not saying it hurts, i'm just saying that this way of doing it would add shitloads of api to my mappers, that is completely useless for my other usecases
I see your POV
you designed your mapper with ROM in mind, i designed mine for input sanitiztation .. more precisely, as a morpher dsl
so my mapper already supports quite some stuff rom-mapper doesn't (and doesn't have to)
adding even more api wouldn't be cool with me
obviously, coercion is completely optional for my mapper
it's handled by user defined type(s coercers)
I wouldn't mix those two
imo completely diff concerns
it just so happens that essentially, a hash_transform morpher is enough for ra mapping
which obviously is part of my other needs
so yeah, i want to have it completely decoupled from RA .. but still be usable
if it turns out that i fail at doing so, ok, then i need to approach things differently.. for now, i'm confident that it'll work out well
really tho, all the information in a relation header, should be enough to construct a mapper for that .. no matter how complex the relation
so why create intermediate ones all the time
for adhoc queries
once you joined something you need a new mapper
once you renamed an attr, you need a new mapper
not if you only construct it at the end in the firstplace
HOW would you do that?
inside #each ?
for ad-hoc queries it's the same … define the ad-hoc query, use it in a mapped schema, get the mapper constructed for you on the fly (but not by applying ops for every RA op, but once, at the end, when the relation is "finished")
you do users.rename(:user_name => :name).project(:id, :name).join(:tasks)
how do you find a good place to construct a mapper at the end?
other then inside #each
good question, i'll roll a cigarette and come up with an answer :p
snusnu: lol :)
you go and do that
MAYBE injecting mappers into relations and this whole concept in general isn't a good one (lol)
fwiw, my relation wrappers do that too, get a relation and a mapper injected i.e.
maybe we need to this proxy thing I talked about with dynamic queries and THAT thing should use mappers
I'm gonna go for a smoke too :P
you go and do that
see, that's why I need to start using ROM in something real, otherwise it's gonna be a fucking endless discussion about how stuff should work LOL
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