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for anyone interested, we recently started experimenting/using to discuss rom related stuff and we like it so far …
snusnu, is that meant as a replacement for this irc channel ?
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mkristian: tbh, i hope not, but we'll see .. admittedly it's pretty nice .. but somehow i already miss IRC ;)
it'd be awesome if at some point gitter could integrate with IRC
snusnu: I'm pretty sure they will add it (flowdock supports IRC)
personally I do hope to move away from IRC, it's way nicer in gitter
but IT'S IRC man
how can you move away ...
...just like that :D
for instance I never managed to install this bot that allows you to leave messages
in gitter it just works OOTB
what i really like about gitter, is that you can finally format code inline
and yes, that's nice too
+ fantastic integration with additional services + markdown formatting + I can see who is reading :D
ideally, it'd crosspost with IRC, push stuff from irc to the gitter channel, and the other way round
can't be that hard
buhaha right
srsly tho, an irc bot isn't that hard, i wrote one, remember alfred? ;)
gimme a break man :)
anyways, code and IRC belong together
most people don't use IRC :)
who cares?
and it's EASIER to join a gitter channel for random people than to join IRC
of course dude, i'm just defending a good old buddy here
gitter is just a better experience, it's simpler to use, has nice UI, great integration with github/travis etc. I don't have any reason why I would prefer IRC...but we will see
let's give it a month or so
yeah whynot
fwiw, i don't miss irc for it's features either ;)