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CraigBuchek is now known as CraigBuchek|1673
* locks
throws a tumbleweed
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CraigBuchek is now known as CraigBuchek|lunc
CraigBuchek|lunc is now known as CraigBuchek|food
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* xybre
lights the tumblrweed on fire
lgierth has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
* CraigBuchek|food
starts a backburn
* locks
roasts marshmellows
CraigBuchek|food is now known as CraigBuchek|1379
CraigBuchek|1379 is now known as CraigBuchek|1674
ptico has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
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CraigBuchek|1673 is now known as CraigBuchek
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