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<snusnu> hey dkubb
<dkubb> snusnu: good morning
<snusnu> dkubb: how's it going? it's been a while :)
<dkubb> yeah, it's going pretty good
<dkubb> working lots. mbj and I have been working together on a work project for a few months
<snusnu> that's great to hear! for me, things are a bit more relaxed, i'm travelling since end of january, altho i'm actually working my usual hours
<snusnu> btw, if you're interested in an "alternative" rom, have a look at and
<snusnu> the integration specs in both projects should give you a nice overview of the API
<snusnu> and they're only 2 files ;)
<snusnu> ramom's focus is to expose a set of external and internal, context aware relations that are completely composable
<snusnu> external ones being accessible to clients (i.e. public methods client code can call), internal ones being used only for composing other relations (private methods)
<snusnu> an app built with it (ours) typically defines *all* relations upfront, and in action code (read views for now) a reader is obtained for any of the external relations, which exposes only #one or #read (to extract one tuple, or to iterate over a relation)
<snusnu> the motivation and design hugely stems from "relations as first class citizens" and the "out of the tarpit" paper
<snusnu> anyways, i'd be curious to hear your thoughts about it, should you (or anyone else) find the time to look through the code
<snusnu> eventually, i'll add a readme of course ...
<snusnu> one more thing's worth mentioning: ramom can integrate smoothly with an app that uses DM1 (for migrations, plugins, and write ops)
<snusnu> all base relations, keys and foreign keys can be inferred from DataMapper::Model.descendants
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<dkubb> cool, I'll check it out
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<dkubb> snusnu1: did you build an app with this?
<dkubb> heh, when I read mom I thought it said "Martin's Object Mapper"
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