solnic: but did you know that one of its more awesome synonym is "mother of mappers"? and that i pushed it on mother's day?
yes I saw that
in poland mother's day is in 10 days btw
heh ok
you can push it again maybe ;)
snusnu: I'm still busy with sql
i'll add the synonym to the readme then … :9
currently I'm trying to fix sql generator itself, it produces invalid SQL
the parenthesizing issue?
I mean, I remember we talked about this in the very beginning that it can be done later
so, later is now
you mean back when dkubb, mbj and you were active on dkubb/sql?
mbj said "let's just generated those parenthesis for now"
"we can fix it later"
the truth is I was not aware at that point that we are actually generating syntactically invalid sql
I would've opposed if I knew probably
anyhow, I'll try to fix it now somehow
we have "parenthesis?" method here and there
with a bunch of TODO attached :)
I'll see if I can get it pass
snusnu: btw, question - how do you feel about generating spec examples dynamically?
solnic: i'd say that if it's reasonably simple and easy to understand, why not
if not, then not
gitter.me <= cool stuff
blah. bad url
lol, i was wondering for a moment ...
snusnu: I actually became alergic to complex tests that are only complex because they avoid a little bit of duplication
yeah, complex tests are not worth having
i mean, you know how i mean … :p
i think that defining a few examples in a loop and stuff like that is ok, i've never had the need/urge to do anything more complex than that tho
I do that sometimes but I'm no longer liking it
well, i rarely need it, but when i do, i'm good with it, it's a simple loop, and it communicates that the set of entries need identical tests
as soon as there are conditions and whatnot in the loop tho, in order to make it "fit" .. i do it differently
anyways, i tend to think that APIs that *can* be tested like this, are maybe crappy anyway
because there's redundancy in them
and while it's ok to have redundancy in specs, it's probably not so, in the code itself