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<zzak> [craysiii,] I'm trying to set up Jenkins CI on a VPS for a Rails project. Every time i try to run a build, when bundler is invoked, I keep getting an error that states Could not find gem 'rails_12factor' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine. (Bundler::GemNotFound)
<zzak> [craysiii,] is my Gemfile
<zzak> [craysiii,] i am able to install these gems through gem install on the command line, but for some reason when Jenkins is doing the work it says they don't exist according to my Gemfile sources.
<zzak> [craysiii,] any ideas?
<zzak> [Matt D,] craysiii: perhaps bundler is not being invoked with any production env vars set, your gemfile has the rails_12factor gem under the production group
<zzak> [craysiii,] you're right that i am missing some environment variables related to my app
<zzak> [craysiii,] but why would that stop bundler from finding gems?
<zzak> [Matt D,] craysiii: true, i think i glanced at your error too quickly. if the error is coming from the bundle command: Could not find gem
<zzak> [Matt D,] 'rails_12factor' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile
<zzak> [Matt D,] then it seems that your produciton group is being run
<zzak> [craysiii,] well i have source '' in my gemfile, and I can find the gem itself on the site
<zzak> [craysiii,] which is why im puzzled i guess
<zzak> [Matt D,] craysiii: rightfully so. i haven't used jenkins ci, so not sure what might be going on with JCI..
<zzak> [craysiii,] yeah that was my worry when coming here. it could be Jenkins CI, it could be the Rake plugin inside it, it could be Ruby..
<zzak> [Matt D,] craysiii: is this your first project with Jenkins CI?
<zzak> [craysiii,] yes it is
<zzak> [craysiii,] i read a few tutorials but none give any tips in case something like this were to happen
<zzak> [Matt D,] craysiii: i was just going to ask how you like jenkins ci, but i don't think you're too impressed, yet :)
<zzak> [craysiii,] hah, well i don't think it's jenkins fault
<zzak> [craysiii,] pebcak most likely :P
<zzak> [Matt D,] craysiii: well you haven't been able to really use it yet
<zzak> [craysiii,] at first i thought it was the Gemfile.lock, so I got rid of it in the repo but then i still ran into this error
<zzak> [craysiii,] and i am trying to get jenkins setup so i can move away from heroku for my portfolio projects
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<zzak> [realname,] ey
<zzak> [realname,] i made some packages in the aur
<zzak> [realname,] is it worth discussing with anyone bring those package to the official repos?
<zzak> [realname,] oh whoops wrong channel :D
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<zzak> [realname,] moin
<zzak> [al2o3-cr,] good morning mr pLaToOn
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