closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] kareeoleez: strace ?
<zzak> [kareeoleez,] ?
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] strace -e ioctol ifconfig
<zzak> [kareeoleez,] ah BSD doesn't have strace
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] and no equivalent? oO
<zzak> [Arne,] keep in mind that using syscalls wo't be very portable
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,]
<zzak> [kareeoleez,] ktrace maybe
<zzak> [kareeoleez,] but even ktrace ifconfig creates a file ktrace.out with some gibberish
<zzak> [Arne,] yeah you need to filter for ioctls
<zzak> [Arne,] cat ktrace.out | grep ^ioctl
<zzak> [kareeoleez,] nothing comes out
<zzak> [Arne,] well i do't know how that ktrace file looks, use the tool that was linked before
<zzak> [Arne,] truss or whatever
<zzak> [machinewar,] anyone know of convention for setting up mini-test in a ruby gem project? i.e. so that all of my classes are when tests run? Do I need to make a spec_helper and add to LOAD_PATH? or do you explicitly require the classes in your specs?
<zzak> [raz,] hmm, how do i set a constant on a class created via i can't get it to work :(
<zzak> [Butler IRC Bot, Version 0.1.0,] raz: we in #ruby do not like, I reposted your paste to gist for you:
<zzak> [Butler IRC Bot, Version 0.1.0,] raz: loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
<zzak> [raz,] woops
<zzak> [machinewar,] RazorX: you can use const_set(constant_name, val)
<zzak> [kareeoleez,] can someone explain what does this "/inet (?<ipv4>[\d\.]+)/ =~ rin" do ?
<zzak> [machinewar,] if you have instance of the class then you'd do obj =; obj.class.const_set("MY_CONST", "value")
<zzak> [machinewar,] raz: ^ sorry tagged someone else
<zzak> [raz,] machinewar: oh, gonna try that
<zzak> [machinewar,] raz: then you can do stuff like obj.class::MY_CONST
<zzak> [raz,] machinewar: sadly doesn't work, still the same error:
<zzak> [machinewar,] raz: you don't need the .new on line 9 you already have an instance
<zzak> [machinewar,] since you called .new on line 1
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42919] kazu:r54993 (trunk): fix typos [ci skip] -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42920] nobu:r54994 (trunk): random.c: clear buf -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42921] nobu:r54995 (trunk): random.c: fill_random_seed size -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42923] nobu:r54997 (trunk): random.c: no local copy of the seed -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42922] svn:r54996 (trunk): * 2016-05-14 -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42924] nobu:r54998 (trunk): test_rand.rb: tests for seeds -
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