closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43094] duerst:r55168 (trunk): * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Add set of comprehensive -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43095] svn:r55169 (trunk): * remove trailing spaces. -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43096] svn:r55170 (trunk): * properties. -
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<travis-ci> The build passed. by @svn: See
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43097] nobu:r55171 (trunk): ruby.h: fix clang warnings -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43098] nobu:r55172 (trunk): revert r55171 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43099] nobu:r55173 (trunk): ruby.h: count and verify -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43100] nobu:r55174 (trunk): ruby.h: suppress warnings -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43101] rhe:r55175 (trunk): openssl: avoid NULL dereference in {DH, DSA, RSA}_size() -
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<zzak> [Rick Jones,] How to deal with unexpected values? Should I put in a guard or use exceptions? Suggestions...
<zzak> [philip,] Expect them and you not be disappointed...
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] Very zen :D
<zzak> [Vladimir Karmishin,] wrote 3 line according habitullence question, but phutchins answered with 8 words
<zzak> [philip,] :)
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] I might need the eight lines though, wisdom that is beyond my grasp
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] :P
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<zzak> [shevy,] it is either beer - or wisdom
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] lol
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] from great beer, comes great wisdom
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] and from great wisdom, comes great beer
<zzak> [Vladimir Karmishin,] exceptions are for general stuff, like user can't log in, in case of DB connection failure, for example. Guards are for local stuff, like dude forgot @ from his/her email address
<zzak> [Vladimir Karmishin,] IMHO, of course
<zzak> [shevy,] habitullence so true
<zzak> [jokke,] hello, i assume someone here uses mac os. could that someone run following command for me and paste the output? openssl enc -h 2>&1 | grep '\-gcm'
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] Vlat, I see what you're getting at.. I guess it comes down simply to what you consider an exception and where it can be dealt with. If you can deal with it locally, then do so, otherwise you need to throw it up the chain.
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] Sounds like a sensible approach
<zzak> [Vladimir Karmishin,] habitullence: exception is something big,terrible and loud. like a whole application crash. :) in my own way of thinking.
<zzak> [Rick Jones,] Vlat: sounds right, thanks
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43102] svn:r55177 (trunk): * 2016-05-27 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43103] nobu:r55176 (trunk): ruby.h: fix for old clang -
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<zzak> [Bradley Schaefer,] in ruby 2.2 I have a `define_method(:foo) { super(args) }` sort of thing, and it works great. In 2.3 I get "super called outside of method" errors
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<zzak> [Bradley Schaefer,] Do I have to fall back to the old alias_method_chain style of calling super there?
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] there's now
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] method(__method__) is worth a shot
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] but weird that you get them
<zzak> [Bradley Schaefer,] let me get a minimal reproduction case, just a sec
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] >> class Foo; def foo; 1; end; end; class Bar < Foo; define_method(:foo) { super() }; end;
<zzak> [Butler IRC Bot, Version 0.1.0,] jhass: # => 1 (
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] mine doesn't reproduce at least
<zzak> [Bradley Schaefer,] yeah
<zzak> [Shannon,] works on my machine
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43104] naruse:r55178 (trunk): * symbol.c (is_identchar): use ISDIGIT instead of rb_enc_isalnum. -
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