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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43004] rhe:r55078 (trunk): openssl: don't test default session lifetime value -
<zzak> [Ryan Bigg,] roelof: .select, not .collect
<zzak> [,] Radar: thanks, Im trying to display a image which is divided into 2, 3 or 4 parts
<zzak> [,] I think I will use a table without border so the user sees only 1 image
<zzak> [realname,] on MRI don't Structs technically allocate less memory than Arrays?
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<zzak> [ -,] I apologise. I am new to refactoring. For a reason I cannot test this. Could you please tell me if my refactoring to the new file correct? ( Will it call the new method?
<zzak> [sil,] Hi , i wanted to make a standalone authentication in ruby . Any suggestions except SAML ?
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<zzak> [ -,] I am currently benchmarking ruby, so for every commit made to ruby trunk I have to fetch, recompile everything and then benchmark. Compiling takes me a lot of time. Is there another way out?
<zzak> [ -,] I am currently benchmarking ruby, so for every commit made to ruby trunk I have to fetch, recompile everything and then benchmark. Compiling takes me a lot of time. Is there another way out?
<zzak> [purple,] saush: i don't think there is an easy way ... i also use "rvm reinstall ruby-head" to rebuild ruby
<zzak> [ -,] hanmac: So for a single commit we need to recompile everything? Can't we use the previously compiled ruby in some way and just make the necessary changes?
<zzak> [purple,] saush: it depends how you checkout and install your ruby ... if you have a checked out repo from ruby and you build it there, than it should probably only build whats needed to build ... otherwise you might get a problem because you might need to run configure again (and then you probably need to rebuild all again too) ... so its not an easy answer for that.
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<zzak> [New Now Know How,] Hello ! I don't get perfectly the synthax "#{}". I do understand that it can be used in a text with a variable. But I don't understand this way of using it
<zzak> [New Now Know How,] { |l, i| "(#{}): #{l}"}
<zzak> [New Now Know How,] I see that it works however I would have done more something like this { |v, i| i + next v
<zzak> [New Now Know How,] Can you explain me a bit more the use of this syntax ?
<zzak> [Pete,] anything inside the #{} gets evaluated, then the result is interpolated into the string
<zzak> [New Now Know How,] I see now
<zzak> [New Now Know How,] thanks for the help.
<zzak> [Pete,] you're welcome labaleine
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<zzak> [Князь Пидер Третий,] hey I'm playing around with regular expressions could anyone help me out I'm not sure why there are two matches happening here
<zzak> [Князь Пидер Третий,] Is it something special about the $ character?
<zzak> [Adædra,] It's the end of line
<zzak> [Adædra,] you match twice: once you match a<eol>, then <eol> (as a? is ignored the second time)
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] strigonLeader: you make a optional with ?, so the first match is a[endofstringorline] which makes the string "aat", a$ no longer matches, so next you match $/[endofstringorline] and replace it with t, and you get "aatt"
<zzak> [Adædra,] Use sub instead of gsub.
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] then the index moved past the string size and the replacement stops
<zzak> [KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium,] use /n modifier?
<zzak> [Князь Пидер Третий,] thanks guys, sub will do exactly what I want to
<zzak> [Князь Пидер Третий,] I'll see if that works as well
<zzak> [Jonne Haß,] giz|work: could you elaborate how changing the encoding of the literal would change anything?
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43005] nobu:r55079 (trunk): exclude non-VALUE in memo from GC -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43006] nobu:r55080 (trunk): win32ole.c: remove dead code -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43007] nobu:r55081 (trunk): win32ole.c: share the content -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43008] ngoto:r55082 (trunk): Use RB_GNUC_EXTENSION_BLOCK instead of __extension__ -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43009] kazu:r55083 (trunk): fix typos [ci skip] -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43010] ngoto:r55084 (trunk): Use HAVE_BUILTIN___BUILTIN_CONSTANT_P -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43011] nobu:r55085 (trunk): thread_pthread.c: no fork, no gvl_atfork -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43012] ngoto:r55086 (trunk): capa should be even number on 64-bit SPARC for 8-byte word alignment -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43014] svn:r55088 (trunk): * 2016-05-21 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43013] rhe:r55087 (trunk): openssl: improve handling of password for encrypted PEM -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43015] nobu:r55089 (trunk): ossl.c: suppress warnings -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43016] nobu:r55090 (trunk): io.c: conditionally used functions -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43017] nobu:r55091 (trunk): fix build on no-fork-spawnv platforms -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:43018] nagachika:r55092 (ruby_2_3): merge revision(s) 55078: -
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<dsferreira> ruby 3x3
<dsferreira> How can we take part on the discussions?
<dsferreira> Is there any channel we can subscribe to?
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