what I say about lists applies to many other probs, and since he is learning ...
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and do not bother me with your tribal-style polemics
Stop wasting people's time.
all the code cleanliness in the world won't make his code run like he wants it to on cruby.
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one aspect does not exclude the other
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Solve problems pragmatically, not dogmatically.
the world should be collaborative, and not confrontational
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nothing's more pragmatic than putting those urls in a list --- whatever way you deal with them later
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Anyways, elemenopy, what I would suggest besides not bothering with volty's advice, is to either use JRuby and modifying your code to work on that if you need, or you'll want to consider other methods of achieving parallelism.
The code you wrote isn't up to the ruby community standards, but it doesn't really matter right now.
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pipework, ok i will research JRuby ty again!
elemenopy: Cheers!
a list is a kind of mental parallelism, you treat in parallel (semantically) with iterators instead of sequentially naming variables
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No one cares
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yap, this one would be a good example to illustrate the logic & soul of small coin teaching
That's enough of that rubbish.
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I'm a bit new Ruby coming from ek (PHP) and yay (Java). I'm reading the docs and from docs I have gathered that self. (defines static method) so I assume this is also how you would access a static variable no ?
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neredsenvy: there's no such thing as static variables, the closest thing are @@class_variables
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I have a variable declared :name if I have an instance of my object and I call object.method as in my example above it should change the value of the attribute of this instance
jhass Can you look at my link and explain to me what's happening ?
I'm rather surprised you don't get a NoMethodError on that
oh, ActiveRecord, are you actually learning Rails?
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jhass: How are class variables remotely similar to the idea of static variables?
I'd think frozen objects assigned to constants are closer.
they live in a class, I think that's pretty close to Java static variables
do you think about constant variables maybe?
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neredsenvy: Please do not crosspost without at least telling so. Experience shows that people don't bother to inform the other channels of provided solutions, therefore it is considered rude.
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ops, it's nokogiri (required by mechanize)
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are you on 1.4? 1.3 has a nasty segfault when parsing invalid html from an IO
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jhass: don't know, how do I get version ?
Nokogiri::VERSION should have it
okay, then you might've found a new one :P
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I am thinking if it is a segfault due to wrong building (but here everything was done in a clean way) or name/method clashing (during Qt's after on-exit cleanup)
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nice thing (at least for this stage) is that everything is ok till the end/exit of the application
pipework, i was googling a bit and stumbled across this for a possible solution? i know you said to use JRUBY but i came across this and was wondering if you approve of something like this in place of JRUBY https://blog.engineyard.com/2013/ruby-concurrency
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elemenopy: I don't think it would help.
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pipework, ok im glad i checked because i read teh whole thing and was about to start copy pasta
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elemenopy: Try installing jruby (I use chruby and ruby-install) and running your ruby program with jruby.
oh are you serious? that's it?
i thought i had to like rewrite it, that's why i was lurking
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pipework, im on it
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elemenopy: It might be alright, you might need to do a little bit of swapping out.
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Like if you're using activerecord (through rails or not), you might have to switch your adapter to something from jruby.
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i use 'sequel' gem
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elemenopy: You might need to see if you can use that on jruby or what you'll have to do.
pipework, first thing that broke was the gems i was using. 'nokogiri' LoadError: no such file to load
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elemenopy: Are you using a Gemfile?
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pipework, yea i am using nokogiri and other gems like 'sequel' and 'json'
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elemenopy: Ah so you do have a Gemfile?
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pipework, not really i just have two files. one file is a main file and it calls a class file
elemenopy: Ah so since you aren't, you'll need to install those gems yourself.
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pipework, ok so what can it mean if i have no issues when just running 'ruby GetURLS.rb'. do i have to like 'jruby gem install xxxxx' then under jruby?
elemenopy: You will have to install the gems under jruby.
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pipework, ah hah! ok lets try that brb
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Depending on how you installed jruby, you'll have different ways to install the gems. I'd just suggest `jruby -S gem install $gem`
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pipework, ok yea something is def happening now
elemenopy: 'something' is definitely a thing.
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pipework, i think this is the error now that you were mentioning earlier about the tweaking, we get this error now after i corrected the more obvious errors from before using the jruby -S command. Sequel::AdapterNotFound: LoadError: no such file to load -- mysql
elemenopy: So, you'll want to configure sequel to use an odbc adapter for mysql.
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pipework, ok ok ok , so i've got it running again after some tweaking and stuff.... but alas it is not running all the threads at once :(
elemenopy: How weird. Let's see, gist your latest program.
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ok, should I have read the pragmatic press programming ruby before that one, or will my online tutorials be enough to understand Metz's book?
zacts: I think you need to read the first half of Metaprogramming Ruby
It explains the a lot of ruby and how the object model works.
pontiki: ah ok, thanks for the link
i wouldn't hand that to a newbie, pipework
but soon
pipework: the first half of the metaprogramming ruby monk tutorial?
pontiki: I would.
The first half has nothing to do with metaprogramming.
before they knew the syntax?
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pipework, ok let me change this 1 sec my finger is hurt :)
It's all about object model and understanding how ruby thinks and looks things up.
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zacts: No, the book. Have you learned any other programming languages before?
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zacts: You shouldbe fine with the book! It uses great, simple examples of what to and what not to do. In general it has helped my understanding of OOP as a whole.
go and digs the bits of the computer -- to "know how the computer thinks "
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programming is about abstraction on data transformations
metaprogramming is difficult, especially for beginner
i truly loved metaprogramming in ruby, v.1, have not read v.2 yet, but i expect it to be equally wonderful
pipework: I know a bit of Perl
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but not much no.
even if you never expect to do metaprogramming, pipework is *absolutely* correct, the book is fantastic at explaining the ruby object model
I have much to learn, but I use vim
those who advice those things to beginners just want to pose «I am so smart, try get me!»
zacts: I'd suggest reading through Learn to Program.
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pipework: I'm almost done with it
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zacts: Ah good. The next important book for just ruby essentials before metaprogramming ruby is called the black book. It's here: http://www.manning.com/black2/
nobody's born learned, get the clue and stop posing
"I have much to learn, but I use vim" -- /me pictures person with rockets attached to all ligaments
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volty: Stop being butthurt because you gave people bullshit advice. Everyone does it when they start learning how to help people, I've moved on from it and so should you
and an ignore is locked
agent_white: Haha.
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pipework: ah ok, so after learn to program, then do: black book -> metaprogramming ruby?
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so is the pragmatic programming ruby more of a reference book?
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zacts: That's what I'd suggest.
ok cool
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zacts: Yeah the pickaxe, as it's called, is a good book to flip through but it's more of a reference book.
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pipework, omg
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putting urls in an array (instead of handling them with t1, t2, t3 ... ) isn't bullshit advice. It's essential, teacher of my boots
i read through the first version, back in the day. what a slog.
pipework, how could i not see this? the issue the order in which i am calling join
moving all thread declarations above the initial join fixes the issue
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volty: It had nothing to do with his problem. Stop solving problems that aren't related to the issue.
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zacts: have you got the latest version of programming ruby?
pipework, moving all the thread.new to be together , and calling all the joins at the end fixes it :)
it was an advice, dumby, i didn't state that it was a solution
elemenopy: :D
yeah I have programming ruby 4th edition
awesome :)
pipework, dude that is nuts
pipework, but it actually makes sense
elemenopy: Yeah, I thought it was where you were calling join.
pipework: so which edition of metaprogramming ruby should I get?
The work was done in the thread already, but the joins were being called one after another.
zacts: The latest is good.
zacts: the black book is "The Well-Grounded Rubyist" by David Black -- quite good, if not essential, even
ok cool
pipework, ruby was doing exactly what i was asking it to, but i was asking incorrectly :)
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elemenopy: Fun stuff, innit?
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pipework, fml haha well i think i learned a very valuable lesson for the night
pipework, and your each method is also better
elemenopy: There's more nice things that can be done, but for something small and one-off like this, it's mostly mental masturbation.
I like pretty code.
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i had his earlier book when i started in on ruby and rails "Ruby for Rails" -- best book ever, for the time
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@ISSUECOP <pipework> volty: It had nothing to do with his problem. Stop solving problems that aren't related to the issue.
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tell me how you determine what is an issue
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Here's where I remind people not to feed trolls.
lol issue cop
oh shit
pimply man, stop barking at me
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i just gave an advice that imo was a good one
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it was only you that started to bark at me
that one in real life can only hide his pimples
The problem was that they weren't calling join in the right place and that they weren't using a ruby that can take advantage of concurrency, but volty thought the issue had to do with code cleanliness.
Anyways the chum was helped and enlightened for it.
Radar, A frikken do, you know how long i've been looking at that, nice one
do not go round, fakeman, the mine was only about better putting those urls in an array -- a good advice for a beginner, imo
gr33n7007h: my paypal is radarlistener@gmail.com just FYI
tip jar
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sweet, transfering money now :)
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thanks :D
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anyone use airpair?
pontiki: yes
I like it
pontiki: nope, but I've looked at it.
I pair with people for free on open source projects if scheduling allows.
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as a mentor?
Not sure I'd want to put that out just onto the general internet for any random though.
i dont pair with people because they would make fun of me D:
pontiki: As a pair. I learn as often as I impart knowledge.
sevenseacat: funny accent!
ah, cool
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pontiki: yes, as a mentor
he's looking after meta-retarded, ahah
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to teach
I don't actually approach pairing as a mentor mentee thing, even if I'm the more knowledgable one about the subject.
pipework: too right, mate.
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i was going to say 'too right cobber' but thought that was a bit *too* ocker.
i've never paired officially with anyone
I wish there was more mentoring pairing stuff for noobs. I joined one from reddit, but we were both beginners... blind leading the blind.
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if shoulder surfed and kibitzed
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i will forever associate the word 'struth' with alf stewart.
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i have coded in public... which is weird as
enough :) bye to all, and advice to pipework to not break eggs (or bark) the next time somebody's trying to express his opinions
blah blah volty blah blah
pontiki: You're a voyeur developer!
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do not behave like small coins
Oh we all don't have volty on ignore yet?
do not go like a tribe
i was missing the fun
we are all humans, aren't we ? :)
Radar: I figure that if everyone ignores him, the poor new people won't have anyone to let them know his advice is rubbish when it sucks.
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pipework: voyeur and exhibitioning, if you must know
pontiki: Ah, that's quite the hobby.
pipework: sounds fiar
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Radar: is fiar another one of your narnian words?
damn fingers have minds of their own
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Damn, was hoping to learn more Narnian so that I could try to talk down a hoopsnake or a dropbear if necessary.
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you still have to watch for the bunyips, regardless
come visit narnia then :P
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That is frightening, pontiki.
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come to rubyconf au in february!
i want to
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*really* want to
sevenseacat: I wonder if my company wouldn't mind that...
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frikken february in minnesnowdia :(((
hear many australian accents and some kiwi ones
I get like $5000/year to educate meself
pontiki: I feel you. It was -10 out today while I was tending to the farm amninals :(
sevenseacat: You'd have to help me with my accent so I can come home and speak like a Narnian.
february in aus is hot :(
too hot
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pipework: 5 grand makes a hecka stake for a good trip to oz
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pontiki: I mean, I don't have to spend it in one trip, but I can.
ever been?
i <3 melbourne
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never even once
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I'd need to get my passport.
get it now
even if you don't go
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the lead time on them is huge
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I've been thinking about trying to convince ireland to give me citizenship.
i have a passport, ive never used it :(
dual citizenship would be great between the US and Ireland. I could enter places as an Irishman that I might not be able to as an American.
you'd have to work on that accent, too
irish accents can be hot, but then again so can american ones
pontiki: I live next to an irishman who has dual citizenship between the US and Ireland.
that's cool
sevenseacat: Which American accents?
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lots of them. like avdi grimm's accent.
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sevenseacat: Oh, that's like a combination of an accent and a really deep voice.
Unless you don't really care either way for the deepness.
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the deepness is good :)
avdi's is the classic american radio voice
Not what I expected when I first heard him. But I like hearing it.
sexy as hell
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"Talk weather to me, baby."
I want to hear him imitate NPR.
i wasnt going to say it pontiki, but yeah :P
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i get all buttery when he signs off with "happy hacking!"
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* pipework
sends logs to avdigrimm
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pipework: ok, I got the books
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zacts: Sweet, now read. I really suggest typing out everything code-wise. Not because you won't get it when you read it, but typing it makes it easier for me to really 'get' it.
ok, sure
It becomes easier to recall and use when I've typed it.
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and take notes!
And drink heavily!
(wait, no, that's just me)
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coders with drinks
I drink tea and coffee
need to start a group like that
and water
everyone around here is into beer
My manager said I should always be sober while working. L-oh-fucking-L.
pontiki: I mostly drink liquor and ciders.
i thought you were your own boss
yeah, i drink cider
i used to drink a lot more wine, but lately it just runs straight to my head
Though admittedly, Radar turned me onto cider. I'd had them before, but hadn't really thought to like them.
i never liked beer
pontiki: It goes to my head and my bladder, and I'm sure you know where it goes after that.
but i found cider first time i went to france
and wine of course
No, I'm a company ginger now. Have been for a year.
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oh, well - i was gonna say your manager is an ass
pontiki/pipework: You should try Smith & Forge. Had it for the first time recently, damned good cider.
Also Johnny Appleseed... but woodchuck is my go-to :)
oh dear
do not like woodchuck
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scottish strongbow is my go-to when i can find it
the stuff we have lately is not that
I mostly drink stuff from the pacific northwest. I'm trying to track down the one I like the most though.
Strongbow cider is pretty good.
pontiki: Ooo... I'll have to try it!
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ace peary from sebastopol is awesome
Portland Cider Company isn't terrible, but most of it is super acidic candy cider.
also hard to find
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like angry orchard :P
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crispin is a good local cider
old rosie or black dragon
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love me some angry orchard
gr33n7007h: still waiting on that paypal money btw
Radar: What kind?
i do not like angry orchard
pipework: the cider
Radar: There's like a bunch
Out here in the boonies, if you don't drink Coors then you're some fancy city-slicker.
I've been trying all the special kinds lately.
pipework: I like all cider
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Radar: Even the elderflower?
oh god no
That was terrible.
Radar: Two towns has one of the worst ciders I've ever had. Looking it up.
I had a hoppy cider in Bend. The damn reason I don't drink beer is because of the hops
if you can find the ace, give it a go
too right
pontiki: "Ace" or "The Ace"? Picture?
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the brand is ace, and there's a picture of a ace of spades playing card on the bottle, usually
let me see if i have one
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Atlas Blackberry/Elderberry Cider was horrible
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RuntimeError: can't add a new key into hash during iteration
Well that's a new one.
Radar: is it?
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I've never seen that error before.
Oh it's a fun one, but you clearly know what caused it.
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I've hit it and went 'duh! stupid pipework'
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I do?
trying to modify a hash that you're iterating over? >_>
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Radar: You're doing a map or something like an enumerable method and you're adding keys into the hash you're iterating on
Not iterating over a hash
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this is chendo's code so it's a bit crazy (in a good way)
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Is it opensauced?
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sekrit lifx code.
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Oh you work with the chendo?
I thought he was still working on his own thing, doing shortcat and other apps.
I still use the shit out of shortcat.
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naw, he's working at lifx being my manager and stuff
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being a boss man? interesting
he doesn't like being the boss man
Radar: Oh.
Didn't figure him for a manager.
Some day when I get fed up with developers that aren't me (and those that are me), I'll get into management so I can have a fancy chair and a bigger salary.
That may or may not coincide with my early demise shortly following that transition though.
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Yeah, he's really reluctant to be the manager. But he's the most senior (in programming terms... in actual terms he's the youngest) and so he's the manager
He also knows the stack the best
Radar: Maybe I'll just troll him about documenting the binary protocol instead of you.
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You've not responded too hilariously lately.
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better and more technical experience and knowledge often does not translate into effective management
frequently, it goes the other way
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what is the point of working with rspec? i don't quite get it although i am taking a course from codeschool
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ukfagsmoker: RSpec or testing in general?
well testing in general
is rspec a "language
It's a behaviour driven development framework built on Ruby
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It allows you to write code to test code you haven't written yet
The point of testing is to make sure your code does what you expect it to... and then if it changes in the future, to have that framework in place
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ukfagsmoker: Testing is great because it lets you know when something you made an assertion on no longer passes that assertion.
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but aren't you writing that code twice in a way? wouldn't it be better to just run it?
Imagine, if you would, if we didn't have smoke detectors and your only hope of not dying in your sleep was that you woke up before you died.
ukfagsmoker: Run it and then test all the possible permutations that matter manually?
What happens after you add another feature that's related? Do you test permutations of feature A times permutations of feature B manually?
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What if I told you could automate these tests to make sure the code you wrote actually works when you add new code and complexity?
i don't know mate, this whole thing to me is rather confusing
ukfagsmoker: It can be.
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It really depends on how eager you are to push potentially completely horrendously broken things out because you relied on testing manually instead of letting a computer do it for you.
but aren't you letting the computer test the things for you when you're running your code?
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ukfagsmoker: Why do you think just running the code will suss out problems with input and timing?
ukfagsmoker: Code that runs is not always code that is error free.
It being valid ruby doesn't mean the code actually does what you want it to.
ukfagsmoker no. testing and running are two different kinds of things. It's like a power supply. You aren't testing your computer's power supply, but you are using it. power supply testing would be taking it out and checking the voltages on each wire
You'd think if that were true, software would always just work and there'd be no hilarious reddits like talesfromtechsupport
subreddits that is
pipework cant live without my chrome ultra though
ukfagsmoker: The real beauty of testing comes as complexity grows. If your test suite still passes after a new feature, you can rest assured that you didn't break anything.
godd2: Ultron* :p
And if you're concerned about writing twice the code, you're also wrong. It's not unreasonable for the tests to be larger or more numerous than your implementation.
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ukfagsmoker It's true that there are other ways to get the benefits that testing provides you, but running your code is not one of them.
You could hire a bunch of QA's, who'll either constantly repeat the same exploratory-style tests, or they'll just write tests for you.
ukfagsmoker: Would you rather run your code manually 100 times or write a test that can be ran 100 times?
mmm selenium
Complexity is the biggest thing to consider.
lampd1: ugh slow selenium
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what you use?
i actually don't use it much :P
I push my tests down as low into the stack as I can while maintaining a healthy and minimal set of functional tests.
But for functional testing web applications, I tend to use phantomjs
nice, i'll have to check it out
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i do a lot of ecom, sometimes have to make some annoying functional tests :P
I usually work on backends these days though, so I test my clients with integration tests and the app itself with request specs.
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Capybara no longer good for higher level tests?
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Why wouldn't it be?
I use capybara to drive phantomjs
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Most people who use ruby and selenium use capybara with the selenium driver.
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hi there, does anyone know of something like string.parameterize in python?
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hephaestus_rg: What does that do?
Do you mean, "Can I use parameterized strings in Ruby?"
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hephaestus_rg: !explain
hephaestus_rg: Please explain your problem better as we are having trouble understanding what you mean. A Gist (http://gist.github.com) is always helpful!
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i mean, i'm writing a python program. and ruby/rails has a nice function called parameterize
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which removes all nasty characters from a string to make it look like a pretty url
does such a thing exist in tornado/python or do i need to write it from scratch
hephaestus_rg: Ask pythonists then.
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i did :)
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hephaestus_rg keep in mind that rails adds a bunch of it's own classes and methods, so you probably have to write it from scratch just like it was for rails
i heard that there were live coding videos, but they are now acquired by pluralsight
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godd2: indeed, that's why I want to remove them
godd2: it will be longer to be repeated everywhere in the client's code but EasyOptions::options[:name] is just better
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i want a +? in a regex if that makes sense.... so "<http://www.msn.com>".match(/<(.*)>+?/)[1] - i want it to eat the > if present but if not i still want it to match
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that gets rid of > in the middle but i wan to keep them if there
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did you index with a regex?! cna you do that?
Oog Are you trying to parse htlm with regex?
godd2: no im parsing the list-unsubscribe header of a mime email header
wow you can index with a regex that is crazy
i had no idea
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i split on , then use the mail library to parse what is possibly an email address but if it fails it means it is possibly a link if it starts with < so format is <link> so that is what imparsing - better way?
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i spoke too soon my "<http://www.msn.com".match(/<(.+)(>)+?/)[1] actually fails
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maybe what i want isnt possible...
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marnig everyone
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heh. I'll have to check it out. I have no idea how fast I type
@tenderlove just switched from qwerty to norman and he currently sucks at typing
2 years ago I couldn't type faster than 30 without looking.
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I have no idea how I compare
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I don't like dvorak for my taste
I love it
it's too repetitive, my wrists became tired faster when I tried it
plus I'm a vimmer
I am at 114
VijjuPraveen is at 142
too repetitive? I disagree. it is much more even per hand / finger than qwerty
indian superhero
godd2 that scrolling thing is annoying; I lost track of the next sentence 3 times...
I've gotten used to it. Also, if you click the timer, it will be hidden
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the timer always distracts me
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and there was one word that took me about 3 times as long as the others... perhaps it was business... is there a way to find out what the text was? I wanna find out why my brain took so much longer than for the other words there
I mean the word "business" ... or it was nearby to that word
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and he could code about as fast as he could type too
superhuman speed
My old-boss was at 120-140 as a coder.
I'm at 90.
Some day... my fingers will catch on fire.
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agent_white jsut practice 10 minutes a day or so
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agent_white 90 is already quite good, should not take you long at all to go above 100
godd2: My practice is hopping on IRC. The rest will come with time.
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I got a whopping 72. I find those tests to be fairly invalid, since they have no semantic meaning and I can have my brain stream over the words very well
1 typo
I also peter out half way. if there was a 30 second test it would be better :)
zenspider I agree on the issue of syntax. I would love to see at least a rudimentary grammar behind the wordlist.
74 on the other one. typo'd more too.
3 mistakes all 3 letter words
cpm of 370! that sounds impressive! woo
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Having a mechanical keyboard made a difference too
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We can achieve each loop with a for loop, why there is a special each loop in Ruby?
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because there is
because they have different scopes
godd2: oh? better or worse?
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zenspider better. I have cherry mx brown switches. no clicky, but you can feel the actuation
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mightve been a little placebo + practice though.
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cherry mx brown... mmmmm... 2004. *sniiiiff* goooood year
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haha, well if you don't have a mechanical keyboard, you should definitely try one. Youll never want to go back to membrane
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I prefer the keyboard attached to my laptop, which follows me everywhere.
I couldn't handle lugging a keyboard with me
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well yea, not a *normal* keyboard
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I need a more powerful bluetooth keyboard for my tablet
it's a pretty good book. between this and what?
I'm following piperwork's earlier suggestion to read eloquent rubiest 2nd edition -> Metaprogramming Ruby. Should I read poodr after or before metaprogramming ruby?
oh... before I think
ah ok
metaprogramming should be close to last
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I havent read poodr but I have read meta, and I would just say that it's not as scary as the title makes it out to be :P
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and the presentation is very straightforward and easy to understand.
it isn't... but it sure makes everything look like a nail
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that's true, but I will say that it helped me understand Ruby's inheritance model at a deep level
i.e. the method lookup chain, shadow classes, etc.
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does anybody use ruby-git?
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using rake, how do I uninstall rake 10.1.0 and install rake 10.3.2?
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gaussblurinc1 I have not. I just use git. Did you have a question about ruby-git?
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gem update installs both versions. when I try to do gem uninstall rake -v 10.1.0, I get: gem "rake" cannot be uninstalled because it is a default gem
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then you dont uninstall it
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what problem are you trying to solve?
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everettForth when requiring gems in code, it will grab the latest version unless otherwise specified
i don't want to have to type "bundle exec rails" instead of "rails"
Does anybody know if it would be possible to trigger RubyMine's debugger whenever an assertion fails?
use binstubs.
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wow, I'm a total OOP newbie. so in ruby, you can define a method for an object after the object is created.
so the concept of a class in ruby isn't nearly as important as the concept of an object
zacts well, that method will be unique of that object in question
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unless he monkey patches the class
ruby is like 80% OOP and 20% prototypic
yeah but he wrote "define a method for an object", he did not write for all objects
we gotta train up the newcomers godd2
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to show them where the hammer is hanging
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ok, well let me really finish reading this ch, let it digest in my mind, and then I'll return for questions. I don't want to get ahead of myself, I'm just excited with ruby so far I guess.
faaaiir enough
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my ideas about OOP were primitive / almost stereotypical I think, with ruby you really get more power than I thought you could with objects, I guess.
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I'm assuming that some, or a lot, of this is inherited from smalltalk..
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(please pardon my newbieness) =)
zacts as far as I understand, the message passing is the biggest concept taken from small talk, along with the overall look (no semicolons, optional parens)
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what are you reading zacts ?
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well zacts
there is not one OOP definition out there
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I think he's reading POODR
my favourite one is how Alan Kay defined OOP
zacts some is derived from smalltalk but other parts are derived from perl - ruby was more of a melting pot, how matz saw something useful and tried to include it into ruby
just the beginning, and already I'm seeing how my view of objects is being turned upside down
small talk does not have optional parens or? lemme lookup
Mine will be once I look more into metaprogramming.
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improve your typing speed first
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shevy: I had a crude understanding of objects from Perl, but I never got deep into Moose. I was told to learn ruby to learn about OOPish ideas.
OOPish; gotta use that one more often
Perl doesn't have resources like ruby does on this stuff, it seems.
Does anyone know where I can get performance metrics on rails / sinatra? I want to use ruby to write a webapp for raspberry pi, but due to its limited resources I'm not 100% sure that rails would be a good fit. Any siggestions?
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P-NuT: I've deployed rails app on RPi
P-NuT: less than 100 MB for the entire stack IIRC ~ 70...
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I'm trying to look at a string and match only DES but not 3DES I thought match(/[^3]DES/i) will do it but apperently i'm wrong XD
P-NuT: just don't use memory-driven DB's like Redis and you'll be fine.
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unshadow: /(?<!3)DES/i
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atmosx: any suggestions on what to use? I was using MYSQL
postgres performs better in my experience
Nice , thanks Mateon1
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P-NuT: sure MySQL is great ~ 40 MB of memory
P-NuT: hm jhass is right, but I'm using MySQL and runs fine too.
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you can pretty precisely control postgres memory usage, not sure about mariadb/mysql there
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I'm off cya later.
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Got an odd one for y’all: I inherited a project that has a few Perl scripts along with Ruby on Rails project. The perl scripts load externally supplied data, but there’s no testing framework around them. Has anyone ever slapped Unit::Test or Rspec around scripts/logic written in another language? (which is what I’m thinking to do here since I know Ruby best and don’t know anything about any Perl test frameworks)
its going to be more along the vein of characterization tests than anything since I don’t have original specs on the script, but I figured some basic verification tests is better than nothing at all as we do need to tweak some of these perl scripts slightly.
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mwlang: so i think you're only gonna be able to write acceptance tests
jhass yeah you were not the only one, ernestonavarro too
require 'csv' should suffice
require 'cvs'
CSV.foreach('resources/languages.cvs') do |row|
puts row
ernestonavarro you need to have good eyesight in ruby
s/in ruby//
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so stupid name
sorry gus
cvs sells over the counter eyeglasses. :-)
comma separated values
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memorize that, not the acronym
yes I know, very stupid from me
maybe is because i have cvs :)
my condolences
fastercsv became de facto in Ruby 2.x, right?
yeah I mix it up with csv all the time
comma separated value no?
mwlang: fastercsv replaced csv in 2.0, yes
comma... value ... separated
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concurrent ... version ... system ...
ernestonavarro: did you try git-cvs yet? ;P
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no, no necesary, I didn't use CVS in more than 8 yeas, I wrote wrong, have by hate
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I should get some sleep today :)
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I was in a chat room last night telling some folk about my immenint 3 month sabatical to learn ruby in as much depth as I can in 3 months when someone questioned my choice of language to learn ( basically stating that there are better languages to learn C++, JAVA, PHP, Python )
there is always a better language
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I have reasons why I chose ruby due to its rel easy learnign curve compared to other languages plus the online resources and the community
Smalltalk, erlang, lisp, ocaml
everyone one of those language is better than the other
they then linked me to some wiki page showing what the top sites are developed in and that its a better career choice to go with those listed above but you have to start somewhere right?
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there's basically a site of that kind for every language showing it on the top
thanks txdv
they're highly biased
for example #systemd had a nice troll yesterday with a bunch of these sites for C#, claiming that it's popular and systemd should be rewritten in it
yeah tis what I thought and in any case as long as I can actually learn the language and it has the capabilities to do what I need it to then its no biggy right?
master the language you like, in the process you'll learn programming and can get good enough to quite good in any language in a short time
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languages are tools, you need to choose the right one for the problem at hand
while you can use a screwdriver or a rock to hammer in a nail, a hammer works better
thats exactly what I thought and it seems that ruby does a good job of removing bloat from the code so you can very quickly learn the fundamentals of programming without getting caught up with syntax intracies
yes, I agree. But then I'm in #ruby so that's biased ;)
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yeah good place to discuss this if I want to feel good about my decision :)
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jheg__: i was just kidding, I wanted to say that there will be always someone who says "Dude, my favourite language is the best one!"
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no I totally agree it’s the way of the world
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for a dynamic scripting language ruby is nice to learn
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especially since ruby monkey patching mechanisms are superior compared to other dynamic scripting language
jheg__: I hope you asked them why they were using $LANG instead of malbolge, since that's undeniable TEH BESTEST lang
well, I only do machinecode for my serious stuff!
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jhass: you crazy guy. everybody knows malbolge is 10x better than machine code!!!1!
if you want to scale in the cloud, you need direct access to the bare metal
malbolge gives you access to the stuff beneath the metal!1!1elf
apeiros: I just need to rely on industry proven standards there, sorry
jhass: malbolge has you covered with ISO, DIN and YourMom standards!
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no, the others ones. You know. NDA and stuff
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apeiros: I assume malbolge covers those because no one can understand the code well enough to say it definitiely doesn't fulfil whatever standard you choose to say it implements?
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malbolge comes with all TLAs that exist! DNA, NSA, CIA, FBI, PSA, ETC
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apeiros: UTC
apeiros: how about FLAs?
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but then, after hungrary we need to redevelop, I'll propose it I guess, see what the others say
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the inbuilt source code recovery protection should come in handy
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gotta get down on friday
toretore: looking forward to the weekend, weekend
should i look that up?
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pontiki: that depends... are you fond of your sanity?
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i used to be, but it's been gone so long we're like perfect strangers
* apeiros
arrests workmad3 for annoying the public
workmad3: which seat shoud i take?
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toretore: the seat I just tied to the back of the car...
ah, 8th circle. i see
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apeiros: hater :P
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this is telling: "Weaknesses in the design have been found that make it possible (though still very difficult) to write useful Malbolge programs."
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Hour 21. My eyeballs melt from the LCD lavawaves... but the mirage of ruby code entices me with its promises of beauty.
*weaknesses* yielding *useful* programs
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what a shitty programming language
being useful and such
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pontiki: I believe the design aim was to create a programming language with syntax that was so complicated it would be effectively impossible for human-level intelligence to write code in it
workmad3: Oh you're talking about haskell!
its like a wife who isn't a complete resource and nerve drain
* agent_white
butts into conversations
agent_white: nah, haskell doesn't suffer from that weakness ;) </haskell_troll>
a collection of malbolge programs, in portuguese; couldn't possibly make it more difficult to understand
hehehe ;)
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workmad3: don't understimate humans, the level of procrastrination they are capable to do is fascinating
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we're all here, aren't we?
workmad3: not hater. pubic.
just challenge the right human and he will write a melborge compiler in melborge
apeiros: lol
horrible typo
Terry Davis
apeiros: freudian slip, much? :)
friday slip
* IceDragon
walks and wonders what's going on in #ruby today...
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IceDragon: welcome to #malbolge-friday
Oh yeah, its friday
carry on
I think we're carried off, tho
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carted off, i believe the expression is
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I hope someplace nice.
it's a farm
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a rather funny farm
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where are the pigs
you're thinking of animal farm
shevy: we are the pigs
pontiki is the lead dolphin
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I volunteer for the clown fish
shevy: stuck in finding nemo again?
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again? doubt he ever left
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scrogson: on integers, | is a binary or... on arrays, | is overloaded as a set union operation
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scrogson: so that's essentially saying 'add this filter to the array of filters as long as it doesn't already exist in there'
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scrogson: it would probably have made more sense if they'd just used a Set there though :)
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does httparty have an option to have default params to send everytime?
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I have lots of files that are structured in like this way:
require 'foo/bar.rb'
now if I rename or move bar.rb away, I have to modify all those files
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I guess I could create dummy .rb files that will have the proper path to those .rb files
but that is so inelegant
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shevy, Use ActiveSupport::Autoload
I think you will like it a lot
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`rake test` seems to be complaining about 'Could not find rspec (>= 2.0.0)', but the only rspec I find is 2.14.7. What am I to make of that? https://gist.github.com/hesco/2d7dd757804cc73c1290
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def method_missing(i)
return false
is this enough to simulate LPC?
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centrx that actually looks almost like an advanced way to require sub-files and sub-modules
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I am in the middle of rewriting an ancient project... picking through the individual .rb files kinda stinks, adapting new paths also sucks... I guess I have about 200 more .rb files to go through ...
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googling syntax is hard - what does "->" mean, in the context of a Gemfile?
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ie, like this:
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gem 'my_gem', '->0.1.23'
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_riz_, you mean ~> ?
I don't
_riz_, then in the context of a Gemfile, it's a typo
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sonofabitch, the stupid font the browser chose made ~ and - look EXACTLY the same
sorry for the noise, and thanks
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Vim users: how do you "browse" the code of for example a class when you need to read it?
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a class that is from a generic lib/gem for example, not speciflcally your code
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wald0, What do you mean by browse?
wald0, Searching for something, use /
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I thought you are sleeping atmosx!
go back to bed!
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centrx: let's say that im editing a code that contains "self.class_eval", and i say "wtf is class_eval?" so i want to "enter" on it to check what/how it is made
shit I can't see a Greek comedy show, because of the IP
blah assholes
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bundle update and bundle install both report using version 0.16.1 of that gem, grabbed from github, but list shows 0.16
0.16 is installed to a later location in GEM_PATH, so wtf?
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wald0, oh yeah there are tools for that, but I generally just use grep and the "Internet"
for C with ctags i use ctrl + ] to go to the header declarations file, and ctrl + t to come back to my code
tzero: gem list doesn't know about git sources
that's entirely bundler magic
centrx: yeah but im not very familiarized with ruby right now and so i need a fast way to "view" everything :)
well, in normal using too but specially now :)
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i found very un-productive to go out of your actual window/line/cursor/keyboard/anything to do anything
* wald0
is an optimizations sick
I'm thinking my failed depency issue relates to my rspec being in my path at /usr/bin/rspec, but that rake is looking at: /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems, where the gems it does not (yet?) complain are missing seem to be located.
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so just a key == see the contents
hey wald0
I think I read your nick before
jhass: hmm, I thought bundle:gem::yum:rpm
how would I ask gem to install somethere there?
wald0, Use multiple windows with Conque to get a bash terminal within vim :)
tzero: ?!
shevy: yeah, i was there from time to time :) still learning and practicing a bit of ruby :)
wald0, but that doesn't help with Ruby/Rails docs
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hesco1 sounds like mixed up debian base system
wald0 yeah! I just can not remember what you said back then hehe
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you were not the KDE konsole guy or?
or were you the french debian user ... hmm
jhass: i.e. bundle just "wraps" gem, but apparently it does its own BS?
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centrx: hum... there's not something like "ctrl + ]" that simply jumps to the .rb code that contains the definition of an external-to-my-code class ? just like i do it with ctags in c
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shevy: i was talking mostly about making GUI applications with ruby and enlightenment toolkit :)
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aaaaah YES
now I remember!
you got things to run too
I did not
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wald0, There must be, I just don't know about it
tzero: yes and no. Bundler does use Rubygems as much as possible. But making git clones available in the $LOAD_PATH is nothing that's available in Rubygems (yet), so Bundler does it on its own
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actually im in fact trying to use that to make a small application that shows to the user a list of tasks to do each day
as long as you keep on coming by to say hi on #ruby
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centrx: sometimes i wonder how you* guys code... :), not talking about you of course, i just see that there's ton of devs that uses very unneficient ways to do things
even though I think you are literally the only person here to use enlightenment
actually i want a brain-interface that does just what i think
but my mother wanted to compile me too soon
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then the bootstrap process
what I'd give for a reliable virtualenv-like environment in rubyland :(
shevy: you were interested on making GUI applications too, from what i remember?
wald0 well yes and no...
tzero: bundler pretty much does that
no, what the ruby ecosystem needs is definitely not more crap
--path vendor/
I think GUIs are awesome in general... but it is too much work to make them right now, e. g. in ruby-gnome
won't touch any system paths
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and then there is the www ... which ass-kicked the traditional GUIs
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go with qtruby
today is the day of the short nicks here
jhass, volty, shevy, wald0, tzero ... centrx is also ok even though he is +1
omg what a huge nick
Thats what nickserv said
go with god
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wald0 I think enlightenment is visually nice and interesting because it does things so differently; but when I look at those things I often wonder whether I can be productive
like unity
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how people can use this eludes me
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why don't you tell us something more, about unity -- what makes it productive, e.g.
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shevy: alright, im trying to use that E toolkit and since it is very native theres a ton of work to do... by other side we just created a mywin.new("foo", "bar", "wombat") way to create a new window showing a list of 3 elements with these names
not to troll, but after having been tossed into the chef/ruby pool headfirst over the last few months, it's been one yak shaving frustration after another. I must be missing something crucial, or doing something terribly wrong to not see the appeal of such a popular and powerful language
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(I use kde and know nothing about unity)
so, im pretty convinced that doing a bit of work should be extremely (ruby)-easy to do middle-powerful interfaces in one-lines
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wald0: yes, you are right
shevy: i personally have some hate to www... yeah it solves tons of today problems but is a f**** bloated unneficient dependency for do everything
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you can go also with meta or haml style (though it could be hard to think it out well)
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so shevy: any idea how I unmess it? Most things I did install from debian packages, but rspec I used the gem provider for.
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volty, shevy: unfortunately there's not much ppl in #ruby that wants to make GUI applications, they only do WWW bloatstuff (not the ruby part, but the entire WWW topic)
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anyway I find that showing whatever things could be better done using just a TreeWidget with two (or more) columns
so c'mon guys and help there doing a f*ckin "i want a button, and i want an icon on it" singlelines GUI gem :) \o/
The fewer lines of code your GUI app is, the more assumptions you're making
I feel that pythonists are more active with gui's. But I can't stand python
alright, python has more gui-friends
godd2: of course, more defaults
ruby is better than python? well, thats a trolling topic but in any case ruby has no gui friends lol
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volty can't be "defaults" if there arent alternatives. cant be alternatives if there's too few lines of code
should I be using only `gem` XOR only `bundle`?
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i was praying the last night for somebody to test a piece of code (6 lines) but it seems nobody has qt here
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godd2: most of the times you dont want to have a 200-lines gui to just show a button, ppl normally want simple interfaces, and if they needs complex ones they should maybe do its own methods of specific-purposed-widgets
volty: you need to move to EFL then :)
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tzero: it can be confusing; i do all my development using vagrant VMs, and so use bundle during development
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tzero: for my host system, i install gems directly
tzero: inside a project with a Gemfile you typically only use bundler, else you use gem
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volty: this is just a window (real gui desktop window) with a background and a button with a text, when you click on it it exits the app, small demo code
shevy: ^
jhass: would you basically agree: bundle is for development mainly? of course with some applications you need it for deployment as well
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do you use bundle in day to day operation?
bundlers main intent is to ensure a consistent dependency environment across everything
that does include development as well as all production machines
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wald0: i have qapp_main { qb = Qt::PushButton.new('Quit'); qb.connect('clicked()') { $qApp quit }; qb }
right, so i build a command line tool as a gem, using bundle, but then when i install it into my system, i am using gem install
therefore it even does ship additional features that allow its usage in pretty much all deployment scenarios
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I'd say that's distribution though, not deployment
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right, which is why i said it's used in deployment as well
volty: this sounds like in fact a very friendly code (what you pasted)
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volty: i heard that QT is powerful and simple to code (by other side much more slow/bloated)
wald0: yes, qapp_main is a (very) small method of mine -- just to avoid rewriting Qt::Application.new(ARGV) ... $qApp.exec() -- for small apps
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what I need, and imo has to be done out-of-need, is layout out things programmatically (i hate predefined dialogs) in an easy way, let's say something like haml. In qt you can layout everything but i feel the code is bloated with all these Qt::...Layout.new etc etc
volty: looking at google qt ruby, the intro page shows that is very similar to the code example that i gave you, which makes me think that could be possible to do it even more simple (for not complex interfaces of course)
pontiki: so I guess it makes sense to differentiate between library and application development here, for the former it's just a development tool, for the later it's used always with the application
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qt is fast, but I'll give a look at urls you posted
with the tools focus being on applicaton development
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jhass: better way to put it,yeah
volty: which OS you are in?
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wald0: yes, starting with small methods, and going ahead till you (and if :) ) develop a new dsl for guis :)
kubuntu 14.04
volty: so these EFL libs can be installed in windows, mac, linux, or even embedded devices, which is extremely good to make gui applications that "damnly works everywhere"
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volty: just installed today in my co-worker laptop (ubuntu) the EFL packages from bodhi repository, and after to install "ffi-efl" gem the demo files on that gem worked directly :)
yes, but I need my already written qt code, should be nice if one day smb develops an odbc-like standard for guids
let's say tcl/tk-like pushbutton.new for all libs
volty: qml is a DSL for GUIs, and pretty nicely integrated with qt
suy: you use it ?
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(well, can be used without GUI, but...)
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yeah, a standard is what i need: add-button, add-checkbox, add-tooltip, bang!
volty: trying it. Looks promising. Seems to work fine for a boring use case, not enterprise ready I guess. It's at 0.0.6 IIRC. :)
volty: in fact, these EFL are so much complete that i could really do a fullset of standard like this (well, im not so experienced in ruby but should try/need it)
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suy: i was about to start, but something discouraged me, can't remember now but think it was the lack of all the standard qt signals
i may should start by brainstorming that kind of "standard behaviour"... like starting with buttons, what i expect when adding a button and what controls from it i need
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and I need ruby behind, otherwise i could go back. but i'm going to give it a deeper look anyway.
volty: any idea of how/where i could write the concept before to start trying it?
volty you'll be going back to haskell?
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never, they are not linked niether to qt
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wald0: i wouldn't advice that unless you are very proficiente with guis (in general), enlightment, and ruby
buttons: it should change text, add a callback of method to run when clicked, mmh...
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i beleive in bottom-up design in these cases -- do it standard way (enlightment-bound) then refactor
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volty: im very familiarized with the enlightnement libs (so i know pretty well what they can do) but not coded them much, and my ruby is level is novice :P
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volty: i wouldnt advice me too but i damn-really need them
another option is to write the gui apps in C / E-libs, but sigh... c...
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go & code, then stop & think, ... alternate
i need now to do a very simple app, to show a list of daily tasks based on "every month do foo and bar, every week do wombat, and be able to print the list in PDF", ok... not hard to do in ruby im pretty convinced
code & piss, eat & sex
but how to do that on C ???
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tweet about it in C with printf
as in any other language -- list of to-do things & methods for stroring & retrieving & filtering & showing
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you love the & character
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hey guyzz do you know any good resource about APIs security ??
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book or .. ?
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& and shevy :)
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F__i__L: there's a blog post, that was featured on HN some time ago... wait I think I have it on pinboard
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they misspelled Drive C: haha
Local Dive
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volty: im brainstorming the idea of the gui toolkit... but is confusing when you think "what could be the easiest way to declare its code?", im searching for the biggest simplicity and clarity-of-code
volty: do you know any example or is there any doc "standard" about these things?
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volty: shevy: what do you think about this way to define a gui? im pretty sure that can be more "clear" than this... hum.... http://paste.debian.net/131820/
i dont even know if this is correct-ruby syntax... damn
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wald0 you mean agnostic of the underlying GUI?
wald0 well in ruby there is often more than one way
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For instance:
win.text.set "Do you want to continue?"
win.text = "Do you want to continue?"
because we have aliases you can have both ways
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you can also make use of <<
button_ok.tooltip.add "You should continue, really"
button_ok.tooltip << "You should continue, really"
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yeah, agnostic, i want to brainstorm first a "standard gui usage" and then i want to try to write a small "lib" (gem?) to interface with the real gui gem/lib
I wanted to do this like 5 years ago as well
I still have not caught up to my old knowledge of ruby-gnome :(
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oh btw wald0
also consider an additional syntax:
hi rubyists
wald0 if you want to write code which wraps Win32 API calls, look into FFI
win = Window.new
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win.text.set "Do you want to continue?"
to become
win = Window.new {
text 'Do you want to continue'
this style is how _why originally wrote shoes
godd2: im using ffi-efl :)
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You want to abstract a GUI API that is already an abstraction of other GUI APIs?
godd2: well, wanting/trying to use it
where is an abstraction?
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also, wouldn't hurt to pass the new window to the block. Window.new { |win| win.title = "new window"; #other config... }
GTK or Qt abstract win32/xcb/whatever for example.
suy: yes, because those FFI syntax is so DAMN confusing about pointers and references and stuff...
i want to have the nightmare one time, but then reciclate objects that simply works
"add me a button, call me something when i click to it"
why computers dont speak human?
well it's not for lack of trying
natural language synthesis and interpretation is a "hard" problem in computing
suy: godd2: in short, i want to remove the max possible the complexity of use the gui (and still having the full control only-if-needed about the specific functions like changing a color, etc)
wald0 if you want to make video games, you can check out the gosu gem. It abstracts away all that window creation stuff
godd2: nah, just simple gui applications
I use rbenv with GEM_HOME and just upgraded 2.1.2 to 2.1.5. Now my gems seem to require 2.1.2 even though they're outside any version directory.
not complex "this is a full-featured photoshop" stuff, more like small gui apps
Eg. /Users/me/.gem/bin/nokogiri: /Users/me/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
wald0 what OS are you on?
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ruber: the gems might be in GEM_HOME, the binaries are?
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ruber: There should be a bot that just responds `rehash` if rbenv is mentioned.
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godd2: linux/debian
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hi guys, im new to ruby
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is everyone using rackup?
is that required?
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jaequery: required for what
I dont use rackup
he needs to fix his client first
oh he is gone
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cool kids rackup their crappy rails apps
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damn, i want to know 110% of ruby syntax/possibilities so i can know perfectly how i can structure a good gui lib :/
wald0: Read sourcecode then?
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in ruby, how does gems like Mongoid handle multiple instances of it being loaded?
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I mean, knowing how to perfectly structure code is pretty hard to do and the only thing I can think of that you can do in short order is know absolutely every detail about the implementation of the language you're using as well as the language specification itself.
uptownhr: It doesn't.
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uptownhr: what do you mean by "multiple instances"?
who has time for that?
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jhass: like if i'm creating Site.rb, Page.rb
Even if you do manage to require two versions, chances are that you'll have a bad time.
both of the files require in Mongoid
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require only requires a file once
uptownhr: Are you talking about `require` with two versions of Mongoid or requiring mongoid in two files?
requireing mongoid in two files
i have a class that creates a window, which has a @button declaration that creates a button, if i do "win = MyWin.new", how i access to the @button element from "win"?
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uptownhr: That works fine. Require keeps a list of all required files.
uptownhr: try prepending p to the require calls
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uptownhr: require the same thing to your heart's content.
you'll notice that it returns first true then false
In fact, require your dependencies everywhere they're needed.
jhass: how about the Mongoid.load!("./mongoid.yml")
Be a good chum.
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wald0 you need to make an attr_reader inside the Window class.
should that be somewhere else?
pipework: yeah but actually im not even familiarized with ruby :/ that's what i meant, i learned it but not practiced
uptownhr: That's venturing into implementation.
pipework: yea. what is the best way to implement?
pipework: i filed two defects on that this week and sent PRs to fix them
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two different gems
uptownhr: I don't know mongoid, I'd imagine it just reopens the connection and discards the old one
wald0 or at least a getter method. def button; @button; end
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I need a fast way to get a unique hash for an array of ints
[1,2,3] vs [1,2,3,4]
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uptownhr: If you're calling a method in Mongoid already, you aren't implementing it. Look at how it works.
towski_: what hash properties do you need?
wald0 by default, all instance variables are private to an object. you have to explicitly make them readable or writable
uptownhr: You might want to memoize the result in an object that you can safely share between the pages.
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what is memoize?
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doesn't matter how long
uptownhr memoization is caching the result of an expensive calculation so you only have to do it once
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godd2: good! the getter worked! i think that ruby is pretty able to allow me to do a wrapper of that gui lib to make things much more easy :)
uptownhr: Look up what memoization is.
towski_: length is only one property, not the most significant even
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Helpful thing to read and fully understand.
"ruby has the powa"
right I don't really have any
it's for caching
towski_: elaborate
so fyi: Mongoid.load!("./mongoid.yml"), initializes the mongodb connection
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i am caching [1,2,3] versus [1,2,3,4]
so they key just needs to be unique
for the array
towski_: does it need to be consistent across multiple ruby processes for example
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uptownhr: Doesn't really matter to us. You'll want to see if you need to handle memoizing the connection stuff yourself, or if mongoid handles it so you dont' need to worry about it and can use the connections from both classes.
good point
wald0 well what I showed you above, that in total should cover 90% of the possibilities
You may or may not want to separate initializing the connections into a separate piece of code.
im using Logger and it is extremely slow to output data to logs... it seems to have hte output backed up and spits it all out periodically
but i want to be able to monitor the logs in real time
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towski_: how collision free does it need to be (how many different cache keys do you need)
pipework: got it
unholycrab: use a better loging solution.
logging too
pipework: does active record handle memoizing it for you?
uptownhr: It handles setting up a connection pool after you give it credentials, yeah.
well there will be at most like 100 keys right now
i guess up to 1000
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There are fantastic profiling and benchmarking tools that help you find out what's important to optimize.
godd2: don't use a global there
jhass don't use them in general or dont use them on the bot?
Or generally ever.
godd2: In your code.
actually I could just join it into a string and get a hash of that
godd2: not in general, especially not for memoization
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I was only showing an example of memoization
memorization, you fergaht the r
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towski_: with that you mean String#hash? that's as stable as Array#hash, it's only guranteed inside a ruby process
It was an example of using a global with memoization. Just as long as you don't actually think using globals is a smart idea to do unless it's the only choice at all.
pipework: any suggestion?
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shevy: the {} thing? yeah but hum, im thinking about the possibility to set things in "any moment", like win.button.text_set "foo"
godd2: you're teaching, good examples matter
well use like sha
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oh, you said fast :P
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wald0 yeah, all you need is the original setter method, and then the aliases towards it
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I'm making HTTPS requests to our API and 3 out of the 79 requsts are failing with this stack trace but I haven't been able to track down any useful information. Not sure if it's a bug in ruby or what's going on. https://gist.github.com/jrozner/2080a2bd6ea35637e51c
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livinded: I think, but only glanced, that something closed the connection before sending what you expect.
is there a particular reason why almost every ruby tutorial i find says ruby is the best for any task?
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DTSCode: Because it's a general purpose scripting and programming language.
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pipework, i get that, but its not neccesarily better. im just venting about how people parrot it as the best language ever. not saying its not good, but its not a one size fits all
pipework: alright. I'll take a look at the API code
DTSCode: People like langauges they are excited about.
meh... good point
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I think the language itself is fantastic if you don't mind class-based OO and the whole no type checking at compile or runtime.
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pipework: I'm at ch 3 of the black book 2nd edition
pipework: I don't see anything on the API side that would close the connection before sending back the data
zacts: Good sir!
livinded: I don't either, sorry. :(
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I've got to get some lunch, but if I have time I'll keep looking and try to help.
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so is rubinius ok to use for production code? or should I still use mruby?
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zacts: lol
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you're learning ruby using mruby?
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zacts: The rbx team probably thinks rubinius is production-ready. If you trust them, then sure. I like jruby.
zacts: ruby and mruby aren't the same thing.
oh ok!
MRI is the ruby written in C and maintained by the ruby core team.
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Some of us call it cruby, knowing that other rubies are written in c-ish languages.
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zacts: mri is the same thing as cruby, or just ruby. it's the reference implementation. the author of cruby is now working on mruby, but it's its own thing.
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I think I confused the 'm' in both of those, sorry
We used to call cruby yarv when 1.9 happened because mri was the always interpreted vm for 1.8
But now we no longer call it yarv at all.
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is it useful to freeze a regexp object?
sandelius: Does it have any possibility of being modified?
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Do you want to prevent that?
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pipework no It's actually a constant already
sandelius: So?
Objects that constants point to can be modified.
Warnings are only raised if a new object is assigned to a constant. You can still mutate the object in place.
pipework keep it down, someone might here you that we can modify constants ;)
pipework does it gain any performance?
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sandelius: 'gain'?
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pipework do we "save" anything by freezing objects like that? performance wise
i need to count from 0 to [nums]...how do i loop nums times?
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sandelius: I don't know if the use of the object is faster, honestly. You could benchmark it.
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b3itz: nums.times do |i|
pipework that a'll do. get back in a few
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jhass: cool.. whats the |i| do?
b3itz: read up on blocks and Fixnum#times
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oh, do i times
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how can i now implement what number im on, into the variable.. ex: i have 2 sides, loop through twice making side1 side2
something like side[i] = nums[0]
b3itz: ? provide more context
b3itz: !explain
b3itz: Please explain your problem better as we are having trouble understanding what you mean. A Gist (http://gist.github.com) is always helpful!
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so basically what im doing is reading in a line like r 2 4 - determining that its a rectangle with sides 2 and 4
so i need to see how many sides they gave me
remember to save with .rb ending on the gist
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please, 1) gist with syntax highlighting 2) use two spaces soft tabs 3) use underscore_names
sorry shevy i never remember
b3itz: get rid of all those `return`s
^ and that
i know i know i know
thats the least of my worries right now
b3itz also you can simplify a lot there
take this line:
if line.include?("S") || line.include?("s")
you check whether it has S or s right?
b3itz: if you want help you should make it easy to understand your programs. All of those things help that tremendously
in that case you could simply downcase the line and check for "s" only
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b3itz: snake_case method names, not headlessCamelCase
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pipework seems like freeze is faster when iterating 10000 times with gsub but slower with less iterations
b3itz: get rid of excessive parens
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i understand all these things as you guys have been hounding me, his is in an early stage and due tomorrow so im not worried about all that for my sake right now
ill go back and fix those if i have time
we worry for our sake!
i need to get it to work first
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the clarity is diluted by obscurity
b3itz: no
less code achieving the desired result is a good thing
b3itz: use #start_with? instead of #include? if you want to know if it starts with
using a proper style is a requirement for getting it to work
make it a habit as early as possible
btw b3itz the puts " " seem not necessary or?
you can replace them with a simple puts
havenwood: doesn't matter if its at the beginning or not
or you do the shevy style; alias e puts
sandelius: Oh neat. About how much faster?
thanks shevy
b3itz: so it might be?: 3 4 S
as you can see b3itz, we are totally distracted by all other things
havenwood: could be.. but probably not
lol i can tell shevy
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tearing my shit apart
b3itz: just fix it real quick
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nums.times do |i|
so i have an array called nums with 0-3 data points.. i need to loop through and store them
line 89 b3itz
is confusing
can you explain it
the nums.times?
yes that is line 89
<jhass> b3itz: nums.times do |i|
pipework with less iterations it's almost the same, no-freeze is ms faster. and more iterations freeze is ms faster. not by much
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b3itz ok where is the "end"?
thats the part im trying to figure out
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b3itz: that was provided without knowing what you need, you described the solution you think you need, not your problem
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b3itz you can use {} rather than do/end if "do" confuses you
<b3itz> so i have an array called nums with 0-3 data points.. i need to loop through and store them
i just typed it
ok you need to wake up your brain again
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b3itz: use two spaces to indent. you can set most text editors to two-space soft tabs, so the tab key does two spaces.
i need to count the numbers in the array.. then create side1 side2 etc
b3itz a big advantage in reducing the characters and amount of code is that it is also much easier to spot errors
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i dont understand your point shevy
ints vs string
so how does your Array look like?
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sandelius: Oh cool. I often use freeze before it's necessary. But I use it like this: SOME_CONSTANT=%w|some array of strings that should not be changed|.map(&:freeze).freeze
String does not by default have the .times() method
shevy: [4 4]
That way not only are they not changeable, developers know that's some serious shit and not to modify it.
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you could add it but please default to standard ruby and either convert your string into an integer or use something else
b3itz you must have forgotten a , ?
b3itz: what should happen if the input is r 1 2 3
Just probably don't repeat the link too often. People dont' like being badgered.
eam at that age you'll go to COBOl
of course
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Señor developer
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it's on github and stackoverflow too - though, surprisingly, not many are biting
i'd have expected more from stackoverflow
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try craigslist
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how do i do a file.write(array) and have it come out like [12, 45, 67]?
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b3itz: array.inspect
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Probably an aside, I have multiple tables labeled *_RECORDS, there's like 30 of them. I want to do a query across all those tables. Does anyone know how to execute such a thing in an Oracle database?
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besides writing a massive JOIN
Cat_1: #sql ?
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gsd: I think it'd be better to have a more concise about us: Asset Avenue is a crowdfunded real estate investment site. We're a start up in Los Angeles and we're growing!
gsd: "What we need" and "What we're looking for" seem redundant.
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gsd: I don't like the emphasis on 3-years, 5-years, of doing stuff.
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just curious
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Which job description are we looking at on the page?
gsd: Still recruiting for those positions, yeah? Had any luck?
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gsd: In these polyglot days asking for years in a particular framework is kinda silly.
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josephndenton: yup - still recruiting. takes time to find folks. there's more demand than supply.
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What are you looking for?
Cat_1: People to employ.
And cookies.
gsd: You mention Cucumber in one of them. Are you using it?
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I like how people say they want 5 years of a framework that's only been out for 3 years really, and they want production use.
gsd: If you're not, I'd suggest dropping it from the ad. Many of us aren't fond of it.
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Cat_1: honestly, we're just looking for culture fit first and then all-around good engineers.
@havenwood you aren't fond of your tests taking forever? :)
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The degree or equivalent experience is redundant with five+ years in particular languages.
How could you possibly not have equivalent?
What's the website?
Might be interested
I don't know if I agree about the equivalency.
You probably just want to filter by one or the other, but don't think of degrees as something you can compare years of experience to.
Cat_1: if you're in the los angeles area, i'd be happy to give you a ring today. shoot me over your resume: joshua@assetavenue.com
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Not in LA, currently in DC :)
we would prefer a degree - but i also don't want to rule out someone who doesn't have a degree - many great engineers just don't have them
i don't think degrees and experience are equivalent
Degree in physics! It's actually come in pretty handy
<- degree in biology
<- philosophy and law
one of my best engineers has a law degree!
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anyone in here actually have a cs degree, heh
<- degree in sitting on my butt whilst reading about math
i guess all those people are in #lisp
graft: not all of them ;)
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Cat_1: why don't you move to los angeles? :p
Cat_1: LA is great.
LA isn't as terrible as some places.
way to really sell it
pipework: Now you're just being reasonable!
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giuseppesolinas: hi
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I'm trying to get sass to include bourbon, I'm using sass as a node package but I'd like to ask if it is necessary to tell to sass where bourbon is
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ok, so here's an architecture question: I have a model which I'd like to be able to receive data either from a text file or from a database... seems like the best way to do this would be to parse the text-file into some sort of in-memory throwaway database so i can have a unified interface for my model to consume
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is there any config file I need to edit?
graft: humans are editing the text file?
havenwood: err, let's say no. it's basically a flat file representing the same information as might exist in the db
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i.e., assume for convenience it's well-formed, if that's your worry
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graft: Ruby has all sorts of interesting things built in, like YAML::DBM, YAML::Store, PStore, etc.
yourrulessuck: I'd suggest focusing on Ruby and not Rails. :)
yourrulessuck: But for Rails, try #rubyonrails
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hello why is it that in a proc, how is the scope different so that you cannot use pipe variable |n| on line 11 ? thanks: http://pastie.org/9719902
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pretty sure you can
note most people use Kernel#proc to construct procs
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jhass: thanks one second
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thanks pipework ...
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havenwood: if i'm not interested in persistence, do you think this is all just overkill and i should just stick with Enumerable and a bunch of hashes? i think what i really want is the relational capacity, which i'm not sure these options favor
graft: why are you doing it? speed? something else?
when I add |n| to line 11 I get : `block in proc_incrementer': undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
n_blownapart: You know why, right? Did you pass anything into call?
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graft: have you considered memcached?
havenwood: i'm not clear on what my motives are... basically, the problem is: data usually comes in text files, and it would be faster and easy to interact with it in a DB usually, but it's not always possible. so i'd like to use models that CAN query from a db if available, but can also query from the text file if necessary
no pipework .. a bit confused
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n_blownapart: What do you think happens when you call a proc that takes an argument without an argument?
I know about Array#partition -> how do I get the same behavior but stop searching on the first match?
pipework: technically a lambda is a proc
pipework: >> -> { }.is_a?(Proc)
All I'm really looking for is something that will allow me to grab the matched value and delete it out of the array without needing to do another lookp
giuseppesolinas: So go install homebrew then brew install chruby ruby-install, then use ruby-install to installyour preferred ruby.
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i would stay with pre-installed ruby on an os x
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I would ignore that advice.
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You definitely want the latest ruby security patches.
not all people have time to exercise hackering. Btw I do not usually ignore other's experience
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And people should probably just ignore advice that suggests they don't use updated software that contains security fixes for major vulnerabilities.
well, if I wrote a select to pull out things that matched, it would look like set1.select {|x| findNextIdInHugeXML(xmlReader) == x.strip!.delete("\"").split("|").first} if that gives you any idea of what I'm up against
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http://pastie.org/9719902 pipework would you explain the scope of 'n = 0' on lines 2 and 10 -- how they differ?
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graft: ^^^^
It's not about updated software but about plain new version. You fail to catch the difference.
n_blownapart: Like what do you mean? They're using the benefits of being a closure.
It's stability vs supposed security
volty: You don't know what you're talking about. Feel free to prattle on.
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But, I, for one, will upgrade my rubies that I use to the latest security patchlevels as soon as they're released.
n_blownapart: the one on line 2 ceases to exist after incrementor returns, since there's no reference to the closure that captured it anymore
pipework: I find you quite hysteric. Get an easy. Give your advice and lets stop here.
n_blownapart: the one on line 10 lives on as long as x lives on
volty: My advice is for people to not listen to people who give bad advice. :)
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My bet is that the other people here who help others have this guy on ignore.
havenwood: So, should we leave it to fate to arrange our meeting at rubyconfs?
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you are more sticky than a crab :)
pipework: ooh, reminds me i need to get a train ticket!
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havenwood: Do that, it would be a shame if I spent all of rubyconf looking for you to either say hello or hide.
How to manually put the files of the bootstrap on a rails app?
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cypheon: Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ help
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jhass: Added that as a helpa factoid. :D
josiah14: is xmlReader your set2?
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Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ help
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it still ignores me :(
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Radar: You should add jhass. He's a really good helper and a smart guy.
Radar: He contributed or contributes(?) to diaspora and other stuff.
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graft: xmlReader streams data in from set two, which is a set larger than what my ram can hold
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pipework: still doing maintenance stuff
if that gives you any idea about the size
what's the reasoning for having a whitelist on those? did you see abuse in the past? I find it rather ridicouslus tbh
jhass: neato. I wish they'd make as simple an api for their distributed network as possible.
josiah14: can you load it into a DB and index it?
jhass: I haven't looked in a long while though.
pipework: too old and too much undergradute college students code still. You'll like tent.io
I would still have to parse it out, but actually, that's not a bad idea
josiah14: basically it seems like you're trying to run queries on your raw data, and you need to transform it to something less ugly first before you do
ah, thank you logging. not only can i see exactly what happened, but i can link to each point in time to those questioning whether or not my code works to prove it's their fault :P
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in ur face!!!
jhass: Yeah, I saw that one. I'll have to look further, but I'm not sure it supports the kind of distributed network features I like.
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I don't care about it making HTTP requests all over the place, really.
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I think I know what I need to do.
Then do not try, do.
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pipework, so I've instelled ruby's lastest version via chruby do I need to tell my system to use that version?
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giuseppesolinas: You mean via ruby-install?
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giuseppesolinas: now you need to open a new terminal, you can close the old one, and then use `chruby <version>`
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Then if you just gem install <gem>, it'll be usable.
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pipework, ruby -v stil returns the pre-installed version
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giuseppesolinas: After using `chruby <version>`?
zacts: I'm pretty sure you can represent 99 problems as ruby objects, but a bitch won't be one. :p
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Crystal does def something(foo : Bar, baz = 3 : Baz)
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diegoviola: ignorance isn't always funny, as depicted by your link.
pipework: ah, so you can do default arg with a type
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pipework: what?
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havenwood: You can? I don't know, I was guessing for what I wrote.
pipework: oh, you're talking about yourself
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diegoviola: No, your link. The poor guy thinks windows doesn't have a shell.
pipework: oh lol
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pipework: yeah sorry about that
just FYI mksh has been ported to windows
ignorance can be bliss
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hey wasamasa, how goes?
zenspider: procrastination
he was talking about bash though
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wasamasa: yay! me too!
hrm, bash runs on windows right?
not so sure
pipework: def something number = Fixnum(42), string = String('sekret')
diegoviola: for the record, <random git who attempted recruiting me for a company trying to connect people> stated that if microsoft were to opensource the nt kernel, it would be overall comparable to linux
meh... people just like to hate on windows
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there are good reasons for that though
diegoviola: some things worse, some better
i kinda like it
diegoviola: and the better ones could be potentially startling
havenwood: Ah so can I just define any method and pass that method in with an object?
Or are there special methods?
pipework: i'm guessing they defined those on Kernel, and you can define your own? dunno..
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havenwood: I'm curious about rbx for the first time in ages. This probably doesn't bode well.
pipework: haha
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I have vagrant questions. Vagrant was written with Ruby I think and I believe my questions have to do with syntax. So I am going to try here. Run me out on a rail if this is inappropriate.
Like my RoR pun?
in my vagrant file I load a yaml file that has a collection. I think pass this collection to a shell script.
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In the shell script I don't get one variable that is a collection/array. Instead I get each collection item as its own variable. Like it was exploded for me or something. I was not expecting this.
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Any ideas?
I'd like to have an array in my shell script so that I can count it and loop over it.
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Seems pretty reasonable.
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maestrojed: if you ask in #ruby assume nobody knows vagrant. so, how is the YAML file read?
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This is the syntax of that array I use when I pass it. #{vconfig['databases']}
Which is the common practice for creating record, ex 1: User.create(params[:user]) or, ex 2: User.create({ foo: params[:foo], bar: params[:bar] })
I'd ask in rails but their channel is foobar'd
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so I guess you know that response times of 4 hours and more are nothing uncommon for a quiet IRC channel ;)
__aiguu__: Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ help
jhass yeah dude, just trying here. I am a IRC vet. :)
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I wish I knew someone that knows more about vagrant than me :)
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Has anyone come up with an easy solution to using sudo with the net/ssh library, whilst using public/private key authentication? The whole 'sudo: no tty present and no askpas, etc' problem only seems to have online solutions (stack overflow, etc) for folks using password authentication.
maestrojed: so #{vconfig['databases']} is a comment. I assume that's somewhere inside "" which means your array will be converted to a string (Array#to_s) and interpolated into the string, it's no longer an array
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jhass awesome that is probably the key
Thanks I will investigate that.
maestrojed: you probably just want to get rid of all the "" and #{}
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Alayde: people don't use sudo with ssh yes.
atmosx: I see. What would be the more preferred solution?
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Alayde: ssh sudo is quite common, sudo ssh is not
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you still didn't explain well what you're doing
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jhass: SSHing to a puppet master, sudo git pull on a git repo
Why would anyone ever sudo ssh?
jhass: I don't understand
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Alayde: there are many security models which allow fine grained control
Alayde: depends on the scenario
Alayde: the operating system and so forth
The issue is that there's an inherited method there
atmosx: I suppose. Guess I've yet to work at a company that requires super user access to SSH
actually, we managed to hack it
Alayde: why do you need to sudo to pull git?!
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jhass weird, I am having the same experience.
Repository is owned by root :( I suppose that could be changed
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but it wasn't in an ideal way, and there's methods in the Foo module that are using the VAR defined by Foo instead of the VAR that I'm trying to overwrite in FooBar
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well, owned by root and not world writeable
czhang: your SRP sounds broken
Since I am passing an array to my shell script. In that script. I expected "${1}" to be my array. Instead its the first item in the array
${2} is the 2nd item, etc.
Alayde: c'mon be serious. Clone the repo to a user, this is awful design.
maestrojed: yeah, I think that's the point of passing an array
atmosx: It's not my design, unfortunately I just inherited this house of cards
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maestrojed: argument passing only ever passes strings, you can't pass "an array as first argument", only a string representation of it
My work around would be to count the array before passing it. pass the array and this count. Then I would know how many vars exist in the shell script and can loop. But that feels wonky at best
maestrojed: in this case Array#join should give you a good string representation
uhm, I vaguely recall there's a way to count array items in a shell script
czhang: The code on the gist works as expected.
somehting with #
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jhass really. Is this vagrant? Ruby? Shell?
jhass yes, I can count arrays in shell with #
wait, it doesn't return 1 for you?
My issue is it was never an array.
But I will try your join tip.
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:( i'm on ruby 1.8.7
maestrojed: .join(' ') so it gets spaces
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If I had 10 items I'd have 10 vars. But I don't know how many items there will be so thats been my struggle. (and why you use arrays :) ).
czhang: returns 1, should return 1.
czhang: yeah well, my condolences, you missed the funeral
jhass awesome thanks!
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jhass: please, be more polite with strangers
jhass: that tone of irony, is not adequate to the channel's history and ethos
1.8.7 is dead and he seems to know
jhass: I know, I'm just trolling :-P
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atmosx using the word ethos should have been enough for you to know you were being trolled, jhass.
sorry, not my best day
atmosx: yeah but I want it to return 2; is there a way for me to make that happen?
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Wait, so are we still talking about ruby, czhang?
short of const_set and forking the gem
czhang: SRP = Single responsibility principle. If you got name conflicts by including a module, it's a good sign your class is way too big
pipework: I like using Greek words (go figure...)
it's not a name conflict, we're trying to overwrite it
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jhass: No one wants to have to write a library to use a Vagrantfile. :p
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czhang: of course it is!
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okay um
jhass when you told me "argument passing only ever passes strings, you can't pass "an array as first argument", only a string representation of it". Is this true because of Shell? Ruby? Vagrant? Just trying to google more.
maestrojed: it's true because of unix
So… is there a way to resolve it
czhang: You could use `def self.included(mod); mod.const_set(:Foo, something);end` on the module.
fundamental stuff when calling a program
oh god
jhass ok, thx
yeah i'm not using const_set, it looks even worse than our current hack
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(we have a pretty brutal current hack that seems to have sort of resolved the issue, but it doesn't really overwrite the constant sooooo)
czhang: Well, if the value you want is set at a constant, you're kinda screwed unless you cause whatever calls that constant to call your constant instead.
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Either way sounds bad.
yeah the change was to overwrite the method definition and make it call our new constant with a different name but
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that kind of makes me want to cry
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is the actual code you need to overwrite open source?
czhang: That's worse, imo.
yeah we could fork the gem and rewrite parts of it
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but that would make it harder to upgrade to a newer version
Yeah, if you could expose better configuration stuff and then pull request upstream...
as a first step I'd be interested in removing all that abstraction in your descriptions
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there's the slight chance we notice something in the particular code that might make your life easier
we're um
a lot of versions behind
oh, so I get free servers tonight? :)
czhang: hm you can't override the method right?
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I mean re-writing the entire class...
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so just redefining the method works?
czhang: sure
it's ruby
fair enough
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i coudl do that, that i think is actually less bad, yeah
changing a constant is not good, anyway you need just : Foo::VAR = 2 // you have to change context, and it seems senseless to change it in FooBar class and expect it without 'bringing into life' FooBar
actually hmm, that might make the underlying issue less explicit
It's not a DRY solution, but might work until you clean up the code (somehow)
volty: Actually, that raises warnings in ruby.
The better way is to delete the constant then set it.
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Yeah I think i'm gonna go with "this is the ugly fix but at least it's obvious what's wrong"
the better way is to rethink everything, i can't see a clear point in his thinking
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remove_const and then const_set
I don't know why remove_const isn't const_remove
or delete or something
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because const_set is backwards
it should be set_const
and const_get?
should be const_get
ruby stop messing with me!
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if const_defined?(DatConst); remove_const(DatConst); const_set(DatConst, SOMEVALUE); end
Could use defined? but I like the const_defined? here
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that's neat
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