havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Rules & more: https://ruby-community.com | Ruby 2.7.0, 2.6.5, 2.5.7: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Paste 4+ lines of text to https://dpaste.de/ and select Ruby as the language | Rails questions? Ask in #RubyOnRails | Books: https://goo.gl/wpGhoQ | Logs: https://irclog.whitequark.org/ruby | Can't talk? Register/identify with Nickserv first!
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<havenwood> hey
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<ewanchic> hey?
<ewanchic> Mallot1: Did you get your sinatra bug figured out?
<simonfromspace> page_title = @parsed_page.css('td.section_post_header span').text.gsub(':', '')
<simonfromspace> A semi colon was bothering me so I used gsub to replace it.
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<simonfromspace> But now I realized that other punctuations could be passed through the parsed page. What would be the easiest way to pass only letters, numbers, and spaces in the same order?
<simonfromspace> By easy, I mean, a one liner.
<simonfromspace> In my head, I'm thinking something like this -> gsub('!^[A-Za-z0-9 ]', '')
<simonfromspace> But that just looks wrong
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<Mallot1> Hey @ewanchic
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<simonfromspace> I guess I'm trying to replace anything that's not an alphabet or a letter into '' in my string.
<Mallot1> I got that working, but now I'm trying to figure out how to use ActiveRecord. I'm able to generate a migration with "rake db:create_migration NAME=db_name" but I don't know how to do C.R.U.D with it or how the migration actually connects to the controllers and views in a MVC application
<Mallot1> ewanchic: ^^
<simonfromspace> Figure it out, I guess. Solved my problem uuing--> gsub(/\W/, '')
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<ewanchic> Mallot1: Let me know when you have returned :)
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<havenwood> &>> Array.new(255, &:chr).join.delete('^a-zA-Z0-9') #simonfr
<rubydoc> # => "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" (https://carc.in/#/r/8l2i)
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<havenwood> &>> ObjectSpace.each_object(String).grep(/\^/)
<rubydoc> # => ["^(date: \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d+?)Z", "\\A[^:]+(?=(?::(.*?)=(.*))?\\z)", "#... check link for more (https://carc.in/#/r/8l2j)
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<Mallot1> Hello
<ewanchic> Hey!
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<ewanchic> So, trying to figure out Rails, or still with Sinatra?
<Mallot1> Hey ewanchic
<Mallot1> !
<Mallot1> Sinatra
<Mallot1> HelloWhen I run When I run "rake db:create" I get "rake db:createrake aborted!ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified: The `development` database is not configured for the `default_env` environment.Available databases configurations are:Tasks: TOP => db:create" how do I fix this? Please help. Thanks
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<ewanchic> Sounds like it doesn't know what kind of db you are using => hence the adapter
<havenwood> Mallot1: Is it an open source project you're trying to run?
<ewanchic> psql, mysql, sqlite3, or other?
<Mallot1> ewanchic. Oh i see. I'm using sqlite3
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<Mallot1> havenwood: It's my first sinatra project with activerecord
<havenwood> Mallot1: Is it open source?
<havenwood> Mallot1: Have a link to the repo?
<ewanchic> so in your database.yml (I think) you need to specify the adapter: mysql3 ...?
<ewanchic> ok, let me see.
<Mallot1> havenwood: It's not online right now.
<havenwood> Mallot1: Ah, okay.
<Mallot1> havenwood: I can send the code though
<ewanchic> or, let us see :)
<Mallot1> ewanchic: I'm using sqlite3
<Mallot1> Here's my database.yml:
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<Mallot1> adapter: sqlite3database: db/database.sqlitepool: 5timeout: 5000
<Mallot1> adapter: sqlite3 database: db/database.sqlitepool: 5timeout: 5000
<Mallot1> adapter: sqlite3 database: db/database.sqlite pool: 5 timeout: 5000
<Mallot1> Hold on
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<ewanchic> Do you have a line like this in your file: DataMapper.setup( :d efault, ENV['DATABASE_URL'] || "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/development.db")
<Mallot1> ewanchic: Which one
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<ewanchic> That does look correct...
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<ewanchic> did you install the gem 'sqlite3'
<ewanchic> do you have a Gemfile?
<Mallot1> Yes
<Mallot1> Here's my gemfile
<ewanchic> so 'bundle install' installed the sqlite3 gem?
<ewanchic> type 'gem list' to make sure
<havenwood> "The `development` database is not configured for the `default_env` environment."
<ewanchic> ahh, I see havenwood's point.
<havenwood> ewanchic: Sinatra uses APP_ENV for environment these days?
<havenwood> Mallot1: export APP_ENV=development
<ewanchic> havenwood: I don't know? :D I'm not a sinatra coder :)
<havenwood> Mallot1: Curious to see the whole project.
<ewanchic> https://dpaste.org/gygm here is an example
<havenwood> ewanchic: I moved from Sinatra to Roda. :)
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<havenwood> ewanchic: Yeah, I'd expect to inherit from the default, not *be* a "default_env."
<ewanchic> havenwood: Interesting :) I'm still a Rails guy :
<havenwood> Mallot1: Does explicitly setting RACK_ENV or APP_ENV to development help? Show your DB YAML file?
<Mallot1> havenwood: I'm not sure how I can get it hosted
<havenwood> Mallot1: Have a GitHub account?
<havenwood> Mallot1: https://github.com/
<ewanchic> Mallot1: so what havenwood is talking about, is you might need the development: section in your database.yml file.
<apotheon> havenwood: Why did you switch to Roda? (just curious about reasoning)
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<Mallot1> havenwood: "Mallot1: export APP_ENV=development" where do I put that
<havenwood> Mallot1: Just type it once in your shell then try again.
<havenwood> or prefix `APP_ENV=development` in front of the command.
<havenwood> apotheon: It ended up being a variety of reasons.
<Mallot1> havenwood: "Mallot1: Does explicitly setting RACK_ENV or APP_ENV to development help? Show your DB YAML file?" I don't know. Here's my database.yml:
<havenwood> Mallot1: So no environments?
<havenwood> Mallot1: That's the whole file?
<havenwood> apotheon: One reason was I wanted something that used less memory and was generally closer to Rack speeds.
<havenwood> apotheon: It excels there, with almost no footprint on top of Rack.
<ewanchic> Mallot1: Change your database.yml file to this, and see it that works: https://dpaste.org/MAKu
<Mallot1> havenwood: That's the whole file
<havenwood> apotheon: Another reason was being burned a few times by Sinatra internals leaking into my namespace, taking a long time to debug.
<havenwood> apotheon: I also found I often used ad hoc plugins with a Sinatra app, and it was much tidier using Roda's plugin system.
<ewanchic> Mallot1: You can see how I encapsulated your code into a 'default' branch, and then added a 'development' branch, and pointed it back to the default.
<havenwood> apotheon: The Roda plugins are also higher quality on average, especially those in Roda's repo.
<havenwood> apotheon: Jeremy Evans also maintains the project. He's also the Sequel maintainer. That's a huge win for me, since he's on Ruby core and a remarkable maintainer.
<ewanchic> Mallot1: What tutorial are you using for Sinatra?
<Mallot1> ewanchic: havenwood: Thanks so far. Same error so far
<Mallot1> ewanchic: What I can find on the internet.
<Mallot1> ewanchic: Unfortunately it seems ruby is not as easy to find information for as PHP
<havenwood> apotheon: I also found that I didn't use Sinatra functionality often, and Roda is great at composing the framework you need.
<Mallot1> I'm mostly finding learn.co articles
<havenwood> apotheon: I generally like starting with nothing and cherry picking plugins to compose a framework.
<havenwood> apotheon: Roda is one of the highest-quality code bases I've seen.
<ewanchic> That's what they all say... What are you trying to accomplish? Learn Ruby, Learn a Website...in Ruby. Build a particular kind of site? etc.
<ewanchic> What's the main goal here.
<havenwood> apotheon: As apps grow, I find the routing tree naturally DRYs up things that would take far more composing to get rid of otherwise.
<Mallot1> I just want to be able to make a CRUD app with Ruby
<apotheon> havenwood: I didn't realize it was the same maintainer as Sequel. That's interesting.
<havenwood> Mallot1: I can't recommend Roda enough: https://roda.jeremyevans.net/
<havenwood> Mallot1: Sequel is a lovely alternative to ActiveRecord: https://sequel.jeremyevans.net/
<apotheon> havenwood: Cool. Thanks for the info.
<Mallot1> havenwood: Thanks, unfortunately I have to use ActiveRecord for this prokect
<ewanchic> Well, IMHO, I would actually start with Rails, and maybe rails 5.1 or 5.2? Rails was built with CRUD in mind. Sinatra and Roda would be if you know the in's and out's of what your doing, and need something lean, mean, and thight.
<Mallot1> *project
<apotheon> I've been looking at Roda for an application rewrite, but wasn't entirely convinced yet.
<apotheon> I'm getting there, though.
<Mallot1> I'm so close, just can't seem to get db:create to work.
<ewanchic> what version of ruby are you using?
<Mallot1> I've figured out views, controllers, making a basic migration
<havenwood> apotheon: FWIW, it's very interesting in a microbenchmark: https://github.com/luislavena/bench-micro#requestssec
<Mallot1> ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x64-mingw32]
<Mallot1> ewanchic: ^^
<havenwood> apotheon: An it routinely does several times better than Sinatra or Rails in real tests too.
<ewanchic> Mallot1: Great. and Great. You can do all of this stuff in rails. Here, I'll walk you through it. Start with 'gem install rails -v 5.2 --no-document'
<apotheon> havenwood: That's what I've seen for Roda performance, in my readings online.
<havenwood> apotheon: I'd like to try a Roda app backed by Falcon and an Async adapter for the DB/memory store/web/disk.
<Mallot1> ewanchic: I would but I have to use Sinatra for this project unfortunately
<havenwood> apotheon: Falcon is looking really nice.
<havenwood> apotheon: My partner has a Roda app she switched over to Falcon: https://github.com/stephaniewilkinson/yonderbook
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<howdoi> How's ROR doing when compared to nodejs in the industry?
<ewanchic> Well you can still go back to Sinatra. Rails will get you there quicker, and then maybe you know what to look for. In the meantime, I look for some sinatra tutorials for you.
<ewanchic> howdoi: I really won't touch nodejs. I've hated it everytime I look at it. It's a huge step backwards IMPO.
<havenwood> howdoi: Rails is doing great. I don't know I'd compare a single framework to a... what is Node?
<ewanchic> Mallot1: what version of sinatra are you using?
<Mallot1> I don't know how to check
<havenwood> howdoi: A language? Not really. A browser VM that you can run on the server. I'd compare Node.js to Ruby probably.
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<ewanchic> gem list sinatra
<Mallot1> Oh yeah
<Mallot1> sinatra (, 2.0.7)
<Mallot1> thanks
<howdoi> In 2009 in did ROR for an year and switched to Python and later to nodejs and haven't turned back
<havenwood> howdoi: I'd guess that Ruby probably has more traction than Node.js overall? It's hard to say. JavaScript is certainly huge on the browser.
<howdoi> But recently got an interesting gig on ROR
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<howdoi> Bit confused, considering the market trends
<havenwood> howdoi: Ruby and Node.js are both pretty vibrant communities.
<apotheon> havenwood: I take it you mean this Falcon. https://github.com/socketry/falcon
<havenwood> apotheon: Yup!
<apotheon> cool
<apotheon> Does your partner use it in production, or just for dev?
<ewanchic> Mallot1: let me know when rails is all installed.
<howdoi> Yes, flacon, Sinatra, have used them
<ewanchic> Mallot1: my pleasure
<havenwood> howdoi: Falcon is quite new. Exciting concurrency things around Ruby 3. https://www.codeotaku.com/journal/2019-12/ruby-concurrency-progress-report/index
<howdoi> havenwood: job trends doesn't suggest that though
<havenwood> apotheon: She uses it in prod.
<ewanchic> howdoi: Just wait until I get 'Freight' out for Ruby on Rails, then you'll know what I'm talking about.
<havenwood> howdoi: Where do you live? How's it trending there?
<Mallot1> ewanchic: I can't use rails. I'm doing a sinatra project
<howdoi> havenwood: Bay Area 🙆‍♂️
<howdoi> ewanchic: I am curious
<havenwood> howdoi: So many Ruby jobs!
<havenwood> howdoi: Come work at Square. :P
<havenwood> Lots of Node.js too, so you have your pick.
<havenwood> (Not at Square, but in the Bay Area.)
<howdoi> havenwood: less salary, I am in Square's competitor 😅
<howdoi> Decent RoR jobs, less pay
<havenwood> howdoi: In the Bay Area, I'd say pick your poison based on your personal preferences. What makes you happy?
<howdoi> After 9+ years of slogging with JS, switching back to RoR makes sense?
<havenwood> howdoi: That makes sense to me!
<apotheon> havenwood: Do you work at Square?
<howdoi> JS makes me happy, it's not that RoR doesn't, Ruby has given me joy
<havenwood> howdoi: I wouldn't mind starting a Rails 6 app these days. It's so nice.
<apotheon> Yeah, Ruby's fun.
<ewanchic> Mallot1: I just realized this...di you require 'sqlite3' ?
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<howdoi> Okies! I can still keep in touch with JS anyway
<havenwood> apotheon: Yup!
<apotheon> hmm
<Mallot1> ewanchic: Yes
<Mallot1> ewanchic: Where
* howdoi will sleep over with this thought
<apotheon> I'd love to get a remote, part-time Ruby job.
<howdoi> Thanks for the chat!
<apotheon> Nobody really hires devs part-time, though, sadly.
<howdoi> I'll come back and pester more sooner
<havenwood> howdoi: The last I did Rails was for a little experiment around Rails 5.2: https://youtu.be/6h5TbKBnLws
<havenwood> apotheon: I agree! I wish there was more general flexibility with percent of time. It makes being a contractor appealing, except for every. other. thing. about it.
<ewanchic> howdoi: gem 'freight' long story short, I started this gem back in Aug '19, but I didn't own the name yet. I'm currently at version 0.10.x on my dev machine, but I'm trying to slowly translate what I have working back into the public gem, and add testing. ...it is SLOW, but progressing. I just finished a major stage just the other night. Now are to the third stage...I am so pumped!
<ewanchic> howdoi: second and third on my dev gem, not the public.
<howdoi> Nice, I'll wait for it.
<howdoi> havenwood: I'll listen to it. Thanks
<ewanchic> Mallot1: I'm looking for tutorials still. I was going to walk you through the Rails. If you need active record, it's not much different. You'll probably be done in 10 mins. Then you can take what you learned and able it back to Sinatra.
<apotheon> havenwood: agreed, re "every other thing about it"
<Mallot1> Alright, thanks I appreciate it :)
<apotheon> havenwood: It doesn't help that laws made to supposedly protect contractors actually screw contractors over in a major way.
<ewanchic> Mallot1: Is this what you are following?
<Mallot1> ewanchic: No, I've never seen that before
<ewanchic> Mallot1:, Yeah, forget the database.yml. Looks like it's just a tight piece of code. Create an app.rb file, just declares the db, right there.
<Mallot1> okay
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<ewanchic> Mallot1: This might be what you need.
<Mallot1> ewanchic: It looks like a great find
<ewanchic> I googled: sinatra 2.0.7 with activerecord tutorial
<ewanchic> Mallot1: let me know how that works out for ya!
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<ewanchic> havenwood: How did your experiment go?
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* howdoi is overthinking
<havenwood> ewanchic: I had a blast and was thrilled to find out how relatively easy it was to wrap an API in an ActiveRecord-like interface.
<ewanchic> havenwood: Yes, it is awesome stuff, that rails!
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<Mallot1> don't disconnect
<Mallot1> sweet, that should buy me some time lol
<ewanchic> Mallot1: Awesome! Glad it's working for ya!
<Mallot1> ewanchic: Thanks, still working on trying to get activerecord working. All in good time I guess lol
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<ewanchic> Mallot1: Since this is Windows 10, did you install Sqlite3?
<howdoi> > According to the results from the same survey, globally Ruby developers have a salary of $64000. That’s quite lower than Clojure ($72000), Rust ($69 000), Erlang ($67000) or even Go ($66000) but much higher than JavaScript ($55000).
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<Mallot1> hello
<ewanchic> Hey
<Mallot1> I'm so confused with migrations. When I create a migration and run it what actually happens?
<Mallot1> Like what file is generated? How can I see what happened?
<ewanchic> Is there a schema.db that's created?
<ewanchic> Sorry, schema.rb?
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<Mallot1> it runs but no schema.rb is made
<ewanchic> It's probably more complete in Rails than it is in sinatra. The way migrations work is really cool! There is another table that's created in your db called schema migrations. It' keeps track of your tables that get added to the db. You can create, migrate, rollback, drop, and append existing table.
<Mallot1> oh sweet
<Mallot1> thanks
<ewanchic> Migrations can give you the oppurtunity to morph/transpose data if you need to, from table change ti table change. The idea is , if you need to go backwards in your project development, you can.
<ewanchic> Yeah, from this tutorial, sinatra might be lacking, I don't know for sure. But, it makes sense. Rails is designed for setting up the whole framework for development. You can go lean and mean with sinatra. But, my projects are never lean and mean in nature. They have to be robust and productive/feature rich apps.
<ewanchic> That's why I think if you created a rails app in 10 mins, you'd find easier why sinatra might or might not be doing this or that.
<Mallot1> Could wor
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<Mallot1> k
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<StoneCypherMac> Hi, I barely ruby, I'm trying to hack my way through it on other code, and I'm missing something. I wrote a module, and in irb it seems to do what I expect. I'm trying to write a spec but I can't load spec_helper.
<StoneCypherMac> I'm really hoping this is a common mistake and that I'm about to feel silly
<StoneCypherMac> it's not clear to me whether there's an expected path, whether i need to have done whatever ruby's package or project creation dance is, &c. i'm trying to rtfm but i haven't found the relevant page yet
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<havenwood> StoneCypherMac: We'd be happy to help. Have you committed your project to a repo and uploaded it anywhere you can share so we can take a look?
<havenwood> StoneCypherMac: Do you have a spec_helper.rb file?
<havenwood> StoneCypherMac: To require a helper from the same directory, you could: require_relative 'spec_helper'
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<ewanchic> If I'm running ordinary gem server, and I source to it, and I ask for a gem that's not installed, will it search up inside the gem server to download it into it's repo, and then give it to me, or will it skip?
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<ewanchic> mmm :( gem server works, but I still cannot install gems from it.
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<JediMaster> Hi all, I've got a dependency conflict between two gems, 'acme-client' and 'inspec-core'. They both require the 'faraday' gem, both work with 0.9.1 and above, but inspec-core doesn't have a ~> dependency so it tries to install 1.0.0 which then conflicts with the requirements for acme-client. Does anyone have any ideas on a workaround?
<JediMaster> I need both running at the same time (inspec-core is required by Chef's client, and I need acme-client for a Chef recipe)
<JediMaster> It looks like gem recommends having a limiting ~> requirement on all packages, it warns when you don't have one, and inspec-core doesn't have it
<JediMaster> Is there a way I could stop faraday 1.0.0 from being installed despite inspec-core's >=0.9.0 dependency that automatically installs the very latest version?
<JediMaster> This issue has only happened since faraday 1.0.0 was released
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<IGnorAND> I like ruby, and would thus like to write ruby. I however need to run several scripts on servers which dont have ruby installed. One option is to write the scripts in sh/bash. Is there a way to make a elf binary from ruby so I can avoid writing sh scripts?
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<IGnorAND> rubinius looks like what I want, but the page is 'blank'
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<IGnorAND> seems it needs a Rubinius VM as well. Sigh so not byte code
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<leitz> Is there a need for a gem that helps you format your resume data into txt and html, from the same source? I got tired of being asked for word versions, and I needed a web version on my site. Not sure if anyone else would want it.
<leitz> Well, with their own resume data. :)
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<IGnorAND> @leitz you could make a prawn version of it
<IGnorAND> creates pdf
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<leitz> IGnorAND, not a bad idea!
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<minall> Hello Ruby community!
<minall> I'm studying Ruby and I reached the concept of 'symbols', which are 'lightweight strings'. I somewhat understand it, but I want a situation in which I'll use symbols instead of strings
<leitz> minall, as a key for a hash.
<havenwood> minall: I'll quote Jeremy Evansn, "Symbols are a simple way to get a unique named identifier, and Strings represent arbitrary data/text."
<havenwood> minall: Or Matz, "Symbols in Ruby are for identifiers. They are kind of like Enums in other languages such as Swift or C# (although Symbols are more primitive)."
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<havenwood> minall: There's discussion of the distinction in these issue tickets:
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<havenwood> minall: Strings => data, Symbols => identifiers
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<havenwood> minall: Symbols are like a number wearing a name tag. They don't store text, they just happen to use a bit in their name tag.
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<havenwood> minall: A language can unify what Ruby calls Symbols and Strings or go the other way and have more distinctions than just two primitives for identifiers and text data. At some point languages draw lines between primitives, and sometimes they seem to overlap somewhat.
<havenwood> {label: 'some text data'}
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<havenwood> minall: leitz's example ^
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* leitz heads out for a bit. Liking the learning, though.
<minall> Thanks guys!, that's more aclaratory!
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<simonfromspace> havenwood, I can't find it here any longer but what the testing tool you suggested for my scraper?
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<simonfromspace> A three letter tool
<havenwood> simonfromspace: vcr
<simonfromspace> ty
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<seenseen> I've created a few scrapers in my past, but are they easier to create in Ruby than for instance in Node?
<seenseen> Like Ruby's not made for "low level" file and folder management like shells, from what I understand it's not very well suited for "low level" web scraping
<seenseen> "high level stuff" took on a whole new meaning after I came to this conclusion, however wrong it may have been.
<seenseen> * but aren't they
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<seenseen> * but are, sorry misread
<jacksop> I've found the mechanize gem (https://github.com/sparklemotion/mechanize) useful for scraping.
<seenseen> Did an A/B test and it turns out JS scrapers are way easier to create than Ruby scrapers
<seenseen> jacksop: It's
<seenseen> Went through Mechanize and its forks but still :/
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<seenseen> Ruby is destined for greater things than to scrape web pages
<seenseen> Like scraping garbage off the streets
<havenwood> seenseen: You mean controlling robots.
<havenwood> seenseen: Yes.
<seenseen> Ruby is what makes the streets. And the skyscrapers they house.
<simonfromspace> You're a wizard, Ruby
<seenseen> havenwood: Yes sir!
<jhass> but don't we want robots so we don't have to scrape garbage off the streets anymore ourselves...?
<havenwood> jhass: then the robots will build organic lifeforms since they learn they don't want to do it either.
<havenwood> maybe we should just stop throwing garbage in the streets?
<jhass> you make it sound easy
<jhass> reminds me of the short movie where the automated factories build their own consumers
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<havenwood> now if the street itself was alive...
<seenseen> I love where this is going :)
<havenwood> the street could make its own garbage and we and the robots could clean it up.
<havenwood> by working together.
<simonfromspace> havenwood, I need to make unit tests for my code. I was suggested by Reddit and this channel, to have a local static page to test against. So far I only know RSpec. Does this mean I don't need to use vcr? Or would I be able to do the same with vcr?
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<havenwood> simonfromspace: Minitest is a test framework that ships with Ruby. RSpec is a popular alternative to Minitest. VCR is a different thing that works with either Minitest or RSpec. VCR will fake a "replay" of a web request so you can test the web offline.
<simonfromspace> Oh, so it works on top of RSpec.
<havenwood> seenseen: Have you tried anemoe, spidr or wombat?
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<havenwood> seenseen: Lots of crawler options. Whether it works for you depends largely on what you're doing. Headless browsers are sometimes easier. I've found Ruby quite adept at scraping. YMMV.
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<seenseen> havenwood: Interesting
<seenseen> havenwood: I think I tried spidr, but it was a while back. Ended up creating our own spider in Node :/
<seenseen> After careful consideration
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<seenseen> I might have to revisit that decision, but in a way it makes sense to parse HTML with JS rather than Ruby
<havenwood> seenseen: I can't imagine it much matters whether you crawl or parse in JavaScript or Ruby. They both seem quite similar in that regard.
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<havenwood> seenseen: They both have a ton of tools to do the crawling and parsing. The fast parts of both are written in C. They expose a very similar level of abstraction. I'd guess it's more about whether coding in Ruby or JavaScript makes you happier.
<havenwood> seenseen: If I wrote the same crawler and parser in both I'd imagine I'd not much prefer one to the other. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<havenwood> seenseen: Unless there's some magical library you love that's just available in one of them.
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<havenwood> seenseen: As interoperability get better, even that matters less.
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<AndreYuhai> Hey there, can I use active record for my non-rails project? To create a database table and model.
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Yes, you can.
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Consider Sequel as an alternative.
<AndreYuhai> havenwood, is it a good way though?
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Sequel and ActiveRecord are the two most popular outside of Rails.
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: https://sequel.jeremyevans.net/
<AndreYuhai> havenwood, oh I haven't heard of Sequel, I will check that as well. Thank you :)
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<havenwood> AndreYuhai: It's quite nice. :)
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: The maintainer also authored Roda and is on the Ruby core team.
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: http://roda.jeremyevans.net/
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Both Sequel and Roda have a plugin system, so you can get a bunch of features by cherry picking them.
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: I highly recommend both. Lots of folk do also use ActiveRecord outside of Rails effectively.
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Whatcha using a DB for?
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<AndreYuhai> havenwood, Oh I haven't heard of that either. I actually just started learning some rails for fun. What I am doing right now is that I have a scraper and I keep whatever scraped in a mysql DB.
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<havenwood> We should better document YDBM: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/2.7.0/YAML/DBM.html
<AndreYuhai> havenwood, I was using mysql2 gem with some module I wrote to make it easy to do CRUD but that becomes pain
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<havenwood> AndreYuhai: For just a key/value store you can even use something built in to Ruby to persist data. Ruby ships with a whole menagerie of interesting things along those lines.
<havenwood> We should really better document YDBM, on that front: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/2.7.0/YAML/DBM.html
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<havenwood> adam12: DBM is a little key/value DB that Ruby has a variety of adapters for in the stdlib, like DBM, GDBM, and SDBM.
<havenwood> oops, MT
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<havenwood> AndreYuhai: One limitation of DBM is that it only stores strings for both key and value. YDBM just auto-serializes values to YAML so you can store more than strings.
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Anyway: YAML + DBM = YDBM
<havenwood> YDBM lets you use String keys to store values to the DB.
<AndreYuhai> havenwood, so what if I have multiple columns per row
<havenwood> Or YAML::Store is similar, but persists to disk: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/2.7.0/YAML/Store.html
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Are there any associations?
<AndreYuhai> havenwood, nope
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Or no edges connect?
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<havenwood> AndreYuhai: With YDBM you can do like: DB['a row'] = {column_1: [1, 2, 3], column_2: [4, 5, 6]}
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: I need more coffee to think DBs!
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Both YAML::Store and YAML::DBM persist YAML with a key value. So it's like using a Ruby Hash with String keys.
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<AndreYuhai> havenwood, oh all right haha, I will have a look at that as well.
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<havenwood> AndreYuhai: It's handy but more often than not a fancier DB is called for. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<havenwood> AndreYuhai: Sequel is quite nice for those fancy DBs. :)
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<AndreYuhai> havenwood, yeah it looks really cool. I'd started with active record though but I will definitely use Sequel, looked simpler. :D
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<Mallot1> Hello
<havenwood> Mallot1: hi
<Mallot1> Anyone know ActiveRecord? I'm a beginner and I just am trying to setup my project but "bundle exec rake db:create" is not working
<Mallot1> I'm using Sinatra
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<Mallot1> Hey havenwood, nice to see you again
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<Mallot1> I'm getting this error: "ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified: The `development` database is not configured for the `default_env` environment."
<havenwood> Mallot1: Link to the repo with your code?
<Mallot1> havenwood: I don't have a repo. I'll upload it to github
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<havenwood> Mallot1: This is a new project I'm assuming? You're sure you can't just use Sequel?
<havenwood> Mallot1: Seems like you haven't specified the database.yml location or that file is borked.
<havenwood> Mallot1: Confirm 1) the APP_ENV you're running under, 2) whether your database.yml file is properly "set," 3) whether the content of your database.yml file is correct.
<havenwood> Mallot1: I'd be happy to help you start a quick Roda app with Sequel if you get stuck or tired of debugging.
<havenwood> Mallot1: Lots of folk here use Sinatra and ActiveRecord though, so sharing a repo should work to get help with those.
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<Mallot1> havenwood: I apologize for the wait, I was putting the project onto Github. Here it is: https://github.com/Mallot1/SimpleSinatraActiveRecord
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<Mallot1> havenwood: I would use mysql, but I'm doing a project that requires I use sinatra and activerecord, and they use sqlite3
<havenwood> Mallot1: Ah, like for class? Nice.
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<havenwood> Mall, ah they left?
<havenwood> (The config/environment.rb file wasn't getting required since it was commented out.)
<havenwood> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Mallot1> Hey
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<Mallot1> Sorry havenwood I got disconnected
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<havenwood> Mallot1: I created a PR to fix the issue.
<havenwood> Mallot1: (Uncomment a single line in your Rakefile.)
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<havenwood> Mallot1: Channel logs are here if you ever want to check the backlog: https://irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<Mallot1> havenwood: Thanks, I removed the line but same error :(
<havenwood> Mallot1: Uncomment!
<havenwood> Mallot1: Don't remove the line. Uncomment the line.
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<havenwood> Mallot1: Or once you fix the new errors the old error comes back?
<havenwood> Mallot1: Sec, lemme try.
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<AndreYuhai> How can I call another rake task depending on the result of the task I ran earlier ? If that's possible.
<Mallot1> havenwood: Thanks, it progressed to then scrutinizing my require "models/car.rb" file. I then changed that to "require_relative "../app/models/car.rb" . Same error now
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<havenwood> Mallot1: Updating the PR as I fix.
<havenwood> Mallot1: Multitasking with work so this may be slow.
<havenwood> Mallot1: Actually, I don't have time right now. :( But very happy to help later today.
<havenwood> Mallot1: I just pushed a commit setting RACK_ENV, which changes the error.
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<havenwood> (Tiny changes.)
<havenwood> Mallot1: ENV['RACK_ENV'] ||= "development"
<havenwood> Mallot1: Now the error is: The `development` database is not configured for the `development` environment.
<havenwood> Mallot1: So those match. >.>
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<Mallot1> havenwood: I see "ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified: The `development` database is not configured for the `development` environment." thanks so far
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<havenwood> Mallot1: It was a missing require. This sinatra/activerecord is fincky.
<Mallot1> havenwood: Oh nice, which one?
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<havenwood> Mallot1: Updated PR, but really have to work now!!
<Mallot1> havenwood: I have "Couldn't create 'db/database.sqlite3' database. Please check your configuration." now from adding a ENV["DATABASE_ENV"] Okay, thanks!
<Guest19403> newbie of ruby here , hello , everybody
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<Mallot1> *ENV["DATABASE_URL"]
<havenwood> RedNinja: Welcome!
<Mallot1> havenwood: Yes, perfect! You rock bro!
<Mallot1> It works, thanks again! :)
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<RedNinja> thanks
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<sagax> hi all!
<sagax> i don't understand - why i don't use rackup? where rackup it's must be have?
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<havenwood> sagax: Huh?
<havenwood> sagax: What are you asking about rackup?
<havenwood> I can't parse this, could you say it another way?: "where rackup it's must be have?"
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<havenwood> sagax: This is the `rackup` executable: https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/bin/rackup
<havenwood> sagax: It's a common way to start Rack apps, regardless of the webserver they're using. Alternatively, most webservers ship with their own executable. So, you can use `falcon`, `puma`, `unicorn` or `thin` in place of `rackup` depending on which webserver you're using.
<havenwood> sagax: All of the above work with rackup files, by convention named: config.ru
<havenwood> ".ru" for rack up
<seenseen> seen seen!
<sagax> hm. i understand now, before i use `thin` and `unicorn`
<sagax> havenwood: thanks,
<havenwood> sagax: you're welcome
<seenseen> sagax: havenwood is the #1 go to
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<seenseen> sagax: But lemme just add "rack-attack" to the mix
<seenseen> Save your ass from script kiddies and the like, if your app really gets popular :)
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<simonfromspace> I have a variable inside a method. Is it possible to set that variable to whatever I want using let in rspec?
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<simonfromspace> the variable already has a value, so I'm looking to change that value when testing the method
<ewanchic> You might need to change it to an instance var, as in @variable
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<simonfromspace> I thought so, and I wanted to confirm
<_phaul> but the fisrt question should be if you really want to do this in the first place. Test from what visible to the outside.. Everything hidden inside is hidden for a reason
<_phaul> testing internal state makes tests fragile
<jhass> ^ you might want to resarch dependency injecton
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<simonfromspace> Well, _phaul I am making a scraper and supposed to build unit tests for it. I have a variable set to the website (probably not the best idea but it does the work, and as ewan suggested, I'll make it into an instance variable).
<simonfromspace> I'm making a static site for rspec to run the tests on.
<simonfromspace> And I want rspec to point it to that test site instead of a live one.
<simonfromspace> I was suggested vcr but I've been having trouble understanding how to implement it.
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<simonfromspace> I hope that explains my situation. I need to set the variable to my static site when running rspec.
<_phaul> is it passed in from the outside? Then you have access to it from rspec that passes it in ( as jhass said that would be basically dependency injection )
<simonfromspace> No, it's set inside the method.
<simonfromspace> I guess I'll set it outside as an instance which should work, right?
<simonfromspace> I'll give it a shot.
<_phaul> site = 'site' ; scraper = Scaper.new(site: site); is the usage. Then you can let(:site) {double('site')}; subject {Scraper.new(site: site) }; and expect on it like expect(site).to receive :whatever
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<_phaul> if the site is actually worked out inside the Scraper, then that is telling you that the scraper class does too much
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<simonfromspace> Setting it up like that might need a lot more refactoring.
<simonfromspace> I have till tomorrow morning but I'll try my best. THank you
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<_phaul> good luck. I hope I haven't sent you down on a rabbit hole that's too deep. But usualy if something is hard to test then the problem is with the something
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<simonfromspace> _phaul, I'll let you know how it goes. Currently writing my tests.
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<ewanchic> So last night I tried to use regular 'gem server'. The webbrowser works, and it updates as I install more gems. But I get an error when I try to download gems from it using gem install. https://dpaste.org/iCyc
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<ewanchic> I'm not sure where to go from here. Basically I'm have the same issue with gem server and gemirro.
<AndreYuhai> Hey there, I have a database model and it has one attachment called file, a csv file. The client is able to directly upload the CSV to an amazon bucket. Then I read the content of it, do some manipulation in the background, create a new local CSV and upload it back to the bucket using amazon sdk. What I have problem with here is that how do I attach this file to a model as well?
<AndreYuhai> so I need to be able to create active_storage_attachments and blobs entries for the file
<AndreYuhai> But couldn't figure out how to do taht
<AndreYuhai> especially for blobs table because it has some columns that I have no idea where we are getting from.
<AndreYuhai> for example: metadata, content_type, byte_size, checksum.
<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: Not sure what you mean by attach to model. Why/how are you attaching a file to a model? Do you mean you want to upload the file to the db?
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<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, I create a local CSV on the server side. I want to upload this to an amazon bucket. I also have a model where I want to keep record of these uploaded files.
<ewanchic> Is this db model...a db table you to add afield that accepts blob data?
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<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, yes it's a table and in the model code I just did `has_one_attached :file`
<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: oooh, ok. New Terminology from activestorage. I'd think of it ans a one to one table relationship.
<simonfromspace> Any idea why this is happening. I've commented out all the tests yet this happens. https://dpaste.org/8Th1
<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: so, is there a reason why you want to store blobs (csv files) in the table? It's really a bad idea to do that. Files should be stored in the File Hierarchy database, aka your file folders.
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, not sure if I understood correctly but I am not storing CSVs in table. Let me show you what's in the tables.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: p @output
<ewanchic> simonfromspace: # ./spec/eztv_scraper_spec.rb:1:in `require_relative' did you require the eztv_scraper.rb file inside of your eztv_scraper_spec.rb file?
<simonfromspace> yes I did
<ewanchic> simonfromspace: Did you require JSON lib?
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, for example: https://imgur.com/a/2J8bKwb
<simonfromspace> I've required all the files. It works fine normally, but using RSpec messes it up.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Share a link to the repo?
<simonfromspace> Oh do I need to require json lib inside the spec file or something?
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Nope, shouldn't need to.
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<simonfromspace> Let me push
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<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, so in blobs table there is information about the file uploaded to the bucket which I have no idea how's that happening in the background when I use direct upload.
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<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: ...oh, so You make changes and the file uploads back to the bucket, but you don't see the changes in active storage?
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, well I am uploading the file using the amazon sdk so I have to instantiate another model then attach the file and then save it. But when I upload the file to the amazon using the SDK I just get true as a return if the upload was successful
<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: You basically making those changes on the desktop, you re-upload the file back into the bucket directly. Going around active storage. But you don't see the changes in activestorage?
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, no, I want to instantiate a model and attach the file that I just uploaded to the model and save it.
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, but the thing is how do I attach this uploaded file to a model
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, I do Model.new.file.attach (or something like this) but then how are all the column values handled
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Omit ".rb" from your executable and add a shebang. https://github.com/simonpeterdebbarma/eztv-scraper/tree/scraper/bin
<havenwood> simonfromspace: #!/usr/bin/env ruby
<havenwood> simonfromspace: That's ^ the shebang.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Them make the file executable.
<simonfromspace> Yeah I've seen it before
<simonfromspace> So the filename becomes eztv-scraper. or no period?
<havenwood> simonfromspace: No period.
<simonfromspace> Wow
<simonfromspace> Interesting stuff
<havenwood> simonfromspace: By convention, you should have a lib/eztv_scraper.rb file that does the other requires.
<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: Well, Your Model would be the 'Post' model, and record_id is the Post.id that the attached :file is linked to.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Then a lib/eztv_scraper/ directory for the other files that are required by lib/eztv_scraper.rb.
<simonfromspace> Let me know if you have any feedback? It's my first self built CLI app. Started yesterday.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: You should put your whole app under a single namespace.
<ewanchic> active_storage_attachements is a polymorphic table, meaning it's a catch all for all files you are uploading.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: By convention, eztv_scraper would be: module EZTVScraper
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Or: module EztvScraper
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, then do I manually assign those values like filename, content_type, metadata, checksum etc. etc.?
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, in my blob table
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Follow both the gem naming guidelines and directory structure carefully.
<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: When you upload the file to Post.file, then you should be sending it off to the Amazon bucket, not the other way around.
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<simonfromspace> Okay, fixing them
<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: No it should do it for you...but it's probably not necessary becuae I assume ruby would look up the file, and ask bash for all of that info. I'll look it up ...
<havenwood> simonfromspace: You can do just `puts` instead of `puts ''`.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: No need for the empty String literal.
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, hmm alright I will try that right now. Because then I need an object of Attachable to be able to attach the file
<havenwood> simonfromspace: You should probably run Rubocop on the code, just for some quick fixes.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: gem install rubocop && rubocop -a
<havenwood> simonfromspace: The "-a" will autofix issues.
<simonfromspace> Yeah I fixed the errors last night but I'll do again
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<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: So, you could do things like file.video? or file.audio? to see what kind of general type it was.
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<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: File.content_type whould get you more info on the type
<ewanchic> havenwood: sorry to bug you, any ideas as to while I'm not downloading gems properly from gem server or gemirro?
<havenwood> ewanchic: Not off the top of my head without knowing more about the problem you're running into.
<havenwood> ewanchic: I suspect you don't need to be doing it, unless it's for fun.
<ewanchic> havenwood: no, it's for development. It's for freight gem
<havenwood> ewanchic: I have a bunch of gems but never run my own gem server for them.
<havenwood> ewanchic: I use a gem server for work, but just to get private versions of shared gems.
<ewanchic> havenwood: frieght creates a new rails app. Then I got to stick 'freight' back into the Gemfile. I've been putting a path in which messes things up when I export to the server.
<havenwood> ewanchic: Just to clarify, freight is currently closed source?
<ewanchic> havenwood: I suspect if I create a private gem server, and force the Gemfile to source to it, then I have my testing ground fixed until I get more code out publicly.
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<havenwood> ewanchic: So you're using a #source block in your Gemfile and serving the gem yourself?
<havenwood> ewanchic: Alternatively, you could use a private GitHub repo or point to a local path where the gem is located.
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, I guess here might be the problem that I was trying to explain.
<ewanchic> haevnwood: yes and no. I want to make most of it open source, but I'm hoping to make a section of it as a subscription based. It's where coders can use most of freight for free, but if they want more predone code, you can get that from a subscription. I know I'm being generalized here, but I would like to bouce off these concepts with you and others to see if this is a fair business model or not.
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, So I was trying to get that blob object with mentioned values and he did it with ActiveStorage::Blob.create_before_direct_upload!(params)
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<havenwood> ewanchic: source 'http://localhost:8808' do
<havenwood> ewanchic: gem 'freight'; end
<havenwood> ewanchic: I'd personally prefer to use a private GitHub repo than bother with a gem server if there weren't other people involved, especially.
<havenwood> ewanchic: You can just point your Gemfile to a repo.
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<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: Awesome! Glad you found what you were looking for!
<simonfromspace> havenwood, changed file structure as instructed and pushed. gonna test rspec now that the shabang has been made
<simonfromspace> Still getting the same error.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Where'd your lib/ dir go!?
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Make sure you committed everything?
<AndreYuhai> ewanchic, thank you for the help :)
<ewanchic> havenwood: So, If I saved the freight-x.x.x.gem files in gems.wanchic.com, and then wrote a source block to just get gem 'freight' from here, then later in gem 'freight' it would just grab it from gems.wanchic.com ?
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Oh, I dunno what I was looking at. It's back.
<ewanchic> AndreYuhai: Hey, my pleasure! Good luck to you and God bless!
<havenwood> simonfromspace: This should be: require_relative '../lib/eztv_scraper.rb'
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<havenwood> simonfromspace: This dir should *only* have eztv_scraper.rb: https://github.com/simonpeterdebbarma/eztv-scraper/tree/scraper/lib
<havenwood> simonfromspace: And this dir should have all the other files: https://github.com/simonpeterdebbarma/eztv-scraper/tree/scraper/lib/eztv_scraper
<simonfromspace> ahha
<simonfromspace> I switched that up. sorry :D
<havenwood> simonfromspace: Then the file structure should mirror the namespace, so EztvScraper in lib/eztv_scraper and EztvScraper::JSON in lib/eztv_scraper/json.rb, etc.
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<havenwood> simonfromspace: Then have spec/spec_helper.rb be the only thing that requires the entry point for the lib, which requires everything else.
<havenwood> simonfromspace: You can either use #require_relative from your helper, or set up the $LOAD_PATH to include your lib/ directory. You can do the latter like I have here: https://github.com/havenwood/digest-sip_hash/blob/master/spec/helper.rb#L3-L4
<havenwood> simonfromspace: With that ^ way, you just from your helper do a: require 'eztv_scraper'
<simonfromspace> Okay, that's a lot of knowledge to intake for me but I'll try my best to process it. Let me try.
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<havenwood> simonfromspace: Once you get that structure down, all you have to do is create a eztv_scraper.gemspec to cut a gem.
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<simonfromspace> Alrght!My rspec works fine!!
<havenwood> :)
<simonfromspace> Taking a look at your gemspec
<simonfromspace> I would like to make this into a gem. That would be pretty cool.
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<havenwood> simonfromspace: I'd focus on the directory and file structure and matching namespace first. We can help get it in order, then it's easy to cut a gem.
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<simonfromspace> "cut a gem", guessing that's a thing Rubyists say, but firts time hearing it sounds sleek.
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<simonfromspace> s/firts/first
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<ewanchic> havenwood: I'm trying to implement git right now. the reason the localhost won't work is I export my code right to a server and it needs to download new gems. It's doesn't have the path to freight.
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<ewanchic> havenwood: also, recopying gems in rvm for a new gemset is taking a while. Sometimes it locks up on nokogiri or sassc gems and sits there for a long time before continuing. Just trying to make this go faster.
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<simonfromspace> Not sure this will help anyone here but finally found an easy way to test my scraper https://blog.albertorocha.me/posts/testing-rspec-nokogiri-fragment
<havenwood> ewanchic: I don't know what you're doing, so hard to make suggestions. At the surface level, sounds like you might want to bundle and offline RVM with full gemset and move it over all at once: https://rvm.io/rvm/offline
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<Mallot1> Hello, why does line 11 give me the Lint "Status must be >=100 seen as integer" error? Code (Error is at the bottom): https://dpaste.org/Av9J
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<_phaul> Mallot1: there are a few thing's I spot, these are local syntactic ones, but I'm unsure about what the code does as whole.. fisrt thing class level @record_id has no relation to @record_id at the instance methods. Second you are using === which is the case equality, when you probably mean == (normal equality)
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<_phaul> &>> class X; @record_id = 'class level'; def foo; @record_id; end; end ; X.new.foo
<rubydoc> # => nil (https://carc.in/#/r/8lcr)
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<Mallot1> _phaul: Thanks, I'm trying to make sure that my if statement can check if @record_id exactly equals false, not 0
<Mallot1> _phaul: so use == instead of ===
<Mallot1> ?
<_phaul> === is special and you hardly need it. It has type specific behaviour that can be surprising
<_phaul> &>> Integer === 1
<rubydoc> # => true (https://carc.in/#/r/8lcv)
<_phaul> &>> Integer === Integer
<rubydoc> # => false (https://carc.in/#/r/8lcw)
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<_phaul> it usually but not always means something like "matches" or "is in" a collection
<Mallot1> _phaul: Alright I changed all the === to ==
<Mallot1> How can I make it so that I have a class variable @record_id
<_phaul> classes don't share data with instances. But looking at the code I think you meant to write class methods not instance methods
<Mallot1> _phaul: And use that variable in the methods
<Mallot1> _phaul: I guess so
<Mallot1> _phaul: I just want to write methods for my Car class
<Mallot1> _phaul: And have the record_id variable be accessible throughout the whole thing
<Mallot1> Oh, do I have to use self.record_id?
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<_phaul> If you want to write class methods you can write def self.create_record etc
<_phaul> then create record does not belong to any instance but the class itsellf. Ie call would be Car.create_record .. not Car.new.create_record
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<Mallot1> hello
<Mallot1> _phaul: Alright. Here's what I have: https://dpaste.org/70FZ
<_phaul> you put the @ back in the class methods in front of record_id.
<_phaul> sorry. s/you// I deleted howI started the sentence
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<_phaul> I didn't mean to be offensive
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<Mallot1> no worries, I didn't detect anything offensive :)
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<Mallot1> _phaul: What am I supposed to do again?
<_phaul> &>> class X; @blah = 'this works'; def self.foo; @blah; end; end; X.foo
<rubydoc> # => "this works" (https://carc.in/#/r/8ld0)
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<_phaul> so keep the @ signs, and keep the methods class methods
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<_phaul> although, setting it to nil doesn't do much, as instance vars are automatically nil without declaring them
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<Mallot147> back
<Mallot147> _phaul: Sorry, I don't understand https://carc.in/#/r/8ld0
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<Mallot1> hi
<_phaul> ok. let's make a step back. You probably should make those methods class methods - as you have already done, because they don't operate on an instance of the class but on the class itself. We can just make this code "work" either way, but this is *the* real reason. After this change use @record_id consistently everywhere I can still see self.record_id on line 44.
<_phaul> After that I also pointed out that at the top you don't need @record_id = nil, because instance variables don't need declaring like that
<_phaul> &>> @any_variable_name # is allready nil
<rubydoc> # => nil (https://carc.in/#/r/8ld1)
<Mallot1> _phaul: Oh okay. Here's what I have now: https://dpaste.org/rFrb
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<_phaul> and you still have the same issue?
<Mallot1> yes
<Mallot1> _phaul: Line 11 causes the error
<Mallot140> _phaul: I mean line 8
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<_phaul> hm. seems bit more debug is needed, I can't see any obvious reason from the code
<leftylink> well
<leftylink> s/well./
<leftylink> s/well//
<Mallot1> _phaul: Okay, thanks so far
<Mallot1> leftylink: lol
<_phaul> there are things I find confusing about the code, about how it uses active record, but that's different question
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<_phaul> you don't save invalid objects in the database. And what you get back from the database should already be valid
<_phaul> normally..
<leftylink> I don't see where the code for the /createtestcar is defiend so I don't think we have enough information to answer the question at all
<_phaul> create will I think throw exception if you tried to save an invalid object. So all the validity check are a bit fishy
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<Mallot1> I see
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<_phaul> probably the biggest confusion here is that it's inheriting ActiveRecord::Base. as it should be just having an instance of a record but it itself is not a kind of ActiveRecord..
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<_phaul> also violating Liskov probably. trying to limit existing broader functionality
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