ocdtrekkie: I "tracked" you, although I have yet to really understand what that means.
kentonv: I tracked you back, and am now reading up on what that means.
It's something something about verifying the keybase info now, so if someone monkeys with it on the server, you still have the accurate copy, from when you tracked it?
I applaud services that advocate not trusting the server/provider, but good Lord they get confusing. D:
from what the doc says it sounds like it basically lets you avoid re-verifying someone's identity based on their social proofs every time you interact with them.
buuuuut I'm not yet sure I understand how that will cover all the corner cases
zarvox: You need to just get neynah a Linux VM. :P
kentonv: Well, it specifically claims to not be a web of trust.
And that you're really just trusting your own snapshot of their identity, which you signed when you tracked them.
ocdtrekkie: that's the most confusing part to me. It seems like you could build a web of trust from this, so why are they claiming it's not one?
kentonv: Well, does seeing what other users have tracked it require trusting the server?
I guess maybe not? I don't know. I dunno how to keybase, I'm just going to type whatever I have to type to submit my SPKs. :D
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ocdtrekkie: :p
Just saying, I use Windows too, but whenever all this git and keybase and sandstorm and stuff stuff gets involved.... I go get Ubuntu. :P
ocdtrekkie: neynah has a Linux VM, but prefers to do asset work on the host, and copying in/out of the VM is a bit of a pain
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That is true.
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I email myself stuff to go between host and VM. :/
Which is awful, I should just have a shared folder.
But yeah, I email myself stuff.
We succeeded in cloning the repo at a very short path.
So, isn't it ideal to not upload node_modules to the repo to begin with?
Hence the vagrant-spk suggestion, where there is supporting tooling for fetching dependencies.
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hi any way to change the storage location of each sandstorm grain?
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sapienTech: Not really. You can play filesystem tricks like moving the directory and replacing it with a symlink, but it's not something that's intended to be supported.
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haha, yeah i was just about to do a symlink trick. Is this feature something sandstorm intends to support in the future?
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sapienTech: Probably not. :/ You're not really intended to reach into grain storage, except by downloading backup zips and opening them.
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kentonv: thanks for the update. and to just be sure, grain storage would be things like my library in groove basin?
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dwrensha: I actually got this cat outfit and it disappeared!
any idea what happened?
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sapienTech sapienTech1 sapienTech2: Yes. It's anything that is stored by an app.
haha had wifi troubles earlier, thanks
sapienTech1: FWIW, the right way for an app to share data with the outside world is through APIs
so e.g. if you wanted to have your music collection in one place where a Sandstorm app can access it but you can also use it outside sandstorm, then you want some sort of storage API that they can both call into
but we don't have any apps that do that today
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Google now has a Wi-Fi router. I'm not sure which is funnier, the 'privacy' policy, which amounts to 'yeah, we can pretty much collect all your Internet use now', or the fact that the hardware manufacturer is TP-Link. Well known for producing the cheapiest, lousiest routers on the market.
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sandstorm/run-bundle.c++:2335: failed: execv(args[0], const_cast<char**>(args.begin())): Argument list too long
I added metadata, and now `vagrant-spk dev` fails!
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Then 'vagrant-spk reload' to reboot, and then try again
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hi there, I recently installed sandstorm on my own server and am using sandcats dns service. My interanl ip changed last night and I can no longer connect to my website. I just made it static to avoid this issues, however i believe that dns should still figure it out correct? anyway, is there anyway to tell the sandcats dns that my interal ip changed?
Hi sapienTech
Yeah, the service should detect that.
sapienTech: Can I ask what Sandcats hostname?
<paulproteus> seems to be the IP address on record. Is that the correct new one?
I got that by running:
host sapientech.sandcats.io
yes that is correct
That's good at least. I think your Internet Service Provider has cached the old one, and it'll automatically get fixed in a few minutes to hours.
You can check by running:
note that I have another dns service running a few websites on a different server under the same ip, and they are working
so so have double {{ then server ip address?
*private address
No, I just mean, that's a placeholder.
Welp. Canonical are asserting that prohibiting the redistribution of non-GPL binaries from Ubuntu is intentionally prohibited. The sandstorm app store should probably blacklist the hashes of the binaries in Ubuntu packages then :/
Also I guess that Sandstorm wouldn't fall under the "permitted" use in kirkland's article anyway because sandstorm doesn't trust the vendor of the app
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if i were to change the webpage address, would I just need to change the base url and wildcard host in sandstorm.conf?
To host it at a new domain? Yup, do that, plus remove the SANDCATS_BASE_DOMAIN line so we stop doing automatic DNS updates.
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would i keep it since I have my own dns service?
oh, sorry nvm
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If you have your own DNS service, and you want to stop using sandcats.io, then you should remove SANDCATS_BASE_DOMAIN since it is related to the DNS updates of the sandcats.io service.
You are always welcome to put that line back in, and come back to the sandcats.io domain if you would like.
XgF: Canonical can DMCA whatever packages they think are in violation, and we'll happily accept the free publicity.
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XgF: Regarding the rowhammer discussion from the other day, it sounds to me like the people you were talking to were able to induce more than 2 bits of error at once? The original rowhammer paper suggested that each additional bit flip was exponentially less likely, such that you had something like 1000x chance of flipping 2 bits vs. 3.
what were they doing differently to allow that?
or to make it likely, rather?
I believe that in making it possible to hammer using JavaScript they've actually made it faster
(the original implementation used CLFLUSH which is a pretty slow instruction)
but they not only need to make it faster, they need to make sure that the probability of flipping 3 or more bits is similar to (or greater than) the probability of flipping 2
because a 2-bit flip halts the machine, ending the attack
I can submit a pull request for the graphics, just finished them
neynah: yes, that's the one
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Anyone know where I can find the sandstorm repo for draw.io?
I'm under the impression that one's not open-source
but I'm pretty sure kentonv can help you get in touch with them?
yeah it's not open source.
Yeah, for the purpose of graphics. I'm sure they'll want to submit their own.
yeah, they have their own SVGs
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having a sandstorm issue: after swtiching my app over from sapientech.sandcats.io to apps.sapientechnology.com by changing the root address, and removing sancats base address, and revoking and recreating the signin APIs on github, I have access the site and can sign in, but when I try to open an app, the window claims "server not found". Here are the logs: http://pamrel.lu/d4c38/
My association is going to hear words. Their landscaping people killed my Comcast line.
sapienTech: Do all apps do this? Did you update WILDCARD_HOST in addition to BASE_URL?
yes all apps do this; even newly installed apps
**checking on wildcard_host
it sounds like WILDCARD_HOST is broken, yeah
ahh, so wildcard_host is set to : .WILDCARD_HOST=*.apps.sapientechnology.com:6080, is the . supposed to be there? i thought it was there in the defualt sandcats configuratoin
note the line is WILDCARD_HOST=*.apps.sapientechnology.com:6080
there is no extra dot in front of WILDCARD_HOST
actually that makes a lot of sense for the .apps to be there, since all the grains have <code>.apps.sapientechnology