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im trying to use proto but im getting undefined reference to symbol '_ZN2kj1_20inlineRequireFailureEPKciS2_S2_S2_'
what am I missing?
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fundies, are you linking against libkj?
fundies, you need to link against libcapnp and libkj, i.e.: -lcapnp -lkj
if you're using RPC you also need: -lcapnp-rpc -lkj-async
if you have pkg-config installed you can use it to query the linker params: pkg-config --libs capnp
whats lkj?
it's a C++ framework library that's bundled with Cap'n Proto, but built as a separate library
whats it do?
it contains a bunch of C++ utility code
stuff that isn't really specific to Cap'n Proto serialization, but is used by the Cap'n Proto library
kentonv, you guy who made cap n proto?
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kentonv, how much work on protocol buffers would you say you did compared to jeff and sanjay?
jeff and sanjay invented the protocol and wrote the first version, often called "proto1". I wrote proto2 (a complete rewrite in C++ and Java) and released it open source.
proto2 is the same design, but API details were cleaned up and the support for dynamic reflection improved a lot