FYI, the Quassel server I was using no longer behaves itself, so people won't try to send me private messages I won't actually receive/view.
So I won't always appear logged in, but since I check the botbot.me logs, I'll probably still see it if I'm mentionned.
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ocdtrekkie: If you happen to have any sort of administrative access to the Quassel server, or maybe even if not, might be able to get help over in #quassel . Pardon if you've already tried or would rather not.
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digitalcircuit: I was freeloading off someone else's server that they don't really maintain anymore.
I have no desire to be a pest about fixing it since I got to freeload off it for a couple of years at this point. He tried rebooting it, it didn't fix it. Such is life.
Anyways, I used to have a phone that supported a Quassel client. Now that I don't, it matters a lot less. As a case in point, while I used Quassel from my desktop at home, everywhere else I logged in with webchat (as ocdtr_web).
Without having Quassel active, now I can just log into webchat as myself.
ocdtrekkie: Noted! Unfortunate given Quassel 0.13 is nearing release, but I can understand just using the webchat.
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I will probably set some sort of thing up eventually.
Arguably, since I was only using Quassel at home lately, I could just omit the server portion entirely and just run it on my desktop as a standalone.
My home PC is (mostly) always on, it's on battery backup, Internet connection is (mostly) stable, etc.
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Cloudflare's policy update email really spoke to me.
"If your inbox is anything like mine, it’s recently been filled with emails like this one: a company updating its policies."
Why yes, yes it is. :P
I've only gotten a few. It's been pretty amusing though.
"We suddenly care about your privacy..."
"Our privacy policies take place on the exact day we're legally forced to, and not a day sooner."
Yup, similar experience here :)
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