Anyone happen to be floating around who knows anything about Python virtualenv?
ocdtrekkie: In theory, sure.
What's up?
Presumably, it used to put pip in the env's /bin directory. (Since vagrant-spk expects it there.) But it isn't there.
Huh, it definitely should do that.
I am websearching looking for a change in behavior, but I figured it was worth a random ask in channel. My error message is at sandstorm-io/vagrant-spk#228
Sorry, best of luck.
(sidebar of fun: my IRC client isn't showing your messages or mine... but I can send messages from it... and see your responses on botbot.me)
No worries, I'll keep at it.
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hello, I am using sandstorm and signing up the users from ldap. For now, I can share the documents of an application between all the users of the ldap, But I want to give permission on sharing of the document, like I want to share only between the groups of ldap users, NOT with all the users. Is it possible to give the permission, if yes, then how
can I do so. Though I did not find this feature.
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taman: So to be clear: You can share with individual LDAP users, but you are hoping to share with LDAP groups?
yes, I want that a specific member of the group can ONLY share a document with its group member, NOT out of the group.
OH, that's different, you want to limit the scope of who a user can share with inside your organization.
That is... kinda strange.
I know some design was done on applying "policies" to sharing so that you could do some more sophisticated configuration with regards to who can share what, but I don't think you're likely to see that sort of capability available in Sandstorm anytime soon, tbh.
It never hurts to put in an issue on GitHub describing the feature you want and why it's important. But I don't think Sandstorm's LDAP support is particularly group aware at this point, it is more or less just authentication right now, I believe.
I think so, as It did not ask me for "cn" regarding information inn configuration.
And I can put it as a feature request on repo. It seems to be nice feature.