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Can't seem to access my rocket.chat grain through the android app anymore. getting an 'invalid url' error after entering in the API url.
Also, even using a mobile browser, the audio and video recording doesn't seem to work
Seems the legacy rocket.chat android apps still loads grains, but no avatars and no audio/video uploading. Jitsi calls still work
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coffeebird[m]: I am going to look at getting Rocket.Chat updates moving again on Sandstorm soon to see if we can't get back on track there.
They are not unwilling to push it, the problem is that right now Rocket.Chat's Sandstorm build script doesn't work.
Kenton just updated meteor-spk to the latest version, and I've fixed a significant number of issues with vagrant-spk lately. Rocket.Chat uses vagrant-spk to call meteor-spk, so next up, I need to fix the meteor stack on vagrant-spk so it will work with current Meteor crud.
Once that it done, I can submit a PR to Rocket.Chat which updates their /.sandstorm folder with the latest versions of the scripts/Vagrantfile, and we should be cooking at that point.
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