"merging is not possible because you have unmerged files"
Who on Earth wrote that error message?
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I guess that means rocketchat is closer to an update :D
Nah, I'm working on something else. :P
But I have a Rocket.Char PR open!@
I've subscribed to the thread on github and it seems to be moving along
though I'm not sure if an upgrade will add any more functions. The jitsi bridge works well, but I'd also like to be able to send pre-recorded video and audio over mobile and that doesn't seem to work atm
The biggest thing is it will probably resolve issues people have had with being too out of date for apps, unless the Rocket.Chat team fixed that some other way.
This is the horror I just suffered: Merging two unrelated git repositories where one had a submodule with the same name as a folder in the other.
I was delighted when I realized I could merge whole repos together.
that was the moment I truly understood git's object model
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TimMc I certainly don't understand what I just did. I just know it works.
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I don't know a whole lot about submodules, tbh.
Were you effectively bringing a submodule into the repo proper?
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TimMc: Kinda the opposite. The sandstorm repo had the main project as a submodule.
Problem was, there was also a folder in the main project with the same name as the project, so when combined with said project referring to it as a submodule, it thought there was both a "file and a directory" with the same name.
So I had to fork the sandstorm repo, remove the submodule, and then I could do my merge.