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is this a good place to ask questions about capnproto?
or is there a better place?
bodie_: This is a good place.
can I use capnproto for rpc with untrusted network clients?
I've been looking at flatbuffers, but the Go implementation doesn't have a validation tool. I'd have to either add it to codegen myself, or use runtime reflection to check that all the getters work, and then I'm kind of defeating the purpose
In theory, Capn should be fine with untrusted clients. In practice, I think that there's a few things that untrusted clients can do that will give some Capn decoders a bad day. In particular, the Capn wire format permits cyclic structures, but the vanilla Capn library can't deal with them, IIRC.
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hm, okay. thanks simpson
I'm not an expert. The regular Sandstorm folks will be up soon and they'll know more.
ha, that's right. I forgot the west coast exists in the past ;)
I'm on the West Coast, but I get up at 6AM.
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