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crw: Yep, that work is still pending.
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I should see about setting up wildcard LE certs for my nginx...
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crw, I know dwrensha has gotten his Sandstorm set up with a Let's Encrypt wildcard. Unfortunately it doesn't look like Sandstorm will be able to do much to automate it, since you have to pass a DNS challenge.
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Can't you at that point just any ACMEv2 client, assuming Sandstorm detects certificate files changing and reloads?
ccx^xmpp, not sure what you mean. You probably need to put nginx in front of Sandstorm to do the TLS termination, and then arrange for Let's Encrypt to deliver certs to nginx
Sandstorm could be doing the termination, but that just changes things so you have to deliver the certs to Sandstorm. What Sandstorm cannot do is automatically request the certs for you, because you have to pass a DNS challenge, and Sandstorm doesn't have access to your DNS
(unless you are on sandcats, in which case we're already providing you with TLS certs)
ocdtrekkie, regarding your "last used" bug: is it consistent with the last-used time only being updated if you keep the grain open for at least a minute?
It seems relatively plausible to me, kentonv. I do a lot of short updates on documents.
Though I didn't think Sandstorm closed them again within a minute?
Once I noticed some of my docs didn't show a recent date of course, I tested by noticing that opening grains didn't move them to the top of the list, which again, would be "less than a minute" of testing in most cases.
Yeah, that seems to be the case.
is it possible to buik download grain backups?
coffeebird[m]: Sadly, no, not at present, AFAIK.
ocdtrekkie, yeah, pretty sure that was the bug. Pushing a Sandstorm release now to fix. Debating whether or not I want to bother updating Oasis...
(nothing else has changed since last release)
I need to review some apps.
Things not jumping to the top is mildly irritating sometimes, but not a huge issue.
guess I could push a hotfix... if it gets reverted by accident it's not going to be outage-inducing, at least