Hi there! I think I've done something naughty so I want some opinions on it.
What do you think? Is this sustainable? Is this even legal? Or am I shooting myself in the foot here?
I'm very cheap, and I wanted a free static web page hosting, file storage and email, separate from any of my existing accounts anywhere, so I signed up for the free plan in oasis.sandstorm.io with my github account, created a roundcube grain, added that email to my credentials list and removed the github credentials. I'm accessing roundcube through a shareable link in an incognito browser window.
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namark1: Email inside Sandstorm doesn't work super well.
If I'm reading it correctly, you essentially now have a situation where you can only log into Sandstorm via an email account that you can only access via the same Sandstorm account.
Since email-based login to Sandstorm hinges on you having access to your email, presumably if you log out of Sandstorm you will have no way to log back into it?
ocdtr_web: Yes, but just to clarify I can access the email via a sharable link even not being logged in... and use that to log in...
But of course, bear in mind, Oasis does prohibit you from using it for most of the reasons one might want a completely disconnected account: Doing something illegal under US law or anything that would constitute harassment.
Also, arguably, if you ever lost access to the account, not only would you be unable to regain access to it, but you couldn't create another one without violating the terms, since you're only permitted to create one free account.
I see. I'll have to be extra careful with the I guess to not loose it. Any idea if those sharable links expire?
They shouldn't, but it's possible for them to break in an update or the like, presumably.
I don't know how much kentonv would approve of anon accounts on Oasis, he might view it being possible to set an account's login email as itself a bug and decide to fix it, or adjust the terms to disallow it. That is probably a question only he can answer.
(He tends to be talkative here on weekends.)
Alright, thanks! I'll wait around, or ask him about it directly.
Also I'm not looking to do anything illegal of course. I guess I just read way too many FOSS articles and discussions, making me want my own anonymous isolated oasis on the internet.
Can't blame ya. Just, as a standing recommendation, don't put anything on it you can't get back otherwise, for the aforementionned reasons.
I will try my best to resist the temptation O:-)
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namark1: You may get more use from https://disroot.org/ free service. Though I don't know about static site hosting.
CcxWrk: That looks great, will definitely try it out. Thanks!
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namark1: For what it's worth, nearlyfreespeech.net is pretty inexpensive for static webpages (also PHP/MySQL hosting).
and they have an excellent ToS
There's also neocities!
The sharing link is a cute trick, though. :-)
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TimMc: Those are pretty neat too, given an email provider from CcxWrk's suggestions, Thanks!
namark1: Incidentally, I can recommend Fastmail as a great email host, from that list.
TimMc: Yes, I read about it before as well, looking for alternative to Gmail. I might switch to it at some point, but anything that requires payment information defeats the point of this particular experiment I guess.
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I am also a wildly happy Fastmail customer. =)
Just remember if you ever sign up to tackle one of us who has it for a referral code. You get a discount for the first year, whoever you get the code from gets a little credit towards their subscription, etc.
ocdtr_web: Sure thing, will keep that in mind.
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ocdtr_web: Ooooh, I'd forgotten about that!
namark: Yeah, the coupling of payment to identity online really stinks. I hope GNU Taler eventually gets off the ground... https://taler.net
TimMc: yep, following that myself, sounds really good in concept.