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ocdtrekkie: The sharable link will be only for one person. In that case I have to create 30 links :-(
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dotorgdotcom, you can create one link and send it to 30 people
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^ For some stuff I share publicly, I literally just make one shareable link and paste it on the Internet.
* Zarutian_PI
wonders about all the cyber-glue used up in all this copy and pasting.
ok. we use a mailing list for announcements. I can just add the important links to there and everyone should be able to access it from their account after they've clicked on it?
coffeebird[m], yes
when they click the sharing link, they'll be asked whether they want to reveal their identity. If they accept, then they "redeem" the link and it becomes part of their grain list, as if you'd shared it directly to them.
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I need to check. When I create a sharable link, it ask for label to keep track with which I shared. If it is not for ONLY one person, then what is the use of label?
dotorgdotcom, the label could be something like "sent to mailing list"
it's entirely for you to remember why you created the link
so that you can decide if you need to revoke it
Thank you for clearing confusion.
I created a form, using SandForm, I can export results as csv. Is there anyway to show these results as live, publised on web? That mean a public link which shows this csv file (spreadsheet)?
dotorgdotcom, that would be up to the app. I don't know if SandForms has a feature like that.
Even I could not find any way to share with someone else who can see filled results. I was able to share so that they can fill the form.
kentonv: Ok
I think EtherCalc can make forms too, but I don't remember, I've never done it.
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There looks to be an export to CSV in sandforms
Ethercalc seems to have various plugins but I'm not sure if they're in sandstorm. I mostly just keep it pretty simple with any of the etherapps.
I've found that some tasks I tried to do in ethercalc were better handled in another app. Financial reports, inventory, etc.
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