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Installing the new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on a drive.
I have an old Dell Inspiron I was using for vagrant-spk testing since my main PC has VMware instead of Virtualbox, now it has both Windows and Ubuntu drives. \o/
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simpson: But what's the failure mode? Just throw an exception, or is it riskier than that?
TimMc: I don't know. I'd like to think that you get an exception, but I also know that the client's written in C++ which is not exactly confidence-inspiring.
Frankly I was planning to make the Monte client simply support cycles directly.
What's Monte written in?
Zarutian_PI2 is now known as Zarutian_PI
Right now? A mix of RPython and Monte. In the future, just Monte.
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Does anyone know if OS X comes with Python 2.7 preinstalled?
The name is familiar now -- you've probably mentioned it before. :-)
Looks neat.
I'm currently learning Rust, which is pretty enjoyable. I'm so glad to see all these new languages taking security and correctness seriously.
My main languages have been JS and Clojure for the past 15 years, though I've had exposure to assembly, and it's nice to get into something that makes me think about the machine but still has high-level data structure concepts.
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Hey aethycus. :D
hi! :D
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I have an issue with my sandstorm installation, The encoding is bad, all UTF-8 characters appears weirds :(
That sounds really weird. Do you have a screenshot?
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