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Hey, I'm assessing Sandstorm as a potential server for my business. Generally speaking, do the apps present an API which can be manipulated? For example, I would like to be able to automate some apps, or even allow apps to interact with one another.
rlp10: Sandstorm itself has an API to manipulate the grains FWIU, but it's app-dependent whether they actually expose something on their own
And the "grains" are the information that each app is storing in the database, right? So it would be pretty difficult to manipulate manually (for example getting a list of pads from Etherpad, or a list of appointments from Radicale).
Grains are separate sandboxed instances of applications.
Radicale is CalDav server - that's your API right there. And I believe Etherpad has something too.\
Oh I see, so it's more about assessing each app.
Yes. Only the app has the ability to expose an interface that's meaningful to it specifically.
Caveat: I'm no authority on Sandstorm, I mostly just lurk here.
Thanks for your time, which I appreciate, I'll continue to investigate.
Haven't quite figured out how to sync radicale with my phone. Seemed to stop syncing with thunderbird too. I guess sandstorm isn't going to let it by design?
It should work™. Sandstorm only prohibits outgoing connections and {Cal,Card}Dav works by client requesting updates periodically.
In my experience Radicale wasn't all that reliable sadly, but everything else is even worse.
* CcxWrk
blames overengineered standards
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Was working at first I think. Seems easier just to use a calendar plugin for WordPress. Besides that we're still relying on Google calendar ;_;
CcxWrk: The version packaged for Sandstorm is pretty out of date.
Do you know if the current version is better?
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is there any news on the letsencrypt wildcard certificate for sandstorm?
Today my paid cert expired :)
afuentes: I don't know of any progress on Sandstorm doing that negotiation for you.
(or more realistically, calling out to DNS-manipulating scripts you provide)
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Thanks TimMc!
Ill look how to do it manually then
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I have nginx in front of sandstorm, so when I finally get around to using the wildcard certs I'll be using a different method anyhow.
im still reading how this works, but it seems a little counter intuitive needing to modify a dns txt record to validate the wildcard cert
Wouldnt it be enough to reply to a random generated subdomain?
I think they were working on an approach like that. They might have abandoned it due to issues with shared hosting setups. I vaguely recall some issue with that...
Im trying to picture the case where controlling one random subdomain doesnt allow you to control other subdomains, but i fail to invent a valid use case for that
if you can reply to sklajdflsaudf90asudf9asd8f9das8fa0sd98fa09sd8fds.yourdomain, you are pretty much in control of the subdomains
of course the sandstorm use case is much simpler. There arent shared sub-subdomains, they all belong to sandstorm
Oh, never mind, I was thinking of LE disabling TLS-SNI-01 validation.
Anyway, I think they modified the ACME *spec* to allow for wildcard validation via randomly generated subdomains, but did not actually implement/enable it in the Let's Encrypt CA.
Oh, so its a technical issue with the ca, that might be a valid reason
Not that im joining the lets encrypt protocol discussion. I was just curious and wondering the reason. At least your reason make it sound reasonable
I mean, that is the reason it cant be automated by sandstorm afaiui
If they are making it so complicated, im sure they had a good reason for it
Guest99675 is now known as guido
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Maybe the DNS support was just ready and proven out sooner and they'll do random subdomain later.
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