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<ocdtrekkie> kentonv: It took Google six months to fix KRACK on the Pixel 2. It took third party ROM authors two days.
<ocdtrekkie> They might finally get their act together though, the dude who's been the head of Android security since time immemorial was recently shoved off to thermostat security or something.
<kentonv> Android and iOS shipped fixes for KRACK at about the same time, no?
<ocdtrekkie> Nope.
<ocdtrekkie> iOS was in October, Pixel 2 got the fix in December.
<ocdtrekkie> (My Windows Mobile phone was patched about three and a half weeks before the iOS fix, mind you.)
<ocdtrekkie> And Google has been told about the fix in the realm of July or so.
<ocdtrekkie> kentonv: Got pushed back.
<ocdtrekkie> (And look at the fanboyism in that headline.)
<kentonv> I see, the first article had a correction at the bottom saying KRACK wasn't actually fixed
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<georgeowell> yeh there was a patch to migitgate KRACK really quickly in Lineage OS
<ocdtrekkie> Like two days, I think.
<digitalcircuit> Yeah. Even got it on many no-longer-updated devices, too, like my Galaxy Nexus (Verizon, toro).
<kentonv> I did the cyanogen thing for a while, and TBH my problem with it was the fact that it took a long time to get Android major releases and then basically forced you to wipe your phone when updating, which meant I was stuck on an old release for some time.
<kentonv> it felt a lot like I was using a non-Nexus device
<kentonv> it's cool that they push fast security patches, though
<ocdtrekkie> I'll stick with my "globally available every Patch Tuesday" security patches, until they stop offering them.
<ocdtrekkie> Then when that eventually stops I'll get an iPhone, though I promise to hate every day of owning it.
<ocdtrekkie> Though I'd love a real new option to show up. Librem 5 sounds delightful, but I'm not going to drop money on hopes and dreams.
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<kentonv> yeah, uh... nice ideals, but they can't just slap Debian on a phone and expect it to work
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<kentonv> I use Debian on my desktop but a phone OS it is not. There's a really large amount of work needed to make a good mobile OS. Ubuntu already failed at this. So did Mozilla. :(
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<georgeowell> yeh that is just madness
<georgeowell> I don't know why they are starting from scratch
<ocdtrekkie> I honestly would rather suffer a desktop OS on a phone than the painful ecosystems we have today.
<ocdtrekkie> georgeowell: What do you start from? I mean, I know there are folks carrying forward Ubuntu's work, but didn't they abandon that whole UI framework in the desktop OS or whathaveyou?
<ocdtrekkie> Making it kinda a dead end?
<kentonv> the problem is not just UI, though. It's battery life. Mobile OS's have a whole different app lifecycle model that lets them be militant about resource usage in order to conserve battery...
<georgeowell> I don't see why they don't just use LineageOS. I'm assuming they think they could run it without blobs but I don't actually think there is a proper foss baseband chip out there?
<ocdtrekkie> georgeowell: Android is a bad OS.
<ocdtrekkie> Nobody should use it, and building on top of poop gives you poop.
<ocdtrekkie> Google already punishes the heck out of anyone who dares use Android without kissing the ring. See the Amazon feud right now.
<ocdtrekkie> They don't mind if some hackers do their custom flashing stuff, but if you DARE try to do business without Google, you're gonna get it.
<georgeowell> hmm you're probably right
<georgeowell> would it be too mad to suggest forking Android :)
<ocdtrekkie> Can't fork something with billions of dollars backing it and be the leading fork.
<ocdtrekkie> If you want to maintain app compatibility, you're beholden to implement everything Google does anyways.
<ocdtrekkie> And Google's already effectively forked Android: All the top apps won't work without their proprietary framework.
<georgeowell> Yeh well they won't ever be supported on an alternate OS either
<georgeowell> I am using Lineage without gapps and it's great
<ocdtrekkie> And if you can't benefit from the app library, you might as well start from scratch.
<ocdtrekkie> I tried doing the Android-without-Google thing for a while, but the amount of things that require Play Services became insurmountable.
<ocdtrekkie> I needed Skype. And of course, even Microsoft's apps don't work without Google's malware enabled.
<kentonv> you won't be able to have app compatibility due to Google Play Services being closed, but starting from AOSP is still a much better idea than starting from desktop Linux.
<ocdtrekkie> (Adobe freaking Reader requires Google Play Services to work.)
<simpson> (I'm not gonna stop your rant, but I think it's hilarious that you desire Skype and Adobe Reader while decrying Google's stuff.)
<ocdtrekkie> simpson: I'd still use Hangouts too if I had a way. Chat apps are kinda unavoidable unless you find friends who are as paranoid as you.
<simpson> ocdtrekkie: Aha. I don't really do the whole "friends" thing. Makes sense.
<TimMc> is usable on a number of platforms
<ocdtrekkie> As it is, Hangouts doesn't really work without either Gmail, Chrome, or Android, so every month or two, so I check it every month or two.
<ocdtrekkie> ...Wow, the end of that message lost it's way.
<simpson> I am happy to assure you that Hangouts doesn't really work even with those things either~
<kentonv> I mean, Hangouts doesn't really work _with_ those things either
<georgeowell> hehe
<ocdtrekkie> ROFL
<georgeowell> I have Signal and WhatsApp
<georgeowell> and SMS
<ocdtrekkie> Anyways, yeah, Skype, Telegram, (ugh) Discord, are all needs for me. Someone finally made a Discord app for Windows Mobile that doesn't suck.
<ocdtrekkie> I am still not sure how they did it, I think witchcraft was involved.
<TimMc> Are there any usable self-hosted video chat services? Something XMPP-related maybe?
<georgeowell> short answer: no
<ocdtrekkie> You want self-hosted AND "usable".
<ocdtrekkie> Man, asking a lot here.
<TimMc> heh
<ocdtrekkie> ;)
<digitalcircuit> Supposedly there's Nextcloud Talk..? Dunno if Nextcloud would be a good fit for Sandstorm, granted.
<TimMc> I'd be happy with "paid and usable" but that doesn't seem to exist either, at least that I've heard of.
<georgeowell> Signal does video now though and is end to end encryption
<TimMc> instead there's "cloud and sometimes usable".
<georgeowell> thouhg obviously you need a frikkin good connection
<ocdtrekkie> I just loathe my appearance and prefer nobody else see it either.
<ocdtrekkie> Prevents most desire for video chat services.
<georgeowell> digitalcircuit: Nextcloud talk requires you to run your own STUN server
<TimMc> Most of my video calls are from home, and I host from home, so if my connection is bad, tough luck. :-)
<georgeowell> I think I am going to get a new 3310 and just keep the battery out unless in emergencies
<georgeowell> :)
<TimMc> (While I like talky, they don't have any apparent business model, so they're either gonna do something sketchy or flame out.)
<ocdtrekkie> That's my beef with Discord.
<ocdtrekkie> I can't fathom it's business model is actually sustainable, despite all their claims they'll never do ads or whatever either.
<ocdtrekkie> Either they're going to get sold (I was surprised Amazon didn't buy them, they'd have gone alongside Twitch nicely) or they're gonna have a Red Wedding-style event that changes everything that everyone liked about it in search of profit.
<simpson> I still can't believe that people enjoy it. It's not a very good system; it's made to confuse, I feel.
<digitalcircuit> georgeowell: Fair point; I didn't realize bandwidth was a concern (yay asymmetric speeds).
<georgeowell> most of these things use WebRTC
<georgeowell> and if one side has a bad connection, you're in trouble
<digitalcircuit> ocdtrekkie: I'm wondering how long until Discord drops/makes unusable the API, a la Twitter.
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<georgeowell> In my buisness we use mumble for online meetings
<georgeowell> It's rock solid but is audio only.
<ocdtrekkie> I am reasonably happy with Mumble as a thing, I use it too, but I currently rent a cheap service for it.
<ocdtrekkie> But yeah, I get forced to use Discord because of some groups I'm in.
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<georgeowell> reminds me of a certain xckd comic
<ocdtrekkie> Ah yes.
<ocdtrekkie> The chat tab in an old Google doc.
<ocdtrekkie> :D
<georgeowell> hmm I'm pretty confused with the CNAME for Wordpress on Sandstorm
<kentonv> georgeowell, how so?
<georgeowell> does it have to be hosted on a subdomain or can you point the root of your domain at a sandstorm wp site
<kentonv> unfortunately, the DNS spec says that your root domain cannot be a CNAME
<kentonv> if your server's IP address won't change, you can use an A record. Otherwise you'll need to use a "www." prefix or something, and put the CNAME there
<georgeowell> ah ok. Never used a CNAMe before so didn't know.
<georgeowell> DNS is dark magic really
<kentonv> FWIW if you put Cloudflare in front of your blog then it will let you configure the root as a CNAME, because behind the scenes Cloudflare converts it to an A record and keeps it updated
<kentonv> plus it will make the site faster. :)
<georgeowell> and I'm assuming CloudFlare could handle TLS certs for you also
<kentonv> yup
<TimMc> georgeowell: DNS made a lot more sense to me once I understood that it's a giant, cooperative databaes.
<ocdtrekkie> I hated DNS right up until I finally got DNS working right where I work.
<ocdtrekkie> Where I am confident it was not properly configured for about 12 years.
<georgeowell> I hated DNS right up till now and will continue to be frustrated with it into the future
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<TimMc> Oh, frustration, definitely!
<TimMc> Take this CNAME restriction, for one. I don't know the reason for it for sure, but I strongly suspect it's because DNS is most heavily used as a www name resolver and so MX and other uses get pushed to the side.
<TimMc> (maybe the RFC gives the reasoning...)
<kentonv> I suspect it's because DNS was already widely deployed before CNAMEs were introduced
<kentonv> and they made a backwards-compatibility decision that base domain names shouldn't require clients to resolve CNAMEs
<kentonv> BUT I'm just speculating there
<kentonv> of course, now, it's multiple decades later and this restriction is silly
<TimMc> Hmm! Plausible too.
<TimMc> The "MX can't point to a CNAME" is even weirder.
<kentonv> probably same deal
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<TimMc> and I suspect a ton of zones do it anyway and no one notices
<kentonv> MX is one of the oldest usages of DNS
<TimMc> I love the SRV records that Jabber uses. You can specify ports right in the DNS!
<kentonv> I was surprised to learn that a CNAME record indicates you want to clone *all* of the records of some other domain, not just the IP address records
<TimMc> whoa
<kentonv> so if is a CNAME to, then gets's MXs too
<kentonv> in retrospect this should probably have been obvious. A records aren't special.
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<TimMc> OK, so it truly does mean an "alias/canonical" relationship in all ways, OK.
<kentonv> actually maybe that's why your root domain can't use it... it might create complications with NS records?
<TimMc> Having an MX and a CNAME for the same label would then also cause complications for precedence. If is an alias for and both have MX records, do you add, or do you replace?
<kentonv> pretty sure if a host is a CNAME, you can't have other records on it
<TimMc> So it's likely that my reasoning is precisely *wrong*: It's not that CNAME is too specific, it's that (perhaps) it is too general. :-)
<TimMc> Yeah agreed, that would be counter to spec.
<TimMc> and I'm trying to figure out why
<TimMc> It would be nice if there were a commonly-supported pseudo-record along the lines of what CloudFlare provides, maybe " COPY" and the authoritative resolver would just keep the A and AAAA records (or whatever) up to date with periodic queries.
<TimMc> Not exactly a recursive resolver.
<kentonv> I mean, the authoritative resolver can implement whatever features it wants, no need to change the spec
<kentonv> (like Cloudflare does in this case)
<kentonv> I guess that's what you mean? That it would be nice if more DNS servers supported this feature.
<kentonv> (kind of like how wildcards aren't part of the spec, just a commonly-supported feature)
<TimMc> Yes, exactly.
<TimMc> "Commonly supported" so it would be portable to other resolvers. :-)
<kentonv> what do you mean "portable"?
<TimMc> Well, right now if you want to switch to a different DNS provider, I assume you can more or less copy zone files around.
<TimMc> Having out-of-DNS-spec pseudo-records would make that harder.
<georgeowell> hmm that's weird
<georgeowell> Gandi has something called "web forwarding"
<kentonv> that usually means they'll return a 301 redirect for you
<kentonv> that is, their own web server will answer the requests but just always return redirects
<georgeowell> pretty horific solution :)
<kentonv> or sometimes there's a mode where it returns a page containing one big iframe containing your target site, which is even more horrific
<kentonv> the URL bar doesn't update when you click links, etc.
<georgeowell> o jeez
<georgeowell> well I just set it on a redirect for now so at least the site is available
<kentonv> FWIW I'd suggest setting to redirect to, then configure that as a CNAME
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<kentonv> georgeowell, also, is it a self-hosted server, or Oasis?
<georgeowell> self hosted
<kentonv> ah, and not on a static IP probably?
<georgeowell> yep static IP
<kentonv> oh, if it's a static IP then you can configure your DNS to point at that IP
<kentonv> you don't need a CNAME
<georgeowell> what happens if there are multiple Wordpress grains?
<kentonv> that's what the sandstorm-www txt record is for
<georgeowell> ah I see!
<georgeowell> it would still have to on a subdomain no?
<kentonv> no, you can do the same on a subdomain, but it's easier to use a CNAME record where it's allowed
<kentonv> like you can have and then you'd need TXT records on and
<georgeowell> nice
<georgeowell> yeh I kinda wanted https though so I might just leave it as it is for now
<kentonv> Cloudflare... ;)
<georgeowell> yup ^.^
<kentonv> (disclosure on the off chance people don't know this: I work for Cloudflare)
<georgeowell> what's been going on with Tor/Cloudflare. It seems a hell of a lot better situation these days.
<kentonv> we implemented Privacy Pass
<kentonv> which is neato cryptography that lets you prove you are a human once and then use that proof to visit multiple web sites without people being able to track you
<georgeowell> oh wow I totally didn't know what CAPTCHA stood for :)
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<georgeowell> "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart"
<ocdtrekkie> I am going to go postal about ReCAPTCHA one of these days.
<georgeowell> hmm but how is it related to people using Tor browser?
<kentonv> the other end of Privacy Pass is implemented by the Tor browser
<georgeowell> oh nice! I must have totally missed that news.
<georgeowell> I even went to the tor Q&A at chaos congress and should have clocked that no one mentioned Cloudflare ^.^
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<kentonv> we still get people complaining on Twitter from time to time but then we ask them when they last actually saw a CF CAPTCHA and they're like "um... actually it's been a while"
<kentonv> but, you know, people love to hate
<simpson> I wouldn't worry about it too much.
<simpson> Certainly I don't think there's anything CF can do to improve their reputation with folks like me, and that's okay.
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<georgeowell> also TBB has javascript enabled by default now
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<mike-byn> im stuck for quite few hours, i cant access the link generated by admin-token
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<TimMc> kentonv: Oh, did Privacy Pass actually get integrated into Tor Browser, then? I thought it was still pretty alpha.
<TimMc> I've been waiting for something like that to be developed for *years*, but didn't know enough crypto to do it myself.
<TimMc> I still see ReCAPTCHA everywhere else, of course, and half the time I just close the tab. -.-
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<TMM> hi all!
<TMM> I'm moving my sandstorm instance to another machine with a different IP
<TMM> I'm using
<TMM> I'm trying to work out what the best way of doing this is
<TMM> It seems that there's an option of reusing an old dns name when reinstalling
<TMM> but can I actually just lift and shift the installation I have now? or is it better to reinstall sandstorm and copy over some bits from /opt/sandstom?
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<xet7> TMM: I would just stop sandstorm, make tar archive with all file permissions like at , then install sandstorm to new server, change IP to point to new server, unarchive that tar, and replace whole /opt/sandstorm
<xet7> and then start sandstorm
<xet7> and then login to sandstorm with "sudo sandstorm admin-token" and follow link
<xet7> and then add additional authentication methods like Google login etc, if you use those
<TMM> ok, I can do that, thanks
<xet7> :)
<TMM> and it'll change my ip automatically?
<xet7> Yes
<xet7> it has all the settings etc at /opt/sandstorm
<TMM> ok, if that is safe then I can do that
<TMM> that was one of the options I had in mind
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