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<afuentes> I might have accidentally chmod -r o= /opt
<afuentes> What would be the best way to recover?
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<afuentes> The power went out and had to reconnect :)
<afuentes> What would be the best way to reinstate proper permissions in files in /opt/sandstorm ?
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<xet7> afluentes: try does this work: sudo chmod -R ug+r /opt/sandstorm
<xet7> first: sudo sandstorm stop
<xet7> then that chmod
<xet7> then sudo sandstorm start
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<afuentes> xet7, I only modified o, u and g is unmodified :)
<afuentes> I ran chmod -R o+rX and its working now
<afuentes> probably some permissions are not the same, but at least is working :/
<afuentes> I hope I didnt make public something i shouldnt :S
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<xet7> afluentes: that o means other, so those files are now accessible to all server users
<xet7> afluentes: But if it's just sandstorm server and no other usage, I don't know is it any problem
<xet7> afluentes: and you originally modifies only R read permission, but now you made with X all those files executeable, I think
<xet7> afluentes: Good luck with that ;)
<xet7> afluentes: I recommend you add new GitHub issue about file permissions to
<xet7> afluentes: So you get those fixed correctly
<xet7> fluentes: I'm only Wekan maintainer, not expert Sandstorm developer (at least yet)
<afuentes> xet7, X uppercase give x only to directories (needed to traverse directories) and to files that already have x to another user
<xet7> oh ok
<afuentes> I dont know how bad that is, but not as bad as you think it is to give x to every file :)
<xet7> that is not bad at all
<xet7> it's good
<afuentes> Id love to reissue proper permissions tho, thats why i asked about it
<xet7> Sure. But only place where is something about file permissions in docs is at , and I did not yet find open or closed GitHub issue or other documentation where it is properly documented
<xet7> So probably only kentonv has all that info
<xet7> That's why I recommend adding new GitHub issue
<xet7> I have also had problems sometimes with file permissions, when moving Sandstorm to other server, so I had to use proper tar command that includes all file permissions
<xet7> I would love to have some permission fixing command too
<xet7> There is a way to find it out though: install sandstorm as developer install to some VirtualBox VM, check file permissions in all subdirectories of /opt/sandstorm, and make shell script that restores all those permissions
<xet7> I have not tried to do it yet
<xet7> but anybody that has time can do it
<xet7> and, if possible, contribute that documentation to Sandstorm
<xet7> s/documentation/shell script
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<TMM> hi all
<TMM> I have a question about apps on the market and maintenance
<TMM> there are some apps there that are a bit out of date and some have some other problems
<TMM> Is it possible to upload a newer version of a webapp to the store if I package it?
<TMM> In particular I'd like to update the dokuwiki one to include a static site publishing feature so I can get rid of a 'regular container' I run for some site
<xet7> TMM: Yes, it's very welcome. Packages have links to their git repos, and if you get those updated successfully, you can become new maintainer of that package. Only some packages have active maintainer currently, most of those were ported to Sandstorm at the beginnning of Sandstorm project.
<TMM> xet7, it seems that those repos aren't owned by the sandstorm team(s) though, they are just other people who haven't touched those repos in 2+ years in some cases
<xet7> Yes.
<xet7> Depends who ported those.
<xet7> there has been many contributors.
<xet7> I'm maintainer of Wekan. Also currently I'm working with JamborJan to update WordPress-Sandstorm at
<xet7> Because I need some fixes to it :D
<xet7> I want to have static website without index.html in URLs
<TMM> ah, yeah, I use that too
<TMM> that'd be great
<xet7> :)
<TMM> it's currently working pretty well
<xet7> Yes, but there is bugs, and it's very old WordPress version
<TMM> I want to add a similar feature to dokuwiki
<TMM> yeah, the emoji include thing still has to-be-replaced-by-sandstorm in the url
<xet7> I have made blog with WordPress-Sandtorm to
<TMM> I don't use it, but it's kind of sloppy
<xet7> and some other websites with it
<TMM> I use it for
<TMM> I don't exactly use the static publishing feature though
<TMM> in my case I run sandstorm itself inside a container
<xet7> I presume Docker
<TMM> and the 'outer' nginx installation just reads the grain's static website directory as a wwwroot
<TMM> no, systemd-nspawn
<TMM> docker is gross
<xet7> Oh, OK
<TMM> I have a long speech prepared about why docker is gross if you have a minute ;)
<xet7> Wekan is available as Snap. Snaps are so cool, they do auto-update to all servers when I add new release of Wekan :)
<xet7> Hehe, I know Docker bugs too well
<xet7> but still need to use it sometimes
<xet7> and there is Docker version of Wekan also
<TMM> use rocket or nspawn, seriously
<xet7> Nice, I'll look about those, thanks!
<TMM> on rocket you can just deploy your docker containers but without any of the docker-bro brogrammed brograms
<xet7> it there automatic updates?
<TMM> nspawn is something else entirely, it's more like lxc
<xet7> or some kind of zero-downtime updates?
<TMM> essentially what it does is it starts another systemd instance inside a container, usually this then also has some parts of an OS in it
<TMM> but the nice part is from the host you can do stuff like systemctl -M my_container
<TMM> and see what's running, start/stop stuff, you can also have dependencies between regular non-containerized services and containerized services like any other service
<xet7> What that does?
<xet7> Oh ok
<TMM> you can basically manage your containers very easily using the same tools as your OS
<TMM> it's pretty fucking magical
<xet7> Today I've been testing and setting up
<xet7> so that if some service crashes, mgmt notices it and starts it up again
<xet7> it's single executeable binary
<xet7> and started with text config file
<TMM> systemd can do all of that for you though, just drop one file in /etc/systemd/system for your service
<xet7> I needed it for CentOS 6 server also
<TMM> that's 0 extra binaries! :D
<TMM> ah, yeah, then you're kind of SOL, not sure if upstart has that feature
<TMM> probably some archaic xml file somewhere
<TMM> :P
<xet7> Yes upstart and systemd have restarting features, but mysql and php have crashed anyway
<xet7> that's why I need mgmt
<TMM> for systemd you have to actually tell systemd to restart services
<TMM> by default it will not
<TMM> so for mysql (or mariadb) what you do is this: You create /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/restart.conf
<TMM> in it you add
<TMM> [Service]
<TMM> Restart=always
<xet7> When I type "sudo systemctl stop mariadb" on CentOS 7 then mgmt notices it and starts it again, mgmt also itself running at bash loop
<TMM> you can tell systemd you don't want to be able to stop a service
<xet7> Yes I have used that Restart=always sometimes
<xet7> but I need some safety net for it, and also for CentOS 6
<xet7> and mgmt has other features too I'm planning to use
<TMM> well, if you prevent systemd from ever stopping a service (Except when isolating a target so you can still shut down cleanly) and systemd is set to always restart there shouldn't be any way for a service to not be running
<xet7> like noticing when file has changed, changing it back to original
<TMM> systemd can do that too!
<TMM> you can create file watches in systemd
<TMM> you can create units that trigger on a ton of things, on of them is file/directory changes
<TMM> and they can be composed so you can even do something silly like 'when this file is changed between 10 am and 10pm and the network is up start this unit'
<TMM> then you just make a oneshot unit that does whatever you want
<TMM> it's super powerful
<xet7> Yes, although I'm more worried about CentOS 6.
<TMM> yeah, that's a problem
<xet7> there will be upgrades of those servers sometime, but it takes time
<TMM> I'm doing a server migration now, the old box is dying, I should've done it sooner
<TMM> it's now sending its database to the new server at a whopping 4MB/s
<TMM> I hate this box so much
<xet7> Sounds very familiar
<xet7> exploding snowflakes
<TMM> anyway, getting back to it, in order to get dokuwiki fixed I'm going to have to get control of the current github project for it?
<xet7> Best way is to make new GitHub org and push repos to it, and copy all open issues with to those repos
<xet7> It's better than doing fork of a fork
<xet7> I did do new GitHub org also with WordPress-Sandstorm
<xet7> For publishing keys I use Keybase
<xet7> ocdtrekkie does help with publishing etc to experimental Sandstorm App Market
<xet7> after release is tested, ocdtrekkie releases it to official Sandstorm App Market
<xet7> if original author can not be reached, then it's possible to use Sandstorm replace publishing key feature
<xet7> anyway all releases are signed with publishing key
<xet7> and on server code is read-only, only grains have changing data
<xet7> also if there is some very hard technical questions, kentonv knows the hardest details, is author of capnp, etc
<xet7> kentonv is mostly available at weekends, when he's not at is daily work at CloudFlare
<xet7> is => his
<TMM> great, thank you
<xet7> dwrensha has ported many packages, but currently does not maintain any of those anymore, because he is mostly busy with other stuff. That's why many packages need new maintainer. I did get Wekan publishing key from dwrensha, and I'm waiting for dwrensha to notice my emails etc asking for WordPress-Sandstom publishing key.
<TMM> I'm also super happy you're giving some love to the wordpress grain
<xet7> Sure, I need those changes myself :D
<xet7> I'm just scrathing my own itch, like with Wekan also
<xet7> I'm my own biggest customer :D
<xet7> Open Source is very nice, I can try to fix bugs myself
<xet7> translate software etc
<xet7> I can not change anything in Mac and Windows propietary software, so I use Linux :D
<xet7> I even have nice and funny blog post about it
<TMM> Yeah, I was going to look at the wp grain after I got my feet wet with the simpler dokuwiki one
<TMM> but now I won't have to
<TMM> hurrah for free software! :D
<TMM> I should look into wekan, maybe it can help me organize my work for my company too
<TMM> I'm only just starting
<TMM> so I have 0 idea what will work for me
<coffeebird[m]> Wekan is great. I use it almost everyday
<coffeebird[m]> And WordPress too. Used it to draft up a web design for my team
<TMM> the wordpress ui is pretty nice but I'd never really want to maintain running it exposed to the elements
<TMM> this grain is perfect
<coffeebird[m]> Yeah just for internal stuff it works.
<coffeebird[m]> So far everyone using the sandstorm I setup are happy with it. Though some want to use the rocket chat mobile app which doesn't work atm. Personally, I prefer the mobile webapp since it renders the custom branding and can share grains easily
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<ocdtrekkie> I know we asked about an updated release for Rocket.Chat for mobile compatibility, I didn't hear any updates past the original attempt by one of their team though.
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