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<marcyustin> ocdtrekkie, may you suggest me a developper that could be interested in packaging an e-democracy app?
<marcyustin> could be a very interesting add for sandstorm, imho
<ocdtrekkie> I don't know anyone specifically, no. But perhaps someone will see your mailing list post.
<ocdtrekkie> I also think it would be a great fit for Sandstorm. :)
<marcyustin> yes
<ocdtrekkie> I have a list as long as my arm of things I would like packaged for Sandstorm, I just don't have any time, personally, to make any of them happen.
<marcyustin> I hope so, because I believe that sandstorm has a great potential for political organizations management
<marcyustin> do you know austrian FAIRKOM, they use sandstorm in that way
<ocdtrekkie> I don't know too much about international politics, trying to keep my head wrapped around American politics is hard enough. :P
<marcyustin> cloud services for organizations
<marcyustin> imho is needed an open sourced plaftorm for organizations, not necessarily political also social
<marcyustin> the native sso in sandstorm is great
<marcyustin> I have to study how much could be fine grained
<marcyustin> ocdtrekkie let me understand better a sandstorm feature. with the wordpress grain may I create a real website with plugins and soon?
<marcyustin> and I can have a sso with a forum like nodebb?
<ocdtrekkie> marcyustin: The WordPress Sandstorm app should work with a lot of themes and plugins, but generates a static site in what it publishes for public view.
<ocdtrekkie> So a visitor can never log into the WordPress.
<marcyustin> sure, he logs through sandstorm sso
<marcyustin> isnt it?
<ocdtrekkie> Not really. The public site generated by the app is completely static.
<marcyustin> so low resource
<marcyustin> how can be managed articles into the wordpress?
<ocdtrekkie> And importantly, very secure. Even if the WordPress app is very out of date on Sandstorm, there's little to no risk of security breaches.
<ocdtrekkie> What do you mean?
<marcyustin> I mean, if I wish to write an article to be published, how can I do that if I cannot access to wordpress to login?
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<ocdtrekkie> You write the articles from inside Sandstorm, but the publishing URL, where people view it, is outside of Sandstorm.
<marcyustin> aha great
<ocdtrekkie> So like, I have a WordPress grain on Oasis, and I can add posts over there. But the actual blog (which I never write to), you can see at which has the DNS pointed to the publishing URL.
<marcyustin> instead if I wish to administer a forum like NODEBB is it the same?
<ocdtrekkie> I don't think NodeBB uses the static publishing, you just use that inside Sandstorm.
<ocdtrekkie> But I haven't really ever used the NodeBB app, personally.
<marcyustin> very interesting architecture
<marcyustin> so in that way wordpress result to be very secure
<marcyustin> sandstorm is a sort of vault
<ocdtrekkie> Security is pretty much the top priority in Sandstorm's design, most things that "don't work" or "aren't easy" is because of that choice.
<marcyustin> the problem with our software is that needs to be accessed by users to login
<ocdtrekkie> Most vulnerabilities for apps don't work at all on the Sandstorm versions, and those that do can only affect that specific grain anyways, since everything's sandboxed.
<marcyustin> but a structural high level of security in a voting software is a really great option
<ocdtrekkie> Yeah, I know some voting software has been discussed before, the biggest challenge people generally had is that whoever "owns" the grain must be trusted.
<marcyustin> sandstorm could be a killer app for liquidfeedback, cause enhances security. in a voting software data security is strategic
<marcyustin> sure, but the problem of owning is another kind of problem
<ocdtrekkie> Sometimes we've had luck with asking the app developer to build/support a Sandstorm version, which is usually the best case because it's packaged by someone who knows the app well.
<marcyustin> sandstorm seems to guarantee an intrinsic level of data security
<marcyustin> unfortunately is written in a not so known language that's LUA, so I think it will be difficult to find a developper that could packetize it
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<coffeebird[m]> marcyustin: is framadate not sufficient?
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<TimMc> coffeebird[m]: From looking at the website, no, it's very different.
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