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<kentonv> new release with complete HTTP rewrite just went out.
<digitalcircuit> Congrats!
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<kentonv> lol and there's a bug
<kentonv> though I guess it's a bug in an error handling path and the effect is just that a less-useful error is logged, oh well
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<digitalcircuit> Quick heads-up for any future Changelog commits, "memory usace considerably" → "memory *usage considerably" - sorry, I didn't catch that until after release >.<
<digitalcircuit> Might be placebo, but the interface feels a lot faster now :)
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<kentonv> digitalcircuit, thanks!
<kentonv> bugfix release coming shortly. Oasis seems to get traffic patterns that just don't happen anywhere else... :)
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<ocdtrekkie> kentonv: RIP my TTRSS client. :(
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<kentonv> ocdtrekkie, ?
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<kentonv> ocdtrekkie, ok, saw the bug report
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<kentonv> ocdtrekkie, you around by any chance?
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<ocdtrekkie> kentonv: I don't have a good error message, unfortunately.
<ocdtrekkie> "No connection can be established. Check your login credentials or wait for better signal." Aka, literally anything.
<kentonv> oh I was going to ask you to open the app while I watched the Oasis error logs, but it turns out that wouldn't have shown anything
<ocdtrekkie> Ah.
<ocdtrekkie> Do you have an Android client to test, by any chance?
<kentonv> the bug is because ttrss is soooooo old it predates ApiSession, and I didn't implement the WebSession fallback correctly
<kentonv> I've fixed it locally. Also fixing a couple other bugs then will push a hotfix to Oasis
<ocdtrekkie> Alright, you're awesome.
<kentonv> I was delayed for a bit because it turns out there's just no way to add a certificate to the trust store on Android and my local sandstorm uses a private CA certificate now so I couldn't get the mobile browser (Chrome or Firefox) to talk to it
<kentonv> I'm kind of shocked by this. Being able to trust private certificates is important for a lot of enterprise users.
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<kentonv> ocdtrekkie, does your app work now?
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<kentonv> ok pushed another release, hopefully all should be better now
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<ocdtrekkie> Yes, my client works again, kentonv
<ocdtrekkie> Thank you, I tried using the web interface again which reminded me how terrible TTRSS' web interface is.
<ocdtrekkie> (The client app I use was mostly designed for mobile, but I use it on my desktops too, because it's better.)
<ocdtrekkie> As far as enterprise issues with Android... Well, you know me, I stopped considering Android a viable platform for enterprise a long time ago. We don't deploy them where I work, and don't plan to.
<ocdtrekkie> Windows Mobile development has been dead for a year, and still does better on security:
<ocdtrekkie> Running Android's kinda like running OpenVZ. ;) Way too out of date to trust with important things.
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<TimMc> That's amazing because even my "dumbphone" has a way to import CA roots, I think...
<TimMc> ocdtrekkie: I mostly don't consider phones real computers these days because of how hard it is to crack them open and like... actually use them like computers.
<TimMc> (I understand that some are better than others.)
<kentonv> Nexus/Pixel get timely updates. The rest of the ecosystem is a decrepit wasteland, yes.
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