my camera doesn't play nice with jisti, thankfully I can screenshare cheese :p
would this be double encrypted if rocketchat is accessing jitsi through sandstorm?
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Looks like avatars and custom logos aren't rendering. But the rest of the customizations are. That's a significant improvement over the last time the Rock.chat app could bridge with sandstorm
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coffeebird[m], is this some new build of rocket.chat?
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Must be. A request was put in on the rocketchat GitHub and I guess they pulled through. Otherwise I would get a message saying that the sandstorm version is out of date
as in a new version of the sandstorm rocketchat or the rocketchat mobile app?
Hm. Well given how long it's been since I last tested, probably both?
rocketchat on sandstorm was last updated 2017 Feb 22
Weird. So the rocketchat app just allows for older versions to connect then?
It was giving me errors for sometime.
maybe a certain number of older versions
the rocketchat stable version has a really different UI now
it looks a lot different to the sandstorm version
Ah right. Just tried the app outside of sandstorm. Must have some kind of legacy mode where it just renders as a simple webapp?
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last I knew the app was based on Cordova which pretty much means the app *is* just a web app
there is a native one on Android at least called rocket.chat+
the native one doesn't seem to work with SAML as we have discovered at work