ocdtrekkie, unfortunately, Debian Sid's 32-bit support is currently busted, which means I can't run Wine32, which is needed by the release script.
You know, say what you will, but Windows never has all of these issues with these things. :P
Ah well.
Iunno if it's worth asking about commenting out the Windows support for now and pushing a Linux flavor or not.
How soon will Debian fix it?
the sid issue should be fixed as soon as they finish pushing the 32-bit packages matching the 64-bit ones they pushed earlier today
I think
Living on the bleeding edge, are we?
Debian Sid is also known (officially) as Debian Unstable
thing is, "stable" debian is always ridiculously outdated. :/
I'm not versed on Debian release names. :P
anyway, I don't use socket with PHP nowadays at all, I always use TCP port like 9000 etc for PHP
There wa sa sandstorm issue with a similarish error. On current WordPress
on some very old servers like CentOS 6 there was PHP using socket, elsewhere newer at CentOS 7 etc I use TCP ports, because I did not get .sock files working correctly
err, TCP ports are sockets too
I think you mean unix sockets, specifically?
Yes, unix socket files
where directory is specifies
FWIW they are much faster than TCP :)
(but it shouldn't matter much)
You may need to make sure /run is a symlink into /tmp
Hmm, if only I figured out how to get unix socket files working with newer linuxes
by default /run might be trying to use files from the base system (when in dev mode), which won't work
anyway, if that WordPress-Sandstorm config could be fixed with changing unix socket to TCP port, it would be enough
WP is only needed when grain is running
otherwise it's just static website serving
right, the grain only runs when the user opens it in the sandstorm UI, not when visitors view the published site...
but I don't see how that relates to the problem
I think you need to symlink /run to /tmp
Ok, I'll try it later
since the source map looks in the current directory first, you can put the symlink in the source directory
ln -s /tmp run
(inside the wordpress-sandstorm directory)
Oh Ok, just a moment I'll try
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I'm just going to make Sandstorm's build download Chromium's Clang build, it's easier than getting people to use llvm apt
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