kentonv changed the topic of #sandstorm to: Welcome to #sandstorm: home of all things Say hi! | Have a question but no one is here? Try asking in the discussion group: | Public logs at
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<ocdtrekkie> I am super excited there's interested in someone doing that. :D
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<ocdtrekkie> Why am I not surprised there are folks on HN trying to justify that Google is now actively applying machine learning to our drone program. -_-
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<YoBigRube> Hi there, I'm new to Sandstorm (and Wekan) and had a question on how pricing works with Sandstorm...
<YoBigRube> If I pay for the $10 per month plan, within that price can I add teammembers to my Wekan boards (or any other grains I create) within that plan, without additional cost?
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<kentonv> YoBigRube, yes. The team members need to create their own accounts, but they can be on the free plan. They only need a subscription if they want to create more than 5 of their own grains.
<YoBigRube> Thank you very much for your help @kentonv.
<YoBigRube> We are planning to use this for our small studio - we are 2 people, we're trying to grow in size. Do you know if others are using it for their businesses or if it's advisable for long term use?
<kentonv> YoBigRube, sure, lots of people do that. Once you grow a bit, you can switch to a private Sandstorm server and move your data over.
<YoBigRube> Okay, thank you very much for your help on this.
<YoBigRube> Do you have any recommendations or suggestions for someone like me who is new to Sandstorm?
<kentonv> just be sure to try things out and see if they work for you. There are some rough edges.
<YoBigRube> Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to trying it out. Have a great rest of your day.
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<xet7> YoBigRube: Hi, I'm maintainer of Wekan. There is work ongoing to get newest Wekan available for Sandstorm, there are only couple bugs to fix left.
<YoBigRube> Hello xet7: Thank you for that information. I've been looking at Wekan and I think it could work well for us, I appreciate the work you've done on it :)
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<xet7> YoBigRube: Thanks :)
<xet7> YoBigRube: If you need anything that is not yet at Roadmap there is also my commercial support
<YoBigRube> xet7 Thank you very much.
<xet7> :)
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<georgeowell> YoBigRube: We are using Sandstorm with a team of 7, collaborating with many more than that. My advice is find the apps that you like and learn them :)
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<YoBigRube> Thanks georgeowell
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