I don't think Sandstorm has a one-true-path way to develop an app for it, in terms of what technologies you use.
Okay, then suppose I have, I dunno, Python with CGI. How would I make a Python-with-CGI app in a Sandstorm-first way?
I think regardless of the language you use, your goal is that the application is a single instance of the functionality you need, without managing it's own user database, and of course, entirely configurable via the web interface.
Suppose my application is non-configurable, for simplicity.
I suppose I want to know whether there's a Capn API that I can target rather than doing HTTP, primarily.
Ah. I know a few apps have done it, but I'm not sure there's a huge benefit.
Monte's Capn support and HTTP support both suck, but I bet that I can improve one faster than the other.
That's all, really.
Also HTTP sucks~
I think the Collections app avoids using sandstorm-http-bridge, but I'm not sure how many others do.
Simple Chat might, but I think the same author later made SandChat using the bridge.
LOL, what keyboard did you have on your trip?
laptop... Dell copy-cat of Mac
Ah, those aren't that bad. The Surface Pro keyboard really bugs me after a while, MUCH worse than a laptop. :P
I've been eyeballing a Latitude 7285 to replace my Surface Pro 4, but haven't bought it yet.
well, I normally use a Kinesis, so any laptop keyboard will make me sad...
Oh, yeah, that's a big difference.
Does the kinesis have a trackball?
coffeebird[m], no, thank god
dwrensha, Google Hangouts notified me today that I missed a call from you... in 2014
It's nice to know we have some lead time before google gets around to using our data.
kentonv: I promise I have not been engaging in any nontrivial time travel
Since I don't use Chome, Android, or Gmail, and Hangouts has been gutted from G+, on rare occasion I'll check Hangouts to discover messages people sent me months ago.
Because Google won't bother to email me, or offer a way to email me, Hangouts notifications.
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I see that capnproto RPC has a notion of creating direct connections where possible when passing capabilities around multiple vats https://github.com/capnproto/capnproto/blob/master/c++/src/capnp/rpc.capnp#L93-L95 I see that this is known as three-vat-introduction in E/CapTP terminology. does anyone know of any other RPC systems that have a notion of this optimization? is there a standard term for this? (sorry if this isn't the right
place to ask questions about capnproto RPC)
I don't have the answers but this is definitely the right channel for Capn questions.
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I know other systems, like Tahoe-LAFS, which have this arrangement, but unsurprisingly they call it 'introduction' and call the front piece the 'introducer' and so forth.
what other systems that you know of besides Tahoe-LAFS do that? (or maybe it's just Tahoe-LAFS)
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catern: Hmm.. have you checked if Alan Karps E-speak has this 3vat granovetter introduction?
I have not, and can check; though I'm suspcious that if it does support it, it's just a consequence of being in the same E/CapTP/capabilities community; I'm more curious about more mainstream ugly systems
Kerberos is mainstream memetically, but it's not very commonly deployed. Nonetheless, the ticket system vaguely resembles an introduction pattern.
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xet7: Does card-specific GETs work with the current Wekan API?
...I didn't realize Sandstorm had a sample REST app. I may need to play with that, I still need to come up with a basic API server for my home automation software.
My uninformed guess is that there's something that needs to be done in sandstorm.js to make user permissions correctly work for API keys, since I don't think Wekan had an API that file was originally written.
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