(I think we are now mostly in the era of saying people are often better off just using meteor-spk directly, but for existing vagrant-spk packages in particular, like Rocket.Chat, this is a good place to be.)
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Hey everyone, sandstorm is awesome hands down, just a quick question from a quy who's not a developer. If I have an html site, how sandstorm can help me use it. is there anyway to just upload html sites the way firebase hosting works ?
mosn: upload them to davros
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(create a davros grain and turn on sharing)
XgF thanks for the tip I am giving it a try now!
I really love the idea of Sandstorm & I think it really bridges a gap in the industry but having worked on it for past 24 hours, I see most of the guides were written for a specific audience group
but I think Sandstorm's has a far broader reach if it focuses on users with less software engineering knowledge, like myself :D Just a pointer
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mosn: XgF's advice of using Davros is indeed the best way to do this I know of.
XgF it worked! Thanks a lot.
I host a small HTML only website that way.
One of the things I want to do, to take it a step further, is make an app that makes it easy to host your own PHP sites.
Yes!! 2 min and done, You will not believe that I was trying to convert html5 page and make a hero theme from that so that I can use it with the hero :D
haha Hugo...
I failed of course.
Ah, yeah, I tried to work with Hugo a bit and had some issues.
ocdtr_web I think a very good place to look at could be vagrant-spk & monero-spk. imo that could be the gateway to make Sandstorm easier to use.
vagrant-spk builds Sandstorm apps based on PHP, I was more or less going to work with something similar to it to make an easy uploader for PHP sites.
Though they wouldn't likely be static publishable like a Davros grain, they'd be inside the Sandstorm frame.
By monero-spk, I am guessing you mean meteor-spk?
Meteor can be fairly intensive to work with, I don't see a lot of non-technical folks ending up building their own Meteor sites.
but I think I really like the idea of staying in the Sandstorm frame. I think that's an advantage
But yeah, basically my idea for a PHP hosting app (similar to standard web hosting), is to take the vagrant-spk lemp stack (which is PHP/MySQL) and have both a tool for uploading your files, and uploading your database to it.
I was trying to package ReactionCommerce for sandstorm, It didn't work but I see it as a great starting point to improve these tools
I've been working on them lately. :)
cool.. looking forward to see this thing grow
Were you trying to use meteor-spk or vagrant-spk to package ReactionCommerce?
I tried both, with meteor I didn't get far as the official guide was basically 3 lines. but the vagrant-spk I was able to get to a point to build the app
Yes I was checking out master, I will give it a try tonight, would be great to see it actually work
Note that these changes to build.sh and setup.sh are the files that get pasted in /.sandstorm of your project directory when you do a setupvm meteor.
You can just paste the build.sh and setup.sh from my PR over them if you didn't modify them yourself in any other way.
Note that both meteor-spk and vagrant-spk are just sort of helper tools to help you generate working Sandstorm apps. meteor-spk doesn't bother trying to fix fibers for you, because it assumes the existing meteor setup is working prior to you using it.
There are lots of sites on the Internet which talk about reinstalling fibers when fibers breaks things.
No I didn't modify it. I only had to modify the Vagrantfile in there since I was running inside a vm and faced the issue of having 2 cpu which was fixed by changing the cpu to 1
Since vagrant-spk is building a VM, it has to do things like correctly install fibers, which is why it does so in the PR.
Ooooh, running a VM inside a VM. Scary stuff. :P
it was on my machine since I'm on mac and it's not a dev station. I had to run run Reactioncommerce and things got nested from there
Note that vagrant-spk itself should run on your Mac directly, so I am told.
But if I were the author of meteor-spk page, I would certainly make an edit and removed the line which insisted on "5 minutes"
It was fun any way :D but in a roller coaster
But yeah, if you follow any number of Internet opinions on how to fix node fibers, meteor-spk should work, or you can overwrite the build.sh and setup.sh with the modified versions of my PR. If you do the latter, I would go ahead and vagrant-spk vm destroy and then vagrant-spk vm up to make sure it trashes everything from your old/broken fibers.
mosn: FWIW, Kenton has done a five minute lightning talk where he packaged a Meteor app.
Hence the claim.
Cool, will check it out.
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Anyways, I hope my PR helps, if you spend some time trying it again and still have issues, please file issue reports or the like against meteor-spk or vagrant-spk respectively, I'd be more than happy to help you through them.
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I really want to get more new apps actively being packaged and submitted. :)
I was looking at getting Radicale updated. I wonder how mcuh work that would be...
There aren't any instructions in the repo for it.
Presumably update the radicale version tag in requirements.txt and the InfCloud version tag in setup.sh
And troubleshoot.
(Also, you'd want to update the Vagrantfile and global-setup.sh with vagrant-spk's changes, and see what changes have been done to vagrant-spk's uwsgi stack.)
Maybe I'll take a swing at it this weekend.
ack "Wekan is loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If Wekan does not load, please check that Wekan server has not stopped." maybe it broke ^^