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<abliss> So it looks like the sandstorm http bridge strips off any Authorization headers that the client sends (from within the ui iframe). Is this documented somewhere? Is there a good reason for it? Any way to disable it?
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<syf_z_otchlani> hiya
<abliss> Hi!
<syf_z_otchlani> I'm trying to make the app working
<syf_z_otchlani> wih
<syf_z_otchlani> with this config
<syf_z_otchlani> but I think nginx is not longer used
<syf_z_otchlani> so point 10 doesn't make sense
<abliss> Why do you think nginx is no longer used?
<syf_z_otchlani> can't find its config anywhere on machine with sandstorm installed
<abliss> Currently, as shipped, sandstorm will only terminate SSL if it is using a domain. If you want any other SSL termination, you have to put it behind an nginx reverse proxy.
<abliss> I assume your machine which has sandstorm installed but no nginx either has (a) sandstorm configured to use SSL with a domain; or (b) is not using SSL at all; or (c) has some other reverse proxy set up to terminate the SSL (apache?).
<abliss> (Actually, sandstorm is able to terminate its own SSL more generically, but this has no support or UI or documentation, so it's unlikely to be doing that in your case.)
<syf_z_otchlani> uhm
<syf_z_otchlani> just wanted to make it work, automatic way doesn't work for me because I dont have external IP
<abliss> Can you clarify what you mean by "make it work"?
<syf_z_otchlani> cant connect with https because the browser accepts exception only for main window
<syf_z_otchlani> iframes are never asked and they are in subdomains / wildcards territory
<syf_z_otchlani> so no app is able to run
<abliss> What exception did you put in for the main window? is it using a self-signed cert without a corresponding cert authority?
<syf_z_otchlani> it's still serving it signed with obtained certificate
<abliss> if you have a cert, then you must've been exposed to the internet at some previous time, is that right?
<syf_z_otchlani> I don't know where is the variable stored with link to certs
<syf_z_otchlani> yes, it was automatic install
<abliss> do you have a file at `/opt/sandstorm/sandstorm.conf` ? if so, can you paste its contents?
<syf_z_otchlani> but I can't connect with external hostname, even if I forward ports I don't have my own IP visible from internet
<abliss> i'm guessing you probably need to go back to and set up the nginx reverse proxy before you can set up your self-signed cert.
<syf_z_otchlani> sure, i will paste it
<syf_z_otchlani> SERVER_USER=sandstorm
<syf_z_otchlani> MONGO_PORT=6081
<syf_z_otchlani> PORT=80
<syf_z_otchlani> BASE_URL=https://tuleap.local
<syf_z_otchlani> BIND_IP=
<syf_z_otchlani> WILDCARD_HOST=*.tuleap.local
<syf_z_otchlani> UPDATE_CHANNEL=dev
<syf_z_otchlani> ALLOW_DEV_ACCOUNTS=false
<syf_z_otchlani> SMTP_LISTEN_PORT=25
<syf_z_otchlani> HTTPS_PORT=443
<abliss> yep, see the page I linked above. ESpecially " Make sure there is no HTTPS_PORT=... line, as the HTTPS_PORT=... configuration option enables Sandstorm's auto-renewing free SSL. "
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