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<isd> abliss: re: authorization header, the best reference for what gets filtered is web-session.capnp
<isd> In this case, the reason is basically just that sandstorm expects to handle auth for apps.
<isd> I assume this is related to trying to get riot working?
<abliss> thanks, I see that it "will not be added ever" because "sandstorm handles authentication"
<abliss> yeah, it would mean less digging in the app if i could just let the frontend send what it wanted to the backend. but i'd probaly end up needing to do the digging eventually anyway.
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<abliss> what's the trick TTRSS does to get unfettered network access? i'd like to try using it to tunnel my debugger into the grain while it's running.
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<syf_z_otchlani> yeah, but if I remove HTTPS port all config is still assuming https..
<syf_z_otchlani> Fehler bei der Autorisierung
<syf_z_otchlani> Invalid parameter value for redirect_uri: .local URIs not allowed: https://tuleap.local/_oauth/google
<syf_z_otchlani> Fehler 400: invalid_request
<JacobWeisz[m]> There is a hack to import an HTTPS cert directly into Sandstorm, there's just not a UI for it quite yet. It should be available soon though.
<JacobWeisz[m]> What the current strategy is, is to use HTTP on Sandstorm, but with the https:// URLs in the config, and have the Nginx reverse proxy provide that HTTPS connection.
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