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<isd> Reminder: office hours tomorrow
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<abliss> i managed to get Matrix up and running last night, with autologin using sandstorm credentials, and multiple users chatting with each other inside the grain. No federation or outreaching plugins yet.
<abliss> but i think it's just about up to parity with SandChat (except for a long grain startup time) now
<JacobWeisz[m]> Nice
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<abliss> maybe we can chat on tonight's call about public apis for grains.
<abliss> and/or device drivers for outgoing non-httpGet network calls (e.g. irc)
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<isd> Awesome!
<isd> abliss : add it to the agenda
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<JacobWeisz[m]> Ian, how hard is disabling TLS 1.0/1.1 support?
<isd> Looking at it now. I think it's a one-liner
<isd> Though maybe we should push this into libkj's rather than doing it in sandstorm.
<kentonv> JacobWeisz[m], add `options.minVersion = kj::max(kj::TlsVersion::TLS_1_2, options.minVersion);` around here
<isd> ^ kentonv?
<kentonv> yeah I was about to say that... probably KJ should be updated
<kentonv> to change the default
<kentonv> since KJ claims to automatically choose a non-broken version
<kentonv> we should review the default cipherList too
<kentonv> see if the recommendations have changed
<JacobWeisz[m]> I'd like to close a really old issue about the built in server getting an A or A+ rating, but allowing the old versions caps it at B.
<kentonv> yeah I saw
<kentonv> here I'll update it
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<isd> kentonv: thoughts on un-bundling clang? I think most people's system compilers should be able to handle the C++ we'ere using these days.
<abliss> ok, so i've gotten myself a bit tangled up by switching too often between vagrant-spk and spk. assuming i have all my stuff in .sandstorm/, how does a regular 'spk dev' know to mount the `..` directory as `/opt/app/`? is that defined somewhere? doesn't seem to be in my source map.
<abliss> ok nevermind i got it, my sourceMap was messed up
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<abliss> now having troubles with python venv that show up on a real spk pack, but not in spk dev. Stuff about PYTHONHOME and locale encoding. sound familiar to anyone?
<abliss> `Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>`
<abliss> `# Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]`
<abliss> so, wait, `vagrant-spk dev` expects to be run from the parent dir of `.sandstorm`, but it expects `.sandstorm/sandstorm-pkgdef.capnp` to have a `.` in the source map (referring to the parent dir)? whereas `spk dev` expects to be run in the same dir where `sandstorm-pkgdef.capnp` lives, and `.` refers to that same dir?
<abliss> ... so if you want to mix and match, you have to always pass `spk dev -p.sandstorm/sandstorm-pkgdef.capnp`, is that it?
<JacobWeisz[m]> I think so? The whole .sandstorm directory thing is a vagrant-spk specific convenience.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I didn't think spk even insisted on /opt/app either.
<JacobWeisz[m]> I thought it used wherever you put it in the original file system.
<abliss> i think it just uses /
<JacobWeisz[m]> It might, I think I saw that when entering grains
<abliss> where does vagrant-spk store the /opt/app info?
<JacobWeisz[m]> I am not sure. I found it difficult/frustrating to use spk with an app built for vagrant-spk.
<isd> I believe /opt/app is an artifact of the Vagrantfile. IIRC it's set up as a shared folder, so /opt/app in the VM maps to your working directory on the host.
<isd> It would be nice to bring those more in-line with one another.
<JacobWeisz[m]> That sounds right
<JacobWeisz[m]> The one I find silliest is the different keyring locations.
<isd> Yeah. Maybe we could find a way to migrate vagrant-spk from what it does now to using the same location as raw spk
<isd> Ah, there's comments in the source about the why
<isd> Maybe we should just move spk over using the location used by vagrant-spk, or have it search both locations.
<isd> ..and prefer the one that works with vagrant-spk
<JacobWeisz[m]> vagrant-spk's choices are better, IMHO
<abliss> my vagrant doesn't seem to be port-forwarding into the vm. the vm is running, and sandstorm is listening on 6080 inside, but nothing's listening from the outside (i changed to use host=6090 so as not to conflict with the host). any debugging ideas?
<JacobWeisz[m]> Current vagrant-spk uses 6090 inside, you know.
<isd> Hm, are you running vagrant-spk master?
<abliss> oh yeah, i think i started this one before updating
<abliss> oh wait, i just restarted vagrant and apparently it's using 60808
<abliss> seems to be ignoring my Vagrantfile
<abliss> oops,, no, i was looking at the wrong Vagrantfile buffer! ignore me, sorry
<abliss> so even if you use `spk-dev -p`, you still seem to have the question of what to put as your start command. for spk-dev it should be e.g. `.sandstorm/` but apparently for vagrant-spk it shoudl be `./` ?
<isd> Looks like vagrant-spk runs spk from within the .sandstorm directory
<abliss> (omg, debian stretch still has python 3.5??)
<kentonv> stretch is like 3 years old isn't it?
<JacobWeisz[m]> vagrant-spk should work fine with a newer image. Some stacks might not setup correctly though.
<abliss> has stretch as the newest LTS (2020-2022)
<kentonv> Buster is the latest (released... last year)
<kentonv> dunno why it isn't listed there
<JacobWeisz[m]> And I intend to switch vagrant-spk to buster this year. Haven't done the work yet though.
<abliss> hm, ubuntu 20.04 LTS apparently comes with py3.8
<mokomull> kentonv: because buster's still in the normal support cycle, responsibility for it hasn't been passed onto the LTS team yet
<kentonv> yeah that's what I figured... it _will_ be LTS eventually but it's not yet because it's currently current.
<kentonv> (many other projects label a version as "LTS" immediately upon release)
<mokomull> yeah I have to reverse-engineer the Debian project structure every time I have to do any real sysadmin work on my boxes :P
<simpson> Yep. Can't wait to switch over my last Debian machine.
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