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<abliss> with messages like `go: finding module for package ../../tools/go/pkg/mod/ module found (v0.0.0-20200527224\730-26bbecf00f51), but does not contain package`
<isd> Ah, yeah, if you're not using their bazel build you'll probably have to invoke protoc yourself.
<abliss> i've checked out the 'go' branch which supposedly works with go tooling instead of bazel
<isd> Is the stuff in your repo still representative of the build?
<abliss> no, i haven't pushed anything that actually uses the gvisor code yet, because i haven't been able to get it to work
<isd> I would do a go mod init and then add a replace directive.
<abliss> if i go into the gvisor code, i can build the parts i want with `go build ./pkg/sentry/fsimpl/devpts`
<abliss> but after doing that go mod init in the outer directory, `go mod vendor` dies because of missing protobuf stuff, and everything else dies telling me to run `go mod vendor`
<isd> It would be helpful to see what your current tree looks like. Can you push the broken stuff to a branch so I can see it?
<abliss> pushed to branch gohack
<isd> Also, you could cut out a lot of the boilerplate by using net.Pipe() and io.Copy() instead of your custom relay* functions.
<abliss> oh yeah those are just stubs that will go away, don't worry
<abliss> i tried adding a replace stanza to go.mod. now, `go mod vendor` deletes the vendored code (?!) and then complains that it's missing.
<abliss> ah, i guess the trick is to not manually populate vendor/ but rather let `go mod vendor` do it. wish the docs had told me that.
<abliss> ok, it works now, you can stop looking at my ugly hacks :)
<isd> You can also just update the commit & timestamp in the require clause and get rid of vendor/ entirely.
<abliss> yeah, i was just trying that. seems to work. thanks.
<isd> no problem
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<xet7> abliss: Are you a Go programmer? Can you submit pull request that makes this code to build correctly?
<xet7> abliss: I tried to make it build, but failed
<xet7> I'm just thinking, is coding with Go even possible? My Go code usually just crashes and I can't get those working.
<abliss> i'm not really. i was kinda able to build stuff back in the 1.0 days, but i don't understand any of the new module stuff. Ian Denhardt seems much more capable. what error are you seeing?
<xet7> That's why I think Meteor is best think in the world since sliced bread :D
<xet7> It was maybe about paths or other dependencies
<abliss> ugh, i really dislike docker-only-build projects...
<abliss> trying to hcak a build outside docker, and it complains about a cyclic import (kanban -> cmd -> kanban)
<abliss> s/kanban/kanlab/g
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<isd> xet7: what's the failure you're seeing now?
<xet7> isd: I'll try building it to see it. I'll also check has there been any fixes to the upstream project that was already broken.
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<isd> Observation: there's a go.mod file in the repo, but the Makefile is invoking an ancient version of go that predates go modules.
<xet7> Here someone says they fixed everything in their fork
<xet7> I'm trying to get it built
<xet7> Wow. I typed "make build" and then "go build" and there is executeable with name "kanban" that seems to show CLI options :D
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