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<abliss> `Certificate was successfully renewed!`
<abliss> I am now the proud owner of through Google Domains! I'll send a PR tomorrow and document the process somewhere (github wiki?)
<abliss> thanks for your help and for this awesome feature, kv
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<ill_logic> Huh, did anybody bring up something like this as an idea?
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<ill_logic> Among the things that tie us to major services is that they seem to be the only ones who can survive the onslaught of bots.
<ill_logic> But if you're more low profile, the big guns probably aren't coming after you. Something FOSS could do the trick up to a point.
<ill_logic> So if we're putting analytics suites into Sandstorm, I wonder if we could put in something like this.
<ill_logic> That said, maybe the login screen to Sandstorm itself should have a captcha...
<JacobWeisz[m]> Has anyone had many issues with that on a Sandstorm server yet?
<isd> Since when are we adding analytics?
<ill_logic> Sorry I have a tendency to skip over the key parts.
<ill_logic> I'm saying we have an analytics app in the marketplace.
<isd> Also, visual-only captchas are maybe not the best thing. Sandstorm otherwise has pretty good a11y I'm told...
<isd> Ah, yes.
<isd> Which someone should update.
<ill_logic> So maybe it would be handy to add a capcha app to Sandstorm.
<isd> Ah, that makes way more sense.
<ill_logic> That's all I'm saying. This particular one was just something that was recommended on Hacker News. No opinion on it in particular.
<isd> Yeah, you could totally package it up and generate an offer iframe for the API endpoint.
<ill_logic> Does the analytics one even work? I tried it a while ago and it did not, for me.
<ill_logic> (work anymore; I'm sure it worked at one point)
<isd> I have not tried it since it was actively maintained
<isd> ...way back I experimented with a disqus-like app for sandstorm. I got something kinda working, but couldn't figure out what to do re: auth
<isd> For some reason that's jumping to mind despite me not actually thinking the captcha solves this? dunno.
<JacobWeisz[m]> Piwik app is really old now. I know some people used it actively.
<isd> They've since renamed the project to 'matomo'
<JacobWeisz[m]> Yeah, it's usually a bad sign when our package has a name they haven't used for their app in years. :P
<isd> Last updated september 6th 2016
<isd> Looks like zarvox was the maintainer on that one.
<JacobWeisz[m]> Hey, at least if someone wants to update it, the maintainer is around.
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<syf_z_otchlani> hello
<syf_z_otchlani> I run ss on aws ec2 medium, so I have 4 gig of ram
<syf_z_otchlani> recently the server stops responding, command sudo sandstorm restart helps re-establishing connection
<syf_z_otchlani> anyone knows what can be a problem here?
<isd> Anything interesting in /opt/sandstorm/var/log/sandstorm.log?
<syf_z_otchlani> cant really tell as there are no timestamps in the log??
<syf_z_otchlani> Error: Requested session that no longer exists, and timed out waiting for client to restore it. <-- I don't know if this is significant
<syf_z_otchlani> ** Gateway died! Restarting it...
<syf_z_otchlani> sandstorm/gateway.c++:935: info: Loading TLS key into Gateway
<syf_z_otchlani> corrupted double-linked list
<isd> That sounds relevant.
<isd> Can you open an issue?
<syf_z_otchlani> on github?
<isd> Yes
<syf_z_otchlani> one moment
<syf_z_otchlani> #3324
<isd> Thanks. I'll have a closer look later today.
<abliss> syf_z_otchlani: can you post your sandstorm.conf ?
<abliss> (i agree that this log would be much more informative if it had timestamps. Ian Denhardt: any reason we don't put timestamps in the log?)
<abliss> (I also note that most of the crashes do not have stacktraces, though a couple are SIGABRTs and one is SIGSEGV, and those have stacks... but i'm skeptical whether those stacks will point squarely to what's corrupting the list)
<abliss> syf_z_otchlani: could you also post the output of `sandstorm --version`?
<isd> I agree timestamps in the logs would be a good idea.
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<isd> syf_z_otchlani: Is this a new system that you've just set up? If not, when did this problem start happening.
<JacobWeisz[m]> So like, Ian, is it during the Sandcats check every 1-2 hours his gateway is crashing then?
<JacobWeisz[m]> Or do you think it's completely unrelated?
<isd> kentonv: is there a way to get ekam not to do static linking? I want to try to compile sandstorm with asan instrumentation, but clang doesn't support that for static binaries.
<kentonv> isd, find src -name '*.link-static' | xargs rm
<isd> thanks
<isd> ocdtrekkie: I'm really not sure yet.
<isd> It could be triggered by a periodic thing like that, or it could just be a probabalistic thing and so there's an expected value for how long you go between startup and the thing going wrong.
<isd> The former would be easier to debug. But given that not everybody is seeing this it seems like the latter is more likely. But too soon to tell.
<isd> Grumble. hitting problems building libsodium. Will stare at it more later.