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So I just hit a really bizarre bug affecting my dnd grid app on firefox.
I implemented drag and drop, and when you "drop" a unit onto a different square... the grain pops out of the iframe!
like, the browser reloads the tab with no iframe around the grain.
Doesn't happen in chromium. Page doesn't refresh if I do this not already in the iframe.
Not sure what to make of it.
isd, I'm guessing that when you "drag" from the grain, firefox is interpreting it as dragging a link, and when you drop, it's intepreting it as "please open the link in this window"
it's pretty normal for browsers to interpret dragging and dropping a link into another browser window as "open link here"
if the drag "source" happens to be an <a> element, this seems likely. You may be able to fix it by making it not an <a> element.
That makes a certain amount of sense.
if I'm right, it is still a firefox bug in that normally that behavior shouldn't apply when dragging within a window
(though in this case it's dropping into the same browser window)
It seems to work to use preventDefault() on the drop event.
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pty update: the gvisor codebase includes a bunch of tests for linux's pty functionality, which is awesome. i've managed to build them (ugh, bazel) and can run them with my shim. After a bit of hacking I was even able to make the first one pass. (The second currently hangs, but I'm pretty thrilled with this progress).
(ah, it's hanging because it expects an extra \n to be generated by the line discipline, which is currently still stubbed out. good!)
now I need to figure out how to wire up the go backend daemon (which my LD_PRELOAD shim talks to) to the line discipline and ioctl support provided in the gvisor codebase