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<isd> Does anyone know of any app other than TTRSS that actually uses the http stuff in hack-session.capnp?
<abliss> can't think of one...
<JacobWeisz[m]> Like, Ian, if I said no, would that compel you to work on a modern TTRSS so we could delete hack-session? :P
<JacobWeisz[m]> I'm trying to think...
<JacobWeisz[m]> Nothing else on the app market strikes me as using outgoing web requests.
<isd> I'd love to get a better rss solution in place one way or another.
<isd> But my more immediate thinking is, can we just whitelist that one app id and drop the API for everyone else? I'd really like to get it off of my list of things I have to discourage people from using.
<isd> And it feels otherwise low priority for stuff on that list because it seems like nobody is actually that likely to do it, but also it's a big hole in Sandstorm's intended security guarantees.
<isd> I guess I'd like to kill it sooner rather than later if I can.
<isd> ocdtrekkie: What are TTRSS's salient features for you?
* isd is vaguely considering writing an RSS reader...
<JacobWeisz[m]> TTRSS has very good app support, Ian. There's compatible clients on every OS.
<JacobWeisz[m]> That's the big thing. So if you roll your own you need to be compatible with some client API or another.
<abliss> seems fine to me
<isd> I wonder how complex the API is.
<isd> I'll have to investigate that at some point.
<isd> Yeah, this doesn't look ridiculous to implement.
<isd> I should like, release one of the apps I'm already working on before I start yet another though.
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<isd> Holy crap Jason's fork of ttrss is 10 years out of date.
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<JacobWeisz[m]> But like, I imagine updating TTRSS is less work than writing an RSS reader from scratch?
<abliss> maybe, maybe not
<JacobWeisz[m]> The big thought I had is that TTRSS has the potential to be an excellent test/example for a lot of Sandstorm API features. Since it needs nearly arbitrary HTTP, the Powerbox implementation for approving various domains has to be there. It should implement Cron to check regularly. And of course it presents the API for client apps.
<isd> Yeah.
<isd> I think it would certainly be easier to maintain the port than write & maintain a separate reader with an equivalent feature set.
<isd> From what I'm looking at it might be easier to start the porting work from scratch rather than try to updating Jason's though...